Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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I had this for about a year since I had covid - having to clear my throughout every day many times a day. It may have not been as sever was what some of you herehave experienced, but it was still a reduction in my quality of life. I eventually went to see an ENT and he put a tube up my nasal passage and down my throat, and said the mucus looked very dry. He told me to take Rhinaris 3-4 times a day (over-the-counter here in Canada), and drink a lot of water. I did that, and it started to slowly get better. Then I got covid again, and after I got better from the covid, the phlegm, throat-clearing thing came back, even worse, and with a cough this time. I started using the Rhinaris but was a bit lazy about it, only used it once a day or twice when I remembered. After about 2 months, I got a regular cold, and the long covid completely stopped. Then after the cold ended (after about 5 days), it came back, same or a bit worse maybe. Then I started taking the Rhinaris, but diligently, 3-4 times a day, and drinking tons of water. After a week, the phlegm, throat-clearing, and cough completely went away. It's been about a week now, and it's still gone. One other thing I did during the week with the diligent Rhinaris is took an expectorant a few times - not sure if that helped or not but just wanted to let you know exactly what I took to get to this "cure". I hope this works for others, fell really bad for you all, and hope it ends for everyone.

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Thanks so much for sharing and so glad to hear that this worked for you. I'm desperate to try anything at this point. I'm from the Netherlands and can't find anything similar to Rhinaris so I think I'm gonna buy it via eBay. Did you use the spray or the gel?


I had this for about a year since I had covid - having to clear my throughout every day many times a day. It may have not been as sever was what some of you herehave experienced, but it was still a reduction in my quality of life. I eventually went to see an ENT and he put a tube up my nasal passage and down my throat, and said the mucus looked very dry. He told me to take Rhinaris 3-4 times a day (over-the-counter here in Canada), and drink a lot of water. I did that, and it started to slowly get better. Then I got covid again, and after I got better from the covid, the phlegm, throat-clearing thing came back, even worse, and with a cough this time. I started using the Rhinaris but was a bit lazy about it, only used it once a day or twice when I remembered. After about 2 months, I got a regular cold, and the long covid completely stopped. Then after the cold ended (after about 5 days), it came back, same or a bit worse maybe. Then I started taking the Rhinaris, but diligently, 3-4 times a day, and drinking tons of water. After a week, the phlegm, throat-clearing, and cough completely went away. It's been about a week now, and it's still gone. One other thing I did during the week with the diligent Rhinaris is took an expectorant a few times - not sure if that helped or not but just wanted to let you know exactly what I took to get to this "cure". I hope this works for others, fell really bad for you all, and hope it ends for everyone.

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Thank you for your ‘cure’! I too saw an ENT, Pulmonologist etc. and after 7 months it’s not as bad but nor ‘cured’ either.

Question is, I’ve searched Amazon for Rhinaris you say you took and I’m wondering what form it was? I see nasal sprays and gels.

Please let us know exactly what you used, form, strength, brand. Thank you!


Thank you for your ‘cure’! I too saw an ENT, Pulmonologist etc. and after 7 months it’s not as bad but nor ‘cured’ either.

Question is, I’ve searched Amazon for Rhinaris you say you took and I’m wondering what form it was? I see nasal sprays and gels.

Please let us know exactly what you used, form, strength, brand. Thank you!

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I used the spray - here are the details: Rhinaris Nasal Care, Nasal Mist, Metered-Dose Spray. Active ingredients: polyethylene glycol 15%, and propylene glycol 5% in pH 6.0 solution. Hope that helps!


I used the spray - here are the details: Rhinaris Nasal Care, Nasal Mist, Metered-Dose Spray. Active ingredients: polyethylene glycol 15%, and propylene glycol 5% in pH 6.0 solution. Hope that helps!

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Ty. Hope to get back here and give you a hug!


I am going to try this. I found same ingredients product called Rhinase at in the US.


I will try too. I found Rhinase Allergy Relief Saline Nasal Spray, basically same ingredients as the Rhinaris, but for $15.75 on Amazon. I really worry, my phlegm is really thick, I try not to swallow any because I'm scared it will build up in my lungs.


I used the spray - here are the details: Rhinaris Nasal Care, Nasal Mist, Metered-Dose Spray. Active ingredients: polyethylene glycol 15%, and propylene glycol 5% in pH 6.0 solution. Hope that helps!

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So, yes I do think this helps. It seemed to produce a wetter mucus that could be blown out, and relatively quickly. In fact I avoid the tissue to not get rid of the solution right away. It definitely helped with the extreme dryness. On day 2 though I felt really lightheaded when I bent over to open a lower cabinet door in the middle of the day. Took my blood pressure and it was low. Didn’t think a lot of it or connect it. That night before bed I took my BP again and it was way low, 87/56. I had used 1 spray in each nostril 3 times that day. So I went to and looked it up and low BP is listed as a side effect , albeit rare. I just happen to be really sensitive to meds and have had bad side effects from commonly prescribed drugs.

Since I went straight to bed I don’t know how long my BP remained low but it’s something I may monitor because the stuff definitely worked. I used HealthGuard Cromolyn Sodium Nasal Solution, USP 5.2 mg dose.


Yes!!! All of the same and right after shots…..still dealing…BUT. My magic bullet that put the most of this down is Cromolyn sodium nasal spray ….Amazon……it works…..! I even got the eye formula which is sold under vet medicine but pharmacist told me totally safe for humans. It cleared up my eye problems as well….running eyes and chalazioms….sp?…..the phlegm and choking and constant post nasal…..gone…..I use that spray every day to also clear sinus and brain fog……it’s like my coffee!……you can only get it on Amazon!! Cromolyn is the big gun used in hospitals for covid. I was reading white papers on this and checked out to see if they had it in nasal spray and only Amazon carried it. Checked out w Dr and Pharmacist and they thought that was pretty smart..!…….btw….I am also not having any migraines anymore! Have to wonder if the spray is why??!!! Good luck!

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I posted this response to the wrong comment but here it is for the right one! …

So, yes I do think this helps. It seemed to produce a wetter mucus that could be blown out, and relatively quickly. In fact I avoid the tissue to not get rid of the solution right away. It definitely helped with the extreme dryness. On day 2 though I felt really lightheaded when I bent over to open a lower cabinet door in the middle of the day. Took my blood pressure and it was low. Didn’t think a lot of it or connect it. That night before bed I took my BP again and it was way low, 87/56. I had used 1 spray in each nostril 3 times that day. So I went to and looked it up and low BP is listed as a side effect , albeit rare. I just happen to be really sensitive to meds and have had bad side effects from commonly prescribed drugs.

Since I went straight to bed I don’t know how long my BP remained low but it’s something I may monitor because the stuff definitely worked. I used HealthGuard Cromolyn Sodium Nasal Solution, USP 5.2 mg dose.


I posted this response to the wrong comment but here it is for the right one! …

So, yes I do think this helps. It seemed to produce a wetter mucus that could be blown out, and relatively quickly. In fact I avoid the tissue to not get rid of the solution right away. It definitely helped with the extreme dryness. On day 2 though I felt really lightheaded when I bent over to open a lower cabinet door in the middle of the day. Took my blood pressure and it was low. Didn’t think a lot of it or connect it. That night before bed I took my BP again and it was way low, 87/56. I had used 1 spray in each nostril 3 times that day. So I went to and looked it up and low BP is listed as a side effect , albeit rare. I just happen to be really sensitive to meds and have had bad side effects from commonly prescribed drugs.

Since I went straight to bed I don’t know how long my BP remained low but it’s something I may monitor because the stuff definitely worked. I used HealthGuard Cromolyn Sodium Nasal Solution, USP 5.2 mg dose.

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Great about it helping! I only use it in the morning when I get up! At night I use Flonase…and throughout the day I use Arm and Hammer Simply Saline Nasal Mist. I also use the Nightime one if I’m really congested and I sleep better. I could see if I used the Cromolyn 3 times a day that I also might have a reaction. It’s potent. So using Simply Saline in the car or anytime, is really helpful at keeping the nostrils moisturized in a healthy way. I’m so glad it’s helping you though! Good on you!!!


I have had thick sticky saliva since Covid that will not go away. It gets in the back of my throat and wakes me up at night. I've been to 5 different doctors about it. One cultured my mouth and it came back normal. They are baffled. I notice that if I eat pizza its worse, acid, sodium or dairy maybe? It's worse in the mornings when I get up. It's like foam. I have to scrape my tongue several times a day and rinse with mouth wash and I spit all day long. They call it hypersalivation. I've never had this until Covid. I am also taking a mucus thinner and drinking plenty of water which helps some. Antihistamines help to dry it up some, but, that dries my eyes out which are already dry. Is yours anything like this at all? Praying for you.

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Yes the same! Thick mucus in my throat terrible at night feels like choking. Ian losing a lot of sleep and probably only manage 3hrs nightly. One night I just gave up with having to keep clearing throat and hacking that white sticky stuff that I sat up in bed and read all night while feeling dreadful and trying to sip hot drinks.

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