Anyone had a UTI that is antibiotic resistant?

Posted by sealover101 @sealover101, Mar 26, 2022

Would like to know the latest findings and treatment for IUD that does not respond to antibiotics.

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...good for you that you discovered something that helps. My problem, I think, is because i had ibs-d and after c.diff now have fetal incontinence. How am I supposed to keep that area clean and not allow e.coli to enter my bladder; I wake up through night, urinate, and there is fecal matter coming out... over and over again, day in day out, night time, anytime... it is almost a full time job to keep clean, and the laundry piles another round of Keflex and expect another uti in a couple of months....i have to eat to stay alive but this means bowel movements and seepage... so even if I follow a regime, am sure the F.I. will find a way in there! ugh!


I may have finally found the right thread for my issue. I had rectocele repair surgery 6 weeks ago and three weeks post op I developed a UTI…from gharderella vaginalis. The urogynecologist who did my surgery said it most likely happened from surgery…ironic because this was one of the reasons I had the surgery in the first place…. Took three different antibiotics and none worked. We are now in April and I still have a UTI. I’m getting pretty depressed about it. I see a urologist tomorrow and I’m trying to get him to Mayo to see the uro gynecologist as my uro gynecologist seems to have washed her hands of me. Anyone develop antibiotic resistance UTIs from prolapse surgery?


Yes I had uti, had to have intravenous antibiotics for 2 weeks, ertapenem is the anti that cured it or cipro is very effective
That worked for me
The best


Have any of you used Hiprex after finishing your antibiotics for UTI to reduce bacterial load and prevent another UTI from developing?


I’m not even certain it is still a UTI….now I am wondering if it’s an issue with urethra sling she put in 6 weeks ago…I saw a urology PA this morning who suggested urogynocologist check that out. I am following up with her on that. In the meantime I am trying to get Mayo appointment as I am apprehensive about having her do anymore. And she doesn’t seem to want to help me figure this out.


Whoops, SORRY... I intended to ask a question about UTI. Let me try again!! Does anybody have experience with a UTI infection that is not completely cured after 3 rounds of antibiotics ? Symptoms are improved and culture tests also show better results, but mild discomfort and mild urgency are still there. I'm 80 years old and never had a UTI before. Also throughout my ilfe, I have taken very, very few antibiotics. Other than controlled AFIB my health is good.

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I hear you! Currently after many doses of various antibiotics, I no longer have UTI infections, but still have the discomfort and urgency you describe. Doctors have recommended estrogen cream, vitamin C, mannose-D, cranberry, probiotics and frankly my problem did not go away.
Latest Rx is myrbetriq (mirabegron) which is ok (maybe 80% comfort ). Reducing/eliminating caffeine and alcohol has helped somewhat. The latest solution I researched was alkaline water with 9.5pH. I am pleasantly surprised with this one as feel better. Good luck! I have had all the tests, cystoscopy, CT scan of urinary tract, and kidney biopsy- no abnormalities. Try and water and I am going for a 3rd opinion with a uro-gyn again.


I had recurring UTIs for years. My OB-GYN never commented on it, just kept prescribing anti-biotics each time (all the times) my UTI roared back. Finally, a urologist put me on Bactrim, which I stayed on for years. No one warned me about the dangers of being on an anti-biotic for extended amounts of time.

Finally, the UTI went away, as I learned I had CKD. Since I have no other factors that would cause me to have CKD Stage 3 (Heredity, alcoholism, etc.) one can conclude it was the anti-biotic. No one warned me, but on the other hand, I did finally get rid of the UTI infection. That said, by being obsessive about diet and my GFRs, I have lowered my CKD to Stage 2.

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What is the special diet.


I hear you! Currently after many doses of various antibiotics, I no longer have UTI infections, but still have the discomfort and urgency you describe. Doctors have recommended estrogen cream, vitamin C, mannose-D, cranberry, probiotics and frankly my problem did not go away.
Latest Rx is myrbetriq (mirabegron) which is ok (maybe 80% comfort ). Reducing/eliminating caffeine and alcohol has helped somewhat. The latest solution I researched was alkaline water with 9.5pH. I am pleasantly surprised with this one as feel better. Good luck! I have had all the tests, cystoscopy, CT scan of urinary tract, and kidney biopsy- no abnormalities. Try and water and I am going for a 3rd opinion with a uro-gyn again.

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@pesharko, @sealover101, @susanna82 and all...Hello, my fellow UTI fighters. I had 5 UTIs last year, and 4 the year prior. With one, I developed sepsis and had 2 IV antibiotic infusions that, with oral Cipro did stop those problems. But, I had repeated infections after that and serious antibiotic side effects that created a more difficult life. I was put on prophylactic antibiotics that didn't work either, as I had severe diarrhea and concerns about antibiotic-resistant reactions.

I took matters into my own hands and decided to take the Cipro for the next infection, but as I developed diarrhea, I took Lomotil and an extra Probulin probiotic I take on advice from my Mayo doctor. I get it online at Research Verified. It works! It solved my decades-long IBD and an extra capsule in the morning with a Lomotil stopped the bad reactions to antibiotics.

I added a daily dosage of an anti-UTI supplement, again from Research Verified. I tried it after checking with my doctor and was told it could help and do no harm. Well, understatement of the year! I take that UTI supplement and the Probulin probiotic daily and I am thrilled...IBD is solved. I have had 1 UTI this year since beginning the UTI supplement.

I can't recommend any of this to anyone else, but I can say it definitely works for me. I have almost no UTIs now and when I do I can take the antibiotics throughout the prescription, always at least 10 days, sometimes 14 days. Never 7 days.

I also have frequent sinus infections. Last year, I had sinus surgery due to an infection in my sphenoid sinus that was severe and didn't respond to any antibiotic. Prior to surgery, I used a nasal saline spray with a special antibiotic added. Since surgery, I use a saline solution with an added steroid solution usually added for lung inhalation. I haven't had a sinus infection since adding the steroid solution. It's a game-changer without the usual steroid side effects.

So, fewer infections and fewer antibiotics overall will hopefully aid in the ability of these medicines to help when needed. And, I'm feeling better and healthier.

May you find help on your crazy health journey. Blessings, elizabeth


I have had the same infection for nine months. I had 9 antibiotics in a 6 month span. I still have the same infection, but a new urologist.

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Check for corynebacterium

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