Anyone else experience Weight Gain with long COVID?

Posted by RMS @rinadbq, Oct 8, 2021

I have had ~30 pound weight gain since November 2020 when I initially had COVID. It seems disproportionate to my calorie intake. Any one else with this?

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Hello I had had a nearly identical experience. Have you found any help? I would love to discuss more with you!!

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See my post below.


I am just discovering this group and this thread. I gained a total of 50 pounds after contracting Covid in March of 2021; just one of a ton of symptoms presented by Long Covid. Just started hormone therapy to see if that addresses my out of whack system and the LH weight gain. Looking promising so far.

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Hang in there!!



I found your post. I was curious about long covid and idiopathic weight gain. I had the same issue as you. Disproportionate weight gain from getting sick. Almost seemingly resistant to any exercise or diet modification.

My background is both in allopathic medicine (went to med school) but I was primarily an acupuncturist for 16 years. What the sum total is that I was used to thinking outside the box from regular western medicine answers.

Why I wanted to reach out is to ask if you ever heard of the theory of long covid being the product of microclots? Amyloid fibrin clots. Long story short one of the best over the counter solutions to amyloid fibrin clots is Nattokinase. It's derived from Natto, fermented soybeans.

My own symptoms besides weight loss was extreme fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath. Adrenal fatigue. Constipation.

I've really come a long way, I'm mostly a trainer now. With weight lifting regimen and self care things have gotten way better but it's still not perfect. Do some googling and personal research about nattokinase and amyloid fibrin clotting. I am using this protocol and I'm starting to see results.

I'm reaching out because your post came up when I googled long covid and thought you might benefit from this tip.

Good luck and God bless you.

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What does amyloid fibrin clots have to do with idiopathic weight gain from covid?


Finally I find experiences I can relate to.

I am a healthy middle age female and I've always been on the same weight all my teen-adult life. I did exercise regularly and even lost pregnancy weight pretty quickly after having my kid. I never got tested for Covid but my husband did (he had it twice, different years). I only had a bad cough just for one day, no other symptoms so I assumed I never had it but then the extreme fatigue and headaches started and lasted for like 6 months or more, I also had extreme back pain, maybe kidney stuff? At the same time I started gaining weight very fast (40pounds in 2 months) and have been unable to lose it despite eating extremely healthy and swimming 3 times per week. Like if I move away from the routine, weight starts building up again. I have tested my blood, thyroid, hormonal profile, kidneys and all comes back normal. It really scares me, I have reached 165 pounds in 4 months when I have forever been around 110. Currently even if I try, I cannot exercise the way I used to or I become extremely fatigue, its like my metabolism got screwed.

I was also discussing this with a friend of mine and says she is in a similar situation (she has always been very slim until recent months) she also relates her weight gain with Covid...

I hope this gets investigated to find the cause of it. It really sucks to have no control over my weight anymore.

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Hello have you found any solutions to your symptoms? Experiencing the same symptoms going on 3 years now. Very high level athlete and had to retire from my career because of this. They came on within weeks of receiving the COVID vaccine. 2 boosters and 3 years later and I am worse. Tried going vegan. Tried prescribed diuretics. Only ozone (oxygen) therapy has helped some because it targets inflammation. I want my life back. Has anyone found any solutions that help or actual guidance from medical providers??


I am just discovering this group and this thread. I gained a total of 50 pounds after contracting Covid in March of 2021; just one of a ton of symptoms presented by Long Covid. Just started hormone therapy to see if that addresses my out of whack system and the LH weight gain. Looking promising so far.

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Feeling your pain! Experiencing the same symptoms and such a heavy progression. Can you keep me updated on your progress with hormone therapy? I tried HRT last year but experienced more weight gain so stopped after 2 or 3 months. Been considering trying again since my T levels are at a 5 (was at a 3 two years ago).


What does amyloid fibrin clots have to do with idiopathic weight gain from covid?

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If you read the medical literature (research papers etc). Long Covid symptoms, which weight gain can be a symptom in some, is theorized to be based on this phenomena of micro clotting. Most people think weight gain is purely a function of caloric consumption. When in fact issues like metabolic syndrome, inflammatory issues, can cause a disproportionate weight gain.
Friend, if you had the excess burden from a constellation of micro clots peppered throughout your body (hypothetically). How efficient would your body's function be? Not to mention something as simple as the burden on your respiratory system. It's a insult to your circulatory system first but an additional, rather large wound that would need to be addressed. People often don't lose weight when their systems are highly inflamed.
Google long covid and amyloid fibrin clots.


If you read the medical literature (research papers etc). Long Covid symptoms, which weight gain can be a symptom in some, is theorized to be based on this phenomena of micro clotting. Most people think weight gain is purely a function of caloric consumption. When in fact issues like metabolic syndrome, inflammatory issues, can cause a disproportionate weight gain.
Friend, if you had the excess burden from a constellation of micro clots peppered throughout your body (hypothetically). How efficient would your body's function be? Not to mention something as simple as the burden on your respiratory system. It's a insult to your circulatory system first but an additional, rather large wound that would need to be addressed. People often don't lose weight when their systems are highly inflamed.
Google long covid and amyloid fibrin clots.

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Thanks for your info going to research this further. I ordered this on Amazon. Do you think this may help with the weight gain issue?

Nattokinase Supplement 4,000 FU Servings, 120 Capsules (Derived from Japanese Natto) Systemic Enzymes for Overall and Circulatory Support (Manufactured in The USA) by Double Wood



I found your post. I was curious about long covid and idiopathic weight gain. I had the same issue as you. Disproportionate weight gain from getting sick. Almost seemingly resistant to any exercise or diet modification.

My background is both in allopathic medicine (went to med school) but I was primarily an acupuncturist for 16 years. What the sum total is that I was used to thinking outside the box from regular western medicine answers.

Why I wanted to reach out is to ask if you ever heard of the theory of long covid being the product of microclots? Amyloid fibrin clots. Long story short one of the best over the counter solutions to amyloid fibrin clots is Nattokinase. It's derived from Natto, fermented soybeans.

My own symptoms besides weight loss was extreme fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath. Adrenal fatigue. Constipation.

I've really come a long way, I'm mostly a trainer now. With weight lifting regimen and self care things have gotten way better but it's still not perfect. Do some googling and personal research about nattokinase and amyloid fibrin clotting. I am using this protocol and I'm starting to see results.

I'm reaching out because your post came up when I googled long covid and thought you might benefit from this tip.

Good luck and God bless you.

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I had COVID October 2022. It lasted 10 days and I was not hospitalized. I’ve had all those same symptoms. Fatigue, which can hit suddenly, memory issues, shortness of breath and constipation. My doctor recommended Milk of Magnesia and it had helped a lot. I had knee replacement surgery a year ago. Now I’ve developed a swelling on the inside of that knee. Had xray and MRI which show nothing unusual. The doctor says it’s fatty tissue buildup. I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced fatty tissue buildup?


Thanks for your info going to research this further. I ordered this on Amazon. Do you think this may help with the weight gain issue?

Nattokinase Supplement 4,000 FU Servings, 120 Capsules (Derived from Japanese Natto) Systemic Enzymes for Overall and Circulatory Support (Manufactured in The USA) by Double Wood

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I don't know for certain. As I posted above, the theories about microclots causing a constellation of symptoms is one that is an educated guess. A theory. If it is true then nattokinase would be one of the few over the counter solutions. I'm not trying to make false promises but it seems like it's worth a try. I am certainly right there with you and trying this protocol on myself too.


I don't know for certain. As I posted above, the theories about microclots causing a constellation of symptoms is one that is an educated guess. A theory. If it is true then nattokinase would be one of the few over the counter solutions. I'm not trying to make false promises but it seems like it's worth a try. I am certainly right there with you and trying this protocol on myself too.

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Thanks so much. How is the nattokinase supplement working for you? Did you mention experiencing this same unexplained weight gain/inflammation due fluid retention and exercise intolerance as well?

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