Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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This thread is so helpful! It seems that I am part of the “it’s starting in my throat” crowd, not the GERD/food crowd. I had COVID in January and the throat/PND/coughing is a real quality of life problem. I have been taking daily Claritin. It seems that when I STOP taking the Claritin, the symptoms get worse, but they certainly don’t go away with it. Sudafed is a bad choice for a long term treatment, although it works in the short term.

Has anyone noticed that the coughing actually is the STARTING point and that the more you cough, the more mucus seems to be generated? I can be perfectly normal and then out of nowhere, a tickle in my throat starts a chain reaction. My other observation is that coughing/tickle start when I lay down. Every night is a challenge until I can get to sleep (then no problem until I wake up).

I would love to hear more from people who have recovered or are improving. Thanks!!


I am finally back to normal. Mine started 2/01/23 with covid. I keep a symptom journal and what I do to relieve it. I was 90% better 4/1, then wrote 92% - 4/2, 97% - 4/3, and 98% - 4/4. Then I pretty much forgot all about the phlegm for five days until it was a little noticeable 3 days ago. It might also be two steps forward, one step back. I haven't noticed it the past 3 days, so hopefully it is over for good.
The point is that it might take a while, but you will get better! Keep a journal so you will know how far you have come.

If this is similar to what we are experiencing, I am just thankful that this "gummy" phlegm is in the throat area, and not in our lungs. Scientists are developing something that could help with this, hopefully sooner than later. I know how crazy this feeling is in your throat. I really want to encourage you all that you will get through this! Hugs.


I am finally back to normal. Mine started 2/01/23 with covid. I keep a symptom journal and what I do to relieve it. I was 90% better 4/1, then wrote 92% - 4/2, 97% - 4/3, and 98% - 4/4. Then I pretty much forgot all about the phlegm for five days until it was a little noticeable 3 days ago. It might also be two steps forward, one step back. I haven't noticed it the past 3 days, so hopefully it is over for good.
The point is that it might take a while, but you will get better! Keep a journal so you will know how far you have come.

If this is similar to what we are experiencing, I am just thankful that this "gummy" phlegm is in the throat area, and not in our lungs. Scientists are developing something that could help with this, hopefully sooner than later. I know how crazy this feeling is in your throat. I really want to encourage you all that you will get through this! Hugs.

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Thank you for your observations and interesting article. I am 🤞over the dry cough and phlegm. I reported on this thread that I am taking 10 mg of Amitriotyline daily. Maybe the 4 month cough was just ready to give up. At any rate, I am so thankful. Don’t give up. This too shall pass.


Has anyone found what to use to stop the throat tickle especially at night. Sinus pressure and phlegm has been almost unbearable.
Now testing negative for Covid but Covid also affected my eating, only able to eat small meals and more frequently.


Has anyone found what to use to stop the throat tickle especially at night. Sinus pressure and phlegm has been almost unbearable.
Now testing negative for Covid but Covid also affected my eating, only able to eat small meals and more frequently.

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I am using Asteline Spray. It is a prescription antihistamine for all of this sticky saliva in the back of my throat and salt water rinses. I have been battling this for months post Covid. I hope this helps you. God Bless.


I'm so sorry. I sincerely empathize. I am still battling thick, excessive sticky saliva since Covid last year. I choke on it at night sometimes. It gets stuck in the back of my throat. Metallic taste in mouth, bad breath. What I can get up out of back of throat is white like sour cream. I have been to my primary, ENT, Dentist, Infectious Disease & Dermatologist. Culture of mouth comes back negative. B12 was low and injections helped with metallic taste, but, didn't eradicate the thick, slimy saliva. Staying hydrated. Got off sugar. Tongue (after brushing/scraping off excessive saliva) in morning is white. I scrape my tongue 6-7 times a day to get rid of the sticky saliva. I have to spit all day long because of excessive saliva. I am convinced this thick stuff that goes down my throat is causing recurrent bronchitis. Never had this until Covid. Doctors are baffled. Any suggestions? Thank you and God bless.

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I have ha the same issue with no help and just recently I tested positive for Candida albicans

Ask about that early on be cause now I had C Albicans with biofilm


Have you tried Guaifenesin? I have the same problem. I just got over COVID and have the same issues as you. This product really helps.


I have ha the same issue with no help and just recently I tested positive for Candida albicans

Ask about that early on be cause now I had C Albicans with biofilm

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How were you tested for candida ablicans with biofilm? They did a mouth culture and nothing came back except normal mouth bacteria. Thank you and God bless you.


Have you tried Guaifenesin? I have the same problem. I just got over COVID and have the same issues as you. This product really helps.

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Yes I have. I had to come off of it due to cataract surgery, but, I am going to give it another try. It seemed to help a little. Thank you.


How were you tested for candida ablicans with biofilm? They did a mouth culture and nothing came back except normal mouth bacteria. Thank you and God bless you.

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Sorry I did not communicate correctly, I get a test for the Biofilm I just have it everywhere, even over my fingernails.

I had to beg for the culture even though I don’t even have my own arm hairs I’ve been to six different doctors insane

I do have a crown in my mouth and the teeth have bothered me and then developers for two years after reading some of this I’m gonna get it taken out. I’m on an anabiotic for the avatars and I tried to clean biofilm off yesterday and it just came right back I can’t even moisturize my face. How do you guys cope with this?

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