Cirrhosis of the Liver: What to expect when waiting for a transplant?

Posted by mylifebe4u @mylifebe4u, Nov 7, 2022

Hello - This is my first time to do this; however, I'm looking for some possible advice. I am 54 and have always been very healthy. I started feeling bad back at the end of May when I decided to go to an Urgent Care center to be looked at. They took blood and when I received the results, it said that my Liver levels were in critical state and to go see a Dr. I did. They took more blood, did an Ultra Sound (which was normal), did a CT scan and did a Biopsy. The results: Stage 4 cirrhosis of the Liver. They have no explanation as to how I got it. I don't drink, it's not hereditary and I'm not over weight. It's now November. They referred me down to a larger University Hospital to see a better specialist; however, I cannot get in until Dec. 8th! I am scared! How long can I last waiting to be seen? What should I do in the mean time? I did some reading and I have cut almost everything out of my diet and with that, I am feeling a whole lot better but I know I still need a Transplant and need to get in. I'm (and my husband & family) are going crazy waiting. Would really appreciate and and all help. Thank you!

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Hope you can translate this in English the Reason I ask you to this because my primary lenguaje is Spanish.
La HIPERTENCION produce encefalopatía la razón es que la sangre buena no te llega con buen flujo debido a la alta presión arterial el ascetitis es acúmulo de agua debido también a la hipertensión y la cirrosis CONTROLA la sal no soy doctor pero leo mucho las causas producidas por lo que tenemos fase 4 no es mucha en mi caso llegue al estado 7 o más no estoy seguro pero lo que me paso es que me salió CANCER al hígado y eso hizo que me hicieran el aa transplante de hígado hoy como tú dices pido a DIOS y doy gracias por el día a día de vida q el me da continua siguiendo las direcciones de los doctores y claro dejaré saber Mi próxima resolución con el doctor

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@arqui02000, feel free to continue to post in Spanish. English speakers can see the auto-translation of your posts into English just like you can see this post of mine in Spanish. 🙂


I had same problem and with a cancerous tumor in the in New York at Madison and 98th street helped me. After they gave me a procedure to kill the tumor 4 mos.later another one appeared. Dr.put me on transplant list immediately. I did have one 2 yes ago to the date.go see the liver dept at Mt Sinai they are fabulous!


I had a Fibrosure blood test that indicated that I had F 4 Cirrhosis. I have read online that this is a highly reliable test for cirrhosis. Does anyone know anything about the Fibrosure test? I am scheduled to have an MRI, blood tests and liver biopsy at Mayo soon. I have also read that the Fibroscan test is more reliable than a biopsy in diagnosing cirrhosis because the Fibroscan gives the "big picture" of the liver while the biopsy only tests a small sample of the liver. Does anyone know anything about this?

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Hello, I am new to this site and looking for someone to talk to about my new diagnosis of cirrhosis of the liver. I found out for sure on Feb 13,2023 that it was indeed stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver. I can't tell you how scared I am to hear those words, especially when I don't drink. Unfortunately, I was one of the unlucky ones to get a unrelated alcoholic fatty liver. I had two bariatric surgeries first was the sleeve it was done in 2013 for being overweight and many other health related issues. Then in 2021 I had the gastric bypass (also known as Roux-en-y to help for Gerd.
I am hoping telling my story I can help someone else be able to open up and not be afraid to tell there's. I'm a 56 year old female married for 40 years with 3 grown children 2 girls, and 1 boy with a total of 11 grandchildren who I want to watch grow up and have children of their own one day. I truly hope my liver specialist can make that happen at least for the next 10-20 years. With the grace of the good Lord above he will.
Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day!


Hello, I am new to this site and looking for someone to talk to about my new diagnosis of cirrhosis of the liver. I found out for sure on Feb 13,2023 that it was indeed stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver. I can't tell you how scared I am to hear those words, especially when I don't drink. Unfortunately, I was one of the unlucky ones to get a unrelated alcoholic fatty liver. I had two bariatric surgeries first was the sleeve it was done in 2013 for being overweight and many other health related issues. Then in 2021 I had the gastric bypass (also known as Roux-en-y to help for Gerd.
I am hoping telling my story I can help someone else be able to open up and not be afraid to tell there's. I'm a 56 year old female married for 40 years with 3 grown children 2 girls, and 1 boy with a total of 11 grandchildren who I want to watch grow up and have children of their own one day. I truly hope my liver specialist can make that happen at least for the next 10-20 years. With the grace of the good Lord above he will.
Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day!

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Welcome, @mstorch82. I moved your message to this existing discussion about stage 4 cirrhosis:
- Cirrhosis of the Liver

You can click the link to read through previous posts and easily connect with fellow members like @tamaralynnjordan @athenalee @jeanne5009 @rose999 @contentandwell @maw90455 @mylifebe4u and @jazzmanfla among others.

I can imagine that hearing stage 4 scares you to death. You're not alone. This is all so new to you. You must have many questions you'd like to ask. What is on your mind today?


@mstorch82, I want to add my Welcome. I can understand your overwhelming feeling and fear of learning that you have cirrhosis. Telling our stories and sharing experiences is how many of us can receive and give support to each other. On Connect, we are fortunate to be able to do that from the comfort of our own home at any time of the day or night. I'm glad that you have joined us. I hope that you have taken the opportunity to check the links that Colleen shared in the previous message because you are not alone with your current situation.
I also was diagnosed with a liver disease that was not related to alcohol consumption. Liver disease can occur for many reasons and can be different for everyone. Mine was a progressive rare liver disease that I lived with for nearly 8 years before I received my successful transplant in 2009, at age 60. I was under the care of a wonderful Gastroenterologist until he referred me to a liver transplant center for next level of care. That occurred when it was time to be listed ofr a transplant.

@mstorch82, With your recent diagnosis, What kind of treatment or monitoring are you getting? Have you been seen by a liver specialist?


I had to wait over a year after I was on the list. I was starting to slowly slip into a coma when they called me.
Good Luck just think positive it will happen.


I had to wait over a year after I was on the list. I was starting to slowly slip into a coma when they called me.
Good Luck just think positive it will happen.

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@trantplant2022, Hi and Welcome to Connect! I am going to guess that you received your liver transplant in 2022. Everyone of us recipients has had a unique experience, and I expect that you have a very interesting experience prior to your transplant.

How long ago was your transplant? If you are comfortable, would you tell us more about your transplant experience? How did you manage hold onto positive thoughts?


@trantplant2022, Hi and Welcome to Connect! I am going to guess that you received your liver transplant in 2022. Everyone of us recipients has had a unique experience, and I expect that you have a very interesting experience prior to your transplant.

How long ago was your transplant? If you are comfortable, would you tell us more about your transplant experience? How did you manage hold onto positive thoughts?

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Yes I had a liver transplant December 01,2022
I was told that the operation was 8 hrs long and all went well.
As for my post transplant I'm doing well, with the exception of constant pain in my left chest. I was told that it is from scar tissue. I'm still doing tests.


Good morning and welcome. I too was diagnosed with a non-alcohol related liver disease. I had/have (as my disease was not cured. My liver transplant was part of the treatment plan, not a cure). Primary biliary cholangitis. An autoimmune disorder that attacks the biliary system. It is very scary to be told you have a non-curable disease and may require a transplant at some point. My disease is progressive and not all patients require a transplant. Most do not. Mine progressed very rapidly. There is still such a stigma around liver disease. Right away people think you must have been a heavy drinker, overweight etc. I'm sure your doctor's are on top of it and you will receive your new liver soon. And once you receive your new liver you can make some lifestyle adjustments and see your beautiful grandchildren graduate and get married and maybe even great grandchildren. I wish you all the very best and will add you to my prayers. God bless you. 🙏


Hello, I am new to this site and looking for someone to talk to about my new diagnosis of cirrhosis of the liver. I found out for sure on Feb 13,2023 that it was indeed stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver. I can't tell you how scared I am to hear those words, especially when I don't drink. Unfortunately, I was one of the unlucky ones to get a unrelated alcoholic fatty liver. I had two bariatric surgeries first was the sleeve it was done in 2013 for being overweight and many other health related issues. Then in 2021 I had the gastric bypass (also known as Roux-en-y to help for Gerd.
I am hoping telling my story I can help someone else be able to open up and not be afraid to tell there's. I'm a 56 year old female married for 40 years with 3 grown children 2 girls, and 1 boy with a total of 11 grandchildren who I want to watch grow up and have children of their own one day. I truly hope my liver specialist can make that happen at least for the next 10-20 years. With the grace of the good Lord above he will.
Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day!

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I was diagnosed stage 3 via the fibroscan and had MRI - no tumors found. Did upper endoscopy looking for ascites (sp). None found. I have a genetic disease called alpha 1 antitripsan deficiency that can cause liver and lung problems. If I’m deficient they can do infusions. I thought my life was about over. As it is now, I keep having to put out medically related “fires”. So in that respect I’ve been preoccupied. I have to find another liver doctor. I’m scared to learn what he will tell me. Its very frightening. With so many health issues, I’m not sure I’m gonna come out ahead of it all. I’m feeling my mortality. I’m sorry this isn’t a very helpful post. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone. Mine was found a couple of years ago.

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