Micro Clots

Posted by leahodell @leahodell, Mar 1, 2023

Have any of the Long Covid members been involved in reviewing the concept of microclots, as an explanation for ongoing symptoms following infection with Covid 19?

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spring of 2022. It is my understanding that it takes
an extra super invention microscope and lab....very rare facilities...only handful in USA. Standard anticoagulant therapies have no effect. HOPING FOR NEW INFO!!!

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Google BC-007 and read about Berlin Cures. I think the University in Germany has come up with a potential cure for this. They have done some trials but aren't on the market yet and we are hopeful that by third quarter this year it will be.


Google BC-007 and read about Berlin Cures. I think the University in Germany has come up with a potential cure for this. They have done some trials but aren't on the market yet and we are hopeful that by third quarter this year it will be.

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Thank you so much for posting this ! It’s the first research of which I’ve read that really sounds like it’s getting at the root of this syndrome.


For what it's worth, I've been dealing with long covid since last June, and I've been on anticoagulants for over 15 years (after a Pulmonary Embolism). Someone on this site mentioned weeks ago that their MD said that existing anticoagulants didn't work against micro clots. I'm not sure how that MD came to that conclusion and/or whether that commenter was an accurate reporter.

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That person would be correct if they were talking about just taking one anticoagulant alone. The LC patients that have been fortunate enough to be able to get the testing done for proof, which is a blood test, however, it has to be sent to labs that have the equipment to be able to detect them along with hyperactivated platelets through special equipment and microscopes that most labs do not have... at least here in the US. These patients are on dual and triple therapies to tackle these things. Dual which would consist of an anticogulant AND an antiplatelet. Then, there are some that are on multiple types of anticoagulants with an antiplatelet. The good news is that it seems to clear them up for the most part, but bad news seems to be that whenever treatment is stopped, they come right back. I believe the research is mainly in South Africa and Germany at the moment. However, I have been hearing from LC patients in the US that very few doctors are actually getting it done for their patients somehow. Wishing everyone good luck and hope that the testing becomes widely available to all that needs it, eventually and sooner rather than later because even patients that are on only one anticoagulant that may be dealing with microclots are still at a higher risk for strokes and heart attacks. Remember, anticoagulants greatly reduces chances of more clots (ones that we can see on CT and ultrasound), but it doesn't take away the risk completely and those with mircroclots are at a higher risk even on only one anticoagulant alone.


I have verified microclots and am currently going through treatment (Eliquis, Plavix, Aspirin). Happy to answer any questions.

There is a pre print out of South Africa on Research Square with an n=91 titled “Treatment of Long COVID symptoms with triple anticoagulant therapy“ that may be of interest.


I am also intrigued by these findings. Does anyone know what test is best for detecting microclots in the lungs? And is treatment with anticoagulants warranted? I've discussed this issue with my pulmonologist. He wants to send me for ventilation/perfusion scans (VQ scans) before starting any treatment, but I'm not sure these tests are able to show capillary microclots. Any comments and/or links to relevant articles would be appreciated. Thank you.

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Please look up Dr. Jordan Vaughn in Alabama. He’s treating me for this currently.


I have verified microclots and am currently going through treatment (Eliquis, Plavix, Aspirin). Happy to answer any questions.

There is a pre print out of South Africa on Research Square with an n=91 titled “Treatment of Long COVID symptoms with triple anticoagulant therapy“ that may be of interest.

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How did you finally get diagnosed with microclots? I am tired of being gaslit.


How did you finally get diagnosed with microclots? I am tired of being gaslit.

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MedHelp clinic in Birmingham Alabama. They do virtual appointments and will order the bloodwork to check for microclots


Please look up Dr. Jordan Vaughn in Alabama. He’s treating me for this currently.

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How is your treatment going? I got my test results back and I am a 4 out of 4. Have a zoom apt on Monday to discuss treatment plan.


My research had indicated familiar anti-clotting meds
were ineffective against microclots because they set up protein barriers against medical. Also that it takes a very rare specialized microscope, only a few in the whole USA to detect
them. How has this now all
become available????

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