Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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Rachel, thank you for all the good information! I found the video very interesting. The presenter is very good at explaining everything. It makes perfect sense. I also found it very validating (!) to hear how sensations can last way past the sensory input. My body overreacts to meds long term all the time. For example, one dose of a med or supplement can cause intense pins and needles for two weeks. Some doctors will just say that's impossible because the half life is 4 hours. My response is always that it obviously triggered an issue with my hereditary neuropathy that doesn't stop when the med wears off.

After a laparoscopic removal of ovaries, my surgeon told me I had a nerve disorder because I should have only had 1-2 days of moderate pain not 2.5 weeks of unbearable pain. It was horrible. Same thing happened with my C-section for a month. I told him he was right, but I already knew that. Now he was a believer. And pain meds do nothing for my pain, just cause side effects.

Re-conditioning every aspect of the whole body seems like sound advice to make everything as good as it can be (for anyone). It sounds like his 3 week program is at Mayo which is not close to everyone. If I get to the point of pain 24/7 rather than sporadic, this is encouraging that local pain centers may offer alternative programs.

Like the last commenter, no alcohol, caffeine or smoking for me. I only drink water -- 40 years now. My eating habits are not as pure, but I have several disorders including neuro limiting food selection. I do eat sugar, but I recently went completely off for a month and still had the internal vibrations the whole month. Absolutely can't sleep on a no sugar diet. I was miserable and exhausted the whole month. Sugar provides my sleepies at night. Feel much better, heart rate back up to normal (it was scary), etc. now that I have had some sugar the past few days. My diabetes won't like it, but I actually feel much better. Can't take metformin as it causes non-stop pins and needles. I feel like I'm having a stroke with it. Second med I tried caused hypoglycemic episodes so I stopped sugar trying to see if I could control blood sugar with diet alone. Improved, but my body still overreacted. One piece of keto toast and 1/4 apple sent my blood sugar too high. My diabetes is caused by a cancer med I'm taking and it causes a bizarre pattern according to my endocrinologist. Back to the drawing board on how to control my diabetes.

I know I'm off topic here, but I also lost my sense of taste a few years ago so sweet, salty, spicy is all I can detect, no flavor at all. No idea what I'm eating -- cardboard. Salty with no flavor is yuk. Can't have spicy due to GERD. Sweet foods are my only eating pleasure and it was depressing without sugar. Can't tolerate artificial sweeteners. I'm not promoting sugar for everyone as there are some issues for me that are worse with it. Generally speaking, it's unhealthy, but for me, I feel better overall. Sometimes it's about the lesser of two evils.

I definitely suggest anyone with neuro disorders try giving up caffeine. For me, it causes neuropathic pain, RLS, fasciculations, muscle cramps, severe hand tremors, GERD and insomnia. It also triggers my afib (a side effect from a different cancer drug). Even a piece of chocolate (especially dark) is bad. I'm very sensitive to it.

The good news is despite all the medical issues and restrictions, I'm happy and still enjoying life every day. I'm grateful to still be here. I treat what I can and just roll with the rest of it. It's nice to interact with my peeps on Mayo connect so I don't bother friends and family who can't relate. I also learn things here. It was a valuable find. Thanks for listening. Best to all of you.


I have had these internal tremors on and off for many years. I feel it can be from Lyme disease as I was tested and found to be positive.
I also drink a lot of diet soda which contains a lot of caffeine. Sometimes I feel this could be contributing to
the tremors. I am trying to cut down and drink more water, to see if it helps.

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I basically changed my diet to whole foods. NOTHING processed. I started with bacon and eggs for breakfast and green tea. I lost 4 kg very quickly.

Diet soda really messes with you gut bacteria. I will never drink one of those again.

To make water more palatable, a squeeze of lemon and a pinch of salt.

Took me many weeks before I reset my system by not having coffee any more.


My first posting, mistake, I thought it was reply to a persons individual post but I see it was under the complete listing. It was for the posting where someone was drinking a lot of diet soda.


I have been recently diagnosed with a Parkinson like disease called Progressive
Super Nuclear palsy(PSP) and I have these internal tremors and am very anxious. Help!!


I basically changed my diet to whole foods. NOTHING processed. I started with bacon and eggs for breakfast and green tea. I lost 4 kg very quickly.

Diet soda really messes with you gut bacteria. I will never drink one of those again.

To make water more palatable, a squeeze of lemon and a pinch of salt.

Took me many weeks before I reset my system by not having coffee any more.

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Thank you I am trying to cut down on diet soda.


I have been recently diagnosed with a Parkinson like disease called Progressive
Super Nuclear palsy(PSP) and I have these internal tremors and am very anxious. Help!!

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Have you made an appointment at Mayo?


I have had these internal tremors on and off for many years. I feel it can be from Lyme disease as I was tested and found to be positive.
I also drink a lot of diet soda which contains a lot of caffeine. Sometimes I feel this could be contributing to
the tremors. I am trying to cut down and drink more water, to see if it helps.

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The vibrations I had in my legs developed into the leg nerve pain I have had for several years. I also have neuropathy in my feet, which is slightly different. I take gabapentin.I am diabetic 2 and have degerative disc that was found through x ray,mri, when I went to my dr. for ankle stiffness and tenderness. I have a fluttering in my chest some mornings that is like butterflys fliting around.
Possible anxiety im told since I have GAD anxiety.
Hopefully not a heart issue. I have been advised to get a stress test even though ekg came out ok 3 digferent times. I cannot walk treadmill as neuropathy and bad back.Also my uncle died from a stress test around my age mid 70s.


I have been recently diagnosed with a Parkinson like disease called Progressive
Super Nuclear palsy(PSP) and I have these internal tremors and am very anxious. Help!!

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Hi @tgheath -- I'm sorry to hear that. That must be scary. Is your neurologist a Parkinson's and movement disorder specialist? It's a sub-specialty and there are many. You want someone with the most experience. My best to you.


The vibrations I had in my legs developed into the leg nerve pain I have had for several years. I also have neuropathy in my feet, which is slightly different. I take gabapentin.I am diabetic 2 and have degerative disc that was found through x ray,mri, when I went to my dr. for ankle stiffness and tenderness. I have a fluttering in my chest some mornings that is like butterflys fliting around.
Possible anxiety im told since I have GAD anxiety.
Hopefully not a heart issue. I have been advised to get a stress test even though ekg came out ok 3 digferent times. I cannot walk treadmill as neuropathy and bad back.Also my uncle died from a stress test around my age mid 70s.

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Sounds like just anxiety . Try not to worry . I know its hard. I went through a lot of anxiety . now I feel it is just a waste of time.


I have Addison's Disease. I got COVID for the first time this past December. I began having severe tremors during COVID that began with smaller internal vibrations. There's a study being done on the rare COVID side effect of these vibrations and tremors.

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