Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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I have Addison's Disease. I got COVID for the first time this past December. I began having severe tremors during COVID that began with smaller internal vibrations. There's a study being done on the rare COVID side effect of these vibrations and tremors.

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Interesting about the study being done on the vibrations and tremors. I experience them too and am curious as to what they will find.


For a while I was having a vibration like a beeper or cell phone in the middle (vertically) and outside of my left thigh.
I have 'sever cervical degenerative disc disease issues and lumbars 1,2 and 3 have bulges. So I am LOADED with neuropathy, neuralgia, and radiculopathy.
And I recently posted about my shakes and tremors.


Interesting about the study being done on the vibrations and tremors. I experience them too and am curious as to what they will find.

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Hi, can you pse tell me which study is that I am going crazy with this inner tremors/ vibrations that make my blood pressure rise also and nobody knows why, been to Neurologist, Endo, Internist , done MRI, MRA. Sonograms etc NOTHING 😩


Hi, can you pse tell me which study is that I am going crazy with this inner tremors/ vibrations that make my blood pressure rise also and nobody knows why, been to Neurologist, Endo, Internist , done MRI, MRA. Sonograms etc NOTHING 😩

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Have you had COVID?


Yes , I have been fighting with vibrations in my lower back, pelvis and down my legs ! It just comes in and takes off who knows how or why . I can't lay down or sit to try and pop my back ! I feel it in my feet as well and at times it's hard to walk . Doctor say oh , it's anxiety but nothing helps or subsidies the vibrations !


Have you had COVID?

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no have not had covid and i am not vaccinated either


For a while I was having a vibration like a beeper or cell phone in the middle (vertically) and outside of my left thigh.
I have 'sever cervical degenerative disc disease issues and lumbars 1,2 and 3 have bulges. So I am LOADED with neuropathy, neuralgia, and radiculopathy.
And I recently posted about my shakes and tremors.

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Isn’t that interesting? I’ve had the same vibrations of which you speak, however, mine are always at hip range and lasts for only a second or two! It doesn’t seem to happen very often, but when it does, it feels like a cell phone vibration. Then I realize that my phone isn’t even on me. It doesn’t happen often enough for me take any concern though because I just figured it was some kind of, “body quirk” that just happens as we age. If anyone finds anything else on this, please let me know, as I’m new to this site?


Isn’t that interesting? I’ve had the same vibrations of which you speak, however, mine are always at hip range and lasts for only a second or two! It doesn’t seem to happen very often, but when it does, it feels like a cell phone vibration. Then I realize that my phone isn’t even on me. It doesn’t happen often enough for me take any concern though because I just figured it was some kind of, “body quirk” that just happens as we age. If anyone finds anything else on this, please let me know, as I’m new to this site?

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Hi @idazoner1 -- I often think I feel cell phone vibrations, but when I reach down and touch my phone (I keep it clipped on my waistband for easy access) it's not vibrating and I don't have any recent messages. My son told me that is a common phenomenon with people kind of like how you still feel like you're on a boat after you get off, or feel the waves after you leave the ocean, etc. I think our brain gets stuck repeating sensations it felt earlier.

I just googled it and: Phantom vibration is the perception that one's cell phone is vibrating when it's not. It is characterized as a tactile hallucination since the brain perceives a sensation that is not present. 9 out of 10 people that carry a cell phone get them. Good news -- it's normal!!!

P.S. Brief phantom cell phone vibrations are not to be confused with the non-stop tuning fork vibrations we get with neuropathy or possibly other medical conditions. I get non-stop vibrations with neuropathy for days, weeks or months and it's annoying.


Your symptoms sound exactly what I have been experiencing since April 2020. I have gone to cardiologist and went through many test….nothing! Then went to two Neurologist and again they couldn’t find anything physically wrong. Every time they asked if I was anxious and yes I’m anxious about these vibrations. It wasn’t until I read an article on Long Haul Covid that I saw people with identical symptoms. What a relief!! I’ll go anywhere any time to find treatment for these vibrations because I am starting to see problems with my dexterity and balance.


Hi everyone. I also am experiencing what I associate as internal tremors (vibrations) for over a year now. For most of the year, I have thought it to be from an external source. but after experimenting I can conclude that it is an not caused by an outside condition. Here is how I describe my symptoms:

- a buzzing or vibrating sensation similar to a haptic feedback from games and phone on vibrate mode. It felt like my bed and the walls were also vibrating (based on touch)
- the sensations occur in the head, inner-ear (tinnitus got a lot worse), face, shoulder, arms, legs (quad area), back
- sometimes it can be pulsing or sometimes it goes in waves
- i can sense the vibrations in the back of my head (skull)
- spasms in the abdomen area (gut)
- it caused me tremendous anxiety and stress not knowing exactly what's happening. I thought it was from electromagnetic waves or even sound waves.
- it's the worst at night and I wake up unable to sleep. Sometimes I can't sleep at all and I have bouts of insomnia for almost two weeks until I couldn't take it anymore and left my home
- moved away and for some reason it disappeared. Thinking that it was gone I decided to go back home. The anxiety came back not knowing if it was going to happen again (it did).
- I moved to another house because I couldn't deal with my own place
- The last 3 months has brought me clarity. The tremors and vibrations in the new environment didn't go away this time but I was able to ignore it most of the time and was able to sleep.
- This is when I started looking into possible neurological causes or disorders. This is how I assumed that it's stress induced "internal tremor".
- I slowly started easing myself into what I thought was a hostile environment (my home). I can now sleep in my own bed again.
- I have yet to see my doctor but I do plan on getting some tests for PD or MS for even more clarity on my situation. I'm also considering tests for detecting hormone imbalances, systemic inflamation and heavy metals.
- The worst thing about this has been the anxiety and stress that it generated due to it being invisible. That prevented me from being able to sleep. It's the lack of sleep that has caused me to breakdown.

Feel free to ask me any questions. I hope everyone here stays strong and you are not alone.

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