Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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I got relief within a day or so. I use it mostly in the morning when I wake up, I have a post nasal flow for the next hour. There are many conditions that can trigger a flow, and I went to my ENT to get some relief. He gave me this, because it acts quickly, and you can take it as needed, unlike most of the other nose sprays. Did you see my post about chewing red bell pepper to dissolve the mucus at the back of the throat?

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can you tell me about the bell pepper? Could not find it. I have that terrible phlegm since covid in November.


2 weeks post covid and I have that too! It makes it very difficult to sleep, with that constant feeling that something sticky is there and suddenly gasping for air. Last night, I had Sudafed and started using Flonase. It really helped, but is leaving me with a super dry and sticky mouth, to the point of not enunciating properly.


can you tell me about the bell pepper? Could not find it. I have that terrible phlegm since covid in November.

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Bell Pepper comes in green, yellow and red. Every supermarket has it.
Ask for Red Bell Pepper


THis is what it looks like


Bell Pepper comes in green, yellow and red. Every supermarket has it.
Ask for Red Bell Pepper

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lol, Thank you. I know what it is but I was wondering if there is any certain way you eat them, cooked, raw, in soup? I could not find your post on it. I should have been clearer. thanks again...


lol, Thank you. I know what it is but I was wondering if there is any certain way you eat them, cooked, raw, in soup? I could not find your post on it. I should have been clearer. thanks again...

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You eat it raw a chew it out until there’s no more juice from the walls of the pepper. Thin spit it out so there are no particles stuck in your mouth or throat. Chew about a one inch wide strip cut vertically. I found that the juice dissolves the phlegm and stops the post nasal. Let me know if it works for you.


Thanks @stikbendr for the recipe. On another board, someone said that apple cider vinegar with some honey and lemon in warm water - sipping throughout the day or as needed helped. I did and agree it helps. I just wish it would go away for good!

Please return to this board if you are ever recovered from this just to share and just give us hope.

I think many of us come on the site asking for help, but some who heal up never return and so it sounds like it goes on forever and it's never ending. Part of recovery is having hope and knowing that it will be okay sometime in the future. Thank you!

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I am getting better! After 4 months of almost continuous post-nasal drip, mucous, and coughing, I am feeling like it is easing up.
Maybe it’s the 10 mg Amitriptyline prescribed by an EMT taken in the evening. Maybe it was just going to get better on its own. At any rate, I am grateful.


I’ve found temporary relief with sipping hot ginger cordial from a flask at night. Also menthol throat sweets after using steam inhaler. Also before bed I do sinus flush by NeilMed it comes with sachets of salt and bicarbonate which you add to tepid water in the bottle and it’s simple to use. Still wish one day it’d go. However it has stopped it being so bad that I had been gagging before.


I'm so sorry. I sincerely empathize. I am still battling thick, excessive sticky saliva since Covid last year. I choke on it at night sometimes. It gets stuck in the back of my throat. Metallic taste in mouth, bad breath. What I can get up out of back of throat is white like sour cream. I have been to my primary, ENT, Dentist, Infectious Disease & Dermatologist. Culture of mouth comes back negative. B12 was low and injections helped with metallic taste, but, didn't eradicate the thick, slimy saliva. Staying hydrated. Got off sugar. Tongue (after brushing/scraping off excessive saliva) in morning is white. I scrape my tongue 6-7 times a day to get rid of the sticky saliva. I have to spit all day long because of excessive saliva. I am convinced this thick stuff that goes down my throat is causing recurrent bronchitis. Never had this until Covid. Doctors are baffled. Any suggestions? Thank you and God bless.

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I was drinking a shake tonight and when I was done, I had a metallic taste in my mouth. I’ve had the slimy mucus in my throat for 3 years since Covid. I’m so tired of it


I was drinking a shake tonight and when I was done, I had a metallic taste in my mouth. I’ve had the slimy mucus in my throat for 3 years since Covid. I’m so tired of it

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I'm so sorry. I know. It's disgusting. I have found that Astelin spray (prescription) is helping to dry some of this sticky saliva up, BUT, it also dries out your eyes, so a little bit goes a long way. I am considering an integrative doctor that thinks outside the box. I recently had a dental hygienist tell me she thought it was gut related. I am going on a really strong probiotic and also I chew sugarless gum. I was on so many antibiotics/steroids for Covid pneumonia, horrible sinus infection & asthmatic bronchitis and all the meds gave me thrush. Now I have been left with this sticky saliva & bad taste in my mouth for almost 5 months. I have choked on it at night as as it is so thick going down the back of my throat. I had a culture done and nothing showed up except normal mouth bacteria. I drink lots of water, gotten off sugar which causes inflammation, lost 20 pounds, vitamins, eat healthy, etc., So, my feeling is this is definietly Covid related and could it be the virus attacked our mucosa & salivary glands? I think so. I pray yours goes away. Don't give up my friend.

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