Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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I have been in severe pain for over 26 years from spinal nerves torn from my spinal chord. At 67 yrs old, I can no longer withstand a pain level of 9-10. I am researching on a dorsal nerve stimulator implant. Than you ,


I have been in severe pain for over 26 years from spinal nerves torn from my spinal chord. At 67 yrs old, I can no longer withstand a pain level of 9-10. I am researching on a dorsal nerve stimulator implant. Than you ,

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I can't even imagine what that must be like, nerve pain is by far the hardest pain to get a handle on for me, I have a pain pump and along with the morphine there is also a numbing medication as well and this combination has made a big difference for me all the oral nerve pain medications were not successful. I had four Medtronic Spinal column stimulators and there were somewhat effective in limited areas, they lack broad coverage for me. Good luck.


I'm Elin. I am a 12 year old girl with sickle cell anemia and chrones disease. It makes me feel good to know that there are other people out there who are in pain 24/7.


I'm Elin. I am a 12 year old girl with sickle cell anemia and chrones disease. It makes me feel good to know that there are other people out there who are in pain 24/7.

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So sorry, Elin.
Sounds stupid maybe, but gosh, it's just SO unfair.
Hoping and praying you find relief.
Don't know if it might help, but googling claims there are ways to make it better, at least somewhat better.

(And I see the two maladies often coexist.)
May your doctors find ways to allow you to live with a tolerable way as you so deserve.


I am Carolyn Lovill and I have CRPS. I have had it for 30 years.


Hello my name is Char S. And I have chronic pain. It started with degenerative joint disease and I have spIne issues in neck , thoracic region and lower back . I have severe spinal stenosis and don't want any surgical intervention. 22 years ago dx of limited scleraderma which has progressed but controlled. I used to do inection therapy until I lost 35 lbs and now I am on tramadol. I am so sick of pharmacists treating me like I am a drug addict. Tramadol is not an addictive drug, you don't get a tolerance for it and then need more and if you come off it you do not go through withdrawals. Why do they make you feel like a drug addict when they see your diagnosis'.


I have been in severe pain for over 26 years from spinal nerves torn from my spinal chord. At 67 yrs old, I can no longer withstand a pain level of 9-10. I am researching on a dorsal nerve stimulator implant. Than you ,

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Please post updates with the dorsal root ganglion stimulator. I’m considering one and also looking into a pain pump.


4606, Will do though likely this summer.


I am Carolyn Lovill and I have CRPS. I have had it for 30 years.

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Can u have CRPS without the red skin?


I'm KJ, I'm a 34 year old male, who has been suffering from chronic headaches for over 10 years. It's essentially been a nonstop headache that I feel in both temples and between the eyes. The severity will fluctuate day to day but never completely goes away. I've been looking for an underlying cause for a long time. I've tried ENT treatments like allergies medicines, shots, and sinus surgery. I've had CTs scans with no issues identified. I've been diagnosed with sleep apnea and have been regularly using a machine for 2 years now. I've always been anxious person but I I've started to require treatment for both anxiety and depression in the last 5 years which i believe is due to the stress of dealing with these symptoms. I also always had difficulty sleeping, with these symptoms contributing to having very low energy. I've recently started taking Adderall this year due to my struggles with maintaining focus at work. Which I believe is due to dealing with these same symptoms daily. I find it difficult to motivate myself to be more physically active and often stress eat. I started taking Wegovy 6 months ago in hopes weight loss would help alleviate some symptoms. I'm 5 ft 10 and have managed to get my weight down to 180 from 225. It feels like nothing I do makes any difference and I'm not really sure what else I can try at this point. I really feel like I'm giving all the energy I have to just getting by day to day and I want to be able to do more than that again. I feel the years of dealing with these symptoms is taking a larger toll on me as time goes on but i just don't know what else I can do at this point besides just trying to power through and hope that at some point this will go away. I don't know that I'll get any true answers here, but it feels good to talk about with people who may understand what I'm going through and the toll it's taking on life.

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