Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Hello. In June 2019 I had a cholecystectomy or gallbladder removal surgery. The gallstone pain finally made me pursue surgery. Since I was moved to a hospital bed post-op, the new - and however possible, worse - pain began. I was in the ER twice in two months post-op. I have been to a University hospital more times than I can count, with so many X-rays, ultrasounds, etc. I finally gave up they would solve this pain issue after seven months and exhausting any money I had left. I partially work from home and hoped the worst spasms and mule-kick-to-the-diaphragm pain would happen at home, as the event would last up to 24 hours, and they still do today.

06/2019 Post-op: Spasms are ALWAYS happening, like rhythmic waves, and are very light. Few are still intensely painful, and come out of nowhere. Feels like a lightning strike inside from 3 cm right of the xiphoid process, down to half way point of the right quadrant. Like being punched hard in the diaphragm non-stop. Still can’t breathe deeply without the punched feeling. One of the worst was trying to pretend everything was fine when I was on a flight and the spasms began - I did not want to be on the news for an emergency flight diversion. That was intense.

Last week was suddenly the worst event I’ve experienced. I woke up, had a glass of water, began to prepare breakfast for the kids, and was hit hard. After 12 hours of writhing on the floor, cursing and praying, my resolve not to spend anymore money on a high medical deductible gave out. Pain became incapacitating and absolutely intolerable. Having a high Pain tolerance I can put up with a lot, and have had work injuries that caused excruciating pain - this was the limit of my tolerance. I Waited 12 hrs to go in but couldn’t handle anymore pain, thought this was going to end me (no fear of death but just wanted to get moving with it).

Could be they entrapped even the Vegas nerve during surgery, or some other nerve? Muscle at rib attachment was extremely rigid and inflamed, and is during these events. Bile is likely backing up from odid’s sphincter into stomach (?) - must have thrown up several cups of bile (not stomach acid). Doctors say it’s not possible but my body disagrees - this fluid was something I’ve never known before (and my stomach to my esophagus never ached or burned). This wasn’t an upset stomach and only right upper and right mid quadrant we’re ever in pain.

They released me after four days and said they couldn’t help any more. They put me on Amitriptyline and Gabapentin (again), and gave me a small amount of Ativan (‘just in case the worst spasms/pain occur‘, they said). They want me to go to a pain clinic for a nerve block shot in the abdomen. What will that cost and will it even work?

Does anyone at Mayo have experience with what appears to be chronic and intensely acute spasm and nerve pain or damage post-op cholecystectomy? I can’t support my family living moment-to-moment in fear of another attack.

I look forward to some idea in handling nerve and/or biliary pain. Thank you for this forum!

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I know this post is a few years old but I seem to be experiencing the same symptoms as you. Have you now recovered and did you ever get to the bottom of it?


I know this post is a few years old but I seem to be experiencing the same symptoms as you. Have you now recovered and did you ever get to the bottom of it?

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Welcome Kelly @hoylandk, I'm not sure @wt1413wt is still following Connect since their last post was in 2020. Hopefully members with similar symptoms can share what has helped them. I'm wondering if you might find the following discussion helpful:
-- Mayo Clinic Pain Rehab Center (PRC) - What’s Your Experience?:


This is my last chance for help and truly pray the Mayo clinic can help and not turn their back on me like the UW pain clinic in Madison, WI has to many of their ex patients because they no longer treat pain.

I have been hit by a car 3 separate times in my life. 1st at age 7 crossing the street with a crossing guard and driver ran red light. 2nd at age 12 riding my bicycle and driver ran stop sign and last at age 22 riding bicycle on sidewalk and was hit from behind and left for dead and driver did not stop. I have 7ndergobe 28 surgeries and due to the amount of pain I am in, the severe muscle spasms, not sleeping my BP is threw the roof 267/126 and my UW cardio team even with all the medications adjustments cannot get my BP down and are serious with the pain clinic telling them they no longer treat pain. My primary care doctor doesn't care either and my cardio team has pleaded with her. I am not ready to die. On top of the pain I also suffer with Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy and have suffered 2 heart attacks and a TIA. UW patient relations doesn't care and make excuses for those doctors. They have lied on test results and with my latest CT scan and X-rays proves they were lying. The surgeon that just did my 28th surgery last month said to me, "yes Todd you are complicated, but in no way means we as doctors give up on you like the pain clinic has. You deserve a quality of life and is our job to make sure you do. I am so sorry that the UW pain clinic gave up on you and their awful treatment of you.".

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Welcome Kelly @hoylandk, I'm not sure @wt1413wt is still following Connect since their last post was in 2020. Hopefully members with similar symptoms can share what has helped them. I'm wondering if you might find the following discussion helpful:
-- Mayo Clinic Pain Rehab Center (PRC) - What’s Your Experience?:

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Thank you. I have put a message on there.


I know this post is a few years old but I seem to be experiencing the same symptoms as you. Have you now recovered and did you ever get to the bottom of it?

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Unfortunately the spasms continue each week with intermittent high level of pain. About every 4 months I have pain too severe to work or sit or stand or lay down. Prescribed meds do t help and really don’t want to be admitted for an IV drip just to go back home. I end up taking 1-2 days from work and stay hydrated. It takes several days to ‘fully recover’. I’ve told my wife the region is never not in a triggered state with a little pain mixed in, and waiting for the next big spasm.

No trend found in foods. Nothing found that exacerbates the spasms aside from stress but even that isn’t a constant trigger. It remains very frustrating, like a spare pick was left inside me, but doesn’t always reveals itself….

Sorry to hear you’re going through this too. If I ever find something that works or the real cause I will gladly share


Hi. My name is Jolene, I'm almost 65, and have had Tourettes since the age of 10. I was recently diagnosed with Tardive Dyskenesia due to 45 years of Tourette meds, a necessary evil. My tics suddenly got worse, and worse, and worse. Then the daily headaches began - different areas of the head affected, different kinds of pain, different degrees of pain - always constant, always right there. The Doctors are unsure as to whether the tics and headaches are related. I just learned today on here of a disease called New Daily Persistent Headaches or NDPH. I have numerous serious health conditions and take a lot of meds. I was given 30 Vicodin with the Dr's warning to "make it last, that's all I'm giving you." I hope to find something better than Tylenol and cbd cream soon, especially now that my headaches might have a name. Thank you for welcoming me and I feel blessed to be here.

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Have any of your doctors suggested treatment for possible "migraines" or "cluster headaches"? God bless you and praying for you to get relief.



Unfortunately the spasms continue each week with intermittent high level of pain. About every 4 months I have pain too severe to work or sit or stand or lay down. Prescribed meds do t help and really don’t want to be admitted for an IV drip just to go back home. I end up taking 1-2 days from work and stay hydrated. It takes several days to ‘fully recover’. I’ve told my wife the region is never not in a triggered state with a little pain mixed in, and waiting for the next big spasm.

No trend found in foods. Nothing found that exacerbates the spasms aside from stress but even that isn’t a constant trigger. It remains very frustrating, like a spare pick was left inside me, but doesn’t always reveals itself….

Sorry to hear you’re going through this too. If I ever find something that works or the real cause I will gladly share

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Thank you so much for replying. It’s 16 days now and not getting any better. Did you also get indigestion and bloating? If so did that improve and how long did it take. This is all very frustrating. You must be fed up a few years down the line.


Thank you. I have put a message on there.

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Thank you he sent me a message. Very helpful.


My name is Sue and I am planning on having a Saphenous Nerve Neurectomy below my knee to eliminate pain caused by nerve compression. I have had two nerve blocks which provided 4-5 hours of pain relief. Any advice?


Hi Everyone. Im Kitty and I’m new here. Searching for answers and support! I was diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease. I had the Anterior Cervical Disection and Fusion. I have been in constant pain for over a year with Occipital Neuralgia. So far nothing works well

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