Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Hi I am Pam and live in Brisbane, Australia. I have suffered with fibromyalgia for a very long time. Have tried so many things from Acapuncture, Chiro, Physio, Osteo, the list goes on. I have a book on hold at the library, 'Why Does It Still Hurt?' and from hearing about it, it seems like the approach should work because it looks at the brain being overprotective and that we need to retrain the brain and alter the neurological pathways, rather than trying to work on from a physical angle. I am still looking for the right exercise physiologist who will use this approach. If any of you know a Brisbane practitioner who might suit, please let me know. Kind regards Pam

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Hi Pam, I do believe the same that we have to retrain our brains. For awhile I just quit thinking about it after learning my limitations. Only when I thought about it did I really notice it or when I exceeded my limitations. This new issue started and of course I’m back into the pain that keeps you up night and day. Regardless I still enjoy everyday. We all have 2 choices when we wake up. Ask yourself is this going to be a good or will I let it be a bad day……David


thanks, yes always try to stay positive. cheers Pam


Hello. I am wondering why there is not a specific Fibromyalgia Support group or a Ehlers Danlos Support group? These conditions are very specific and not like all others in terms of chronic pain.

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There are support groups on Facebook.


There are support groups on Facebook.

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Yep, I know that. I don't use facebook. Looking for a support groups here.


Knee pain after knee replacement done 3 years ago been a problem since


Yep, I know that. I don't use facebook. Looking for a support groups here.

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Good luck then.


Good luck then.

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Maybe we could set up the support group here?


Maybe we could set up the support group here?

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My name is Elizabeth. I am 58 and have Fibromyalgia. Have had severe symptoms for over 25 years. Currently take opioids and ketamine.


I'm Pam. Three years ago I was diagnosed with anal cancer. Treatment started with very strong chemo and 30 rounds of radiation. Scans were good. But that harsh treatment left me with Lynphedema...very painful and constant pain. I now take 10 mg of oxycodone every 6 hours which is not nearly enough pain relief but I do as my doctors prescribe. I also use an edema pump everyday.

The Lymphedema pain causes me to have to walk with a walker, very slowly. Has anyone found good pain relief from Lymphedema?

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