Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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Does it get into your chest too. I'm having the same problem and my starts in my throat but drains into my chest. I can feel and hear it rattle when I take a deep breath. The doctor gave me steroids and antibiotics to see if it would help and it didn't at all. I can breath fine it's just so irritating it drives me crazy.

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Gets into my chest and I get chest infections every few weeks it’s destroying me tbh,can’t plan anything,can’t do anything coz o know another chest infection is on its way and they are absolutely brutal!


I too was experiencing the same long covid symptoms with endless phlegm and nasal drip after recovering from my 2nd round of covid infection. My first round was March 2020 then again in Novemebr 2022. I never had allergies or any related seasonal issues my entire life so having this drip and thick mucus was all new to me. Found an interesting article about Cardamon and gave it try. After 3 weeks of steady cardamom tea I began to notice fewer and fewer instances of throat clearing and after the 4th week I haven't had any phlegm or nasal drips. Hopefully this method is helpful for others as it was for me. I can't remember any other time in my life that I drank that much tea to the point where I gave up my morning cup of coffee.

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Bought 100 tea bags of cardamom many do you drink a day to see results? Thanks


Try Azelestine spray. Works quickly and I use it as needed.

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I’ve not long got this spray,I use it twice a day morning and night,started couple days ago how long does it take to actually work? Thank you


I’ve not long got this spray,I use it twice a day morning and night,started couple days ago how long does it take to actually work? Thank you

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I got relief within a day or so. I use it mostly in the morning when I wake up, I have a post nasal flow for the next hour. There are many conditions that can trigger a flow, and I went to my ENT to get some relief. He gave me this, because it acts quickly, and you can take it as needed, unlike most of the other nose sprays. Did you see my post about chewing red bell pepper to dissolve the mucus at the back of the throat?


I got relief within a day or so. I use it mostly in the morning when I wake up, I have a post nasal flow for the next hour. There are many conditions that can trigger a flow, and I went to my ENT to get some relief. He gave me this, because it acts quickly, and you can take it as needed, unlike most of the other nose sprays. Did you see my post about chewing red bell pepper to dissolve the mucus at the back of the throat?

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Yeah I did I’m gonna try that too thanks.i also bought that carmodan tea which I’m drinking twice a day lol sounds silly but I’ve had this 3 years now with no good outcome and in those 3 years Id never came across this forum with so many people like me having exact same symptoms,Little bit hope,coz this is brutal,thanx so much again for the advice


It is exhausting to constantly be thinking of this phlegm and how to get rid of it. Does gargling with salt water help? My throat feels coated with this yuckiness all of the time. I used to clear my throat and after several tries could feel it “break up” a little and I’d get some relief. Now that doesn’t work. It’s even hard to get to sleep. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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I'm so sorry. I sincerely empathize. I am still battling thick, excessive sticky saliva since Covid last year. I choke on it at night sometimes. It gets stuck in the back of my throat. Metallic taste in mouth, bad breath. What I can get up out of back of throat is white like sour cream. I have been to my primary, ENT, Dentist, Infectious Disease & Dermatologist. Culture of mouth comes back negative. B12 was low and injections helped with metallic taste, but, didn't eradicate the thick, slimy saliva. Staying hydrated. Got off sugar. Tongue (after brushing/scraping off excessive saliva) in morning is white. I scrape my tongue 6-7 times a day to get rid of the sticky saliva. I have to spit all day long because of excessive saliva. I am convinced this thick stuff that goes down my throat is causing recurrent bronchitis. Never had this until Covid. Doctors are baffled. Any suggestions? Thank you and God bless.


I understand you misery. I’ve had the same thing since late August 2022, a month after covid. It dries out the nasal passages and sinuses and the mucous is nearly gagging in my throat. I get it. I too am on Symbicort, which is a combo of budesonide and formoterol. The pulmonologist, whom I saw in December, believes the mucous is developing as a result of acid reflux. But do I have heartburn? No. Why? Because it appears to be a problem with sphincters, both the lower (LE), and upper (UE) esophageal sphincters not functioning correctly - so it is known as LPR (laryngopharaengeal reflux) aka silent reflux, which doesn’t cause heartburn since the acid isn’t stuck in your chest between the LE and UE sphincters (as in GERD). Instead the acid shoots up into your throat and the mucous develops to protect your throat, larynx, etc from the stomach acid. I even feel little food particles with the acid as far up as in my nose! Ugh!!! My appointment with ENT isn’t until February. Meantime it helps to eat less and remain upright for 2-3 hours after a meal - don’t lie down! If I eat late and go to bed too soon I’ll have horrible mucous coughing up in the morning that must develop throughout the length of the esophagus. I do find chewing gum helps after eating to keep me swallowing. I mean I chew like a lot of gum for a couple hours after a meal and after every little snack. I even started a gum wrapper chain that I suspect will be quite long by the time this is resolved! What I eat doesn’t seem to matter aLOT because it seems like anything that goes down causes the reaction. Apples though are sustaining for me and celery-NOT ( and it’s supposed to be a good one). And remaining on my feet, moving around, works even better than simply sitting upright. Lounging after dinner? No way. Best of luck to all of us with this misery!

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You described all my symptoms well after covid vaccine (Biggest mistake of my life). My problem is that people around me are so annoying with me on work as I'm constantly make s clearing and swallowing throat sounds. YAKH. Once my supervisor says get of my truck and sit somewhere else.

Pls let me know if anything help or what ENT specialist suggested.


I can fully relate, it's been driving me nuts for more than 3 months now. Also had lots of anxiety along the way, even panic attacks! I can say that it is getting better, but possibly by less than 1% per day. Very grueling process!! Along the way I've taken to sleeping with my head propped up, slowing my breathing down, and kind of holding the exhale, in order to stop the drip and allow me to fall asleep.


This has been a great insight. Has anyone suffered from tonsil stones since Covid? I still have my tonsils and they have always been large. Since Covid I always have 1-2 stones. I definitely feel I have an infection in the tonsil. All drs want to say it’s post nasal.


I was talking to one of my friends the other day and he told me he too has a post nasal drip. He said Sudafed really helps so I got a package from my local grocery store. And he was right. I've been taking one 10 mg tablet once a day and I hardly even notice the nasal drip. The package I got (over the counter) is called Maximum Strength, Sinus Congestion, Phenylephrine HCL 10 mg Nasal Decongestant, Non-Drowsy. It contains 72 tablets. This works better than the Flonase (at least for me). Comes in a red/white package made by Kroger. It's cheaper than Flonase.

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