I have a very high calcium score. What next?

Posted by dpframing @dpframing, Aug 24, 2018

Just joined the site and I'm looking to share with others who have had a high calcium score. I found out today that mine is 2996 and I am scared by this. I am 61 and I am totally asymptomatic. Now I feel like a walking time bomb. I am thinking of requesting an angiogram to see if there's any narrowing anywhere and if it can be corrected with a stent. After a second heart doctor told me that the plaque buildup might be uniform over the course of years with no big problem areas, I am encouraged. But the score still freaks me out, specifically my LAD at 1333. I don't smoke or drink but I have to lose 40 lbs.

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I have a question for you or anyone. When I was told I had a score of 642, I was shocked and then determined to bring it down. My cardiologist said it's not a test to take often and suggested maybe in 10 years. Has anyone here had a test go down after making changes and how long did it take before you had another calcium test? Has anyone had more than one? And what were the results?

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you cannot reduce calcium. you can reduce soft plaque lipid pools and you can stop adding to those pools that may turn into calcium, the alternative is they remain as is or grow and are considered more vulnerable and higher risk than their calcified cousins.


rochelle - you continue to post links to YouTube doctors - do you think this is wise?

There is a fb page that has a lot of material like this ... perhaps it is a better place?

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For almost four decades, Dr. Ornish and his colleagues at the non-profit Preventive Medicine Research Institute and the University of California, San Francisco have conducted clinical research proving the many benefits of his program of comprehensive lifestyle changes. These include:

a whole foods, plant-based diet (naturally low in fat and refined carbohydrates);
stress management techniques (including yoga and meditation);
moderate exercise (such as walking); and
social support and community (love and intimacy).
In short—eat well, move more, stress less, and love more.

They used the latest high-tech state-of-the-art scientific technology to prove the power of simple lifestyle changes: eat well, stress less, move more, love more.

It remains the only program scientifically proven to reverse heart disease in randomized controlled trials published in the leading peer-reviewed journals. Angina (chest pain) was reduced by over 90% and blood flow to the heart improved significantly in just three weeks. After one year, coronary arteries became significantly less clogged, and there was even more improvement after five years.

Also, Dr. Ornish’s program has been proven to reverse type 2 diabetes and may slow, stop, or even reverse the progression of early-stage prostate cancer. Most people who were told that they would need to take drugs for the rest of their lives to lower their cholesterol levels, blood pressure, or blood sugar have been able to reduce or even discontinue these under their doctor’s supervision.

Changing your lifestyle also changes your genes—turning on (upregulating) protective genes that help keep us healthy, and turning off (downregulating) genes that cause oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, and the genes that promote prostate cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer—over 500 genes in only three months. Our genes are a predisposition, but are genes are not our fate.

In collaboration with Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, who received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for her pioneering work with telomeres and telomerase, Dr. Ornish and his colleagues found that these lifestyle changes lengthened telomeres, the ends of our chromosomes that regulate longevity—in a real sense, beginning to reverse aging at a cellular level.

Here are the latest findings from the nearly 4,000 patients who went through Dr. Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease in a study via Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield in Pennsylvania, Nebraska, and West Virginia:

Overall adherence after 1 year was 88%.
The average patient lost 13.3 pounds in the first 12 weeks and 15.9 pounds after 1 year.
There were significant reductions in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL-cholesterol after 12 weeks and also after 1 year.
Exercise capacity increased from 8.7 to 10.6 METS after 12 weeks (18% increase) and to 10.8 METS after one year (24% increase).
Significant reductions in depression and hostility (the emotions most strongly linked with heart disease) after 12 weeks that were still significant after 1 year.
Hemoglobin A1C in diabetics decreased from 7.4% at baseline to 6.5% after 12 weeks and 6.8% after one year (complications of diabetes such as blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, and amputations can be prevented when hemoglobin A1C is less than 7.0%).
95% of patients reported improvement in severity of angina (chest pain) after 1 year.
These studies show how powerful comprehensive lifestyle changes can be, how dynamic these mechanisms are, and how quickly benefits may occur.


I have a question for you or anyone. When I was told I had a score of 642, I was shocked and then determined to bring it down. My cardiologist said it's not a test to take often and suggested maybe in 10 years. Has anyone here had a test go down after making changes and how long did it take before you had another calcium test? Has anyone had more than one? And what were the results?

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To my knowledge, limited though it is compared with competent and experienced doctors, there is no evidence to show calcium can be reduced. It's progression may be slowed, however.

Let us know if you come up with a study that shows that.


For almost four decades, Dr. Ornish and his colleagues at the non-profit Preventive Medicine Research Institute and the University of California, San Francisco have conducted clinical research proving the many benefits of his program of comprehensive lifestyle changes. These include:

a whole foods, plant-based diet (naturally low in fat and refined carbohydrates);
stress management techniques (including yoga and meditation);
moderate exercise (such as walking); and
social support and community (love and intimacy).
In short—eat well, move more, stress less, and love more.

They used the latest high-tech state-of-the-art scientific technology to prove the power of simple lifestyle changes: eat well, stress less, move more, love more.

It remains the only program scientifically proven to reverse heart disease in randomized controlled trials published in the leading peer-reviewed journals. Angina (chest pain) was reduced by over 90% and blood flow to the heart improved significantly in just three weeks. After one year, coronary arteries became significantly less clogged, and there was even more improvement after five years.

Also, Dr. Ornish’s program has been proven to reverse type 2 diabetes and may slow, stop, or even reverse the progression of early-stage prostate cancer. Most people who were told that they would need to take drugs for the rest of their lives to lower their cholesterol levels, blood pressure, or blood sugar have been able to reduce or even discontinue these under their doctor’s supervision.

Changing your lifestyle also changes your genes—turning on (upregulating) protective genes that help keep us healthy, and turning off (downregulating) genes that cause oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, and the genes that promote prostate cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer—over 500 genes in only three months. Our genes are a predisposition, but are genes are not our fate.

In collaboration with Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, who received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for her pioneering work with telomeres and telomerase, Dr. Ornish and his colleagues found that these lifestyle changes lengthened telomeres, the ends of our chromosomes that regulate longevity—in a real sense, beginning to reverse aging at a cellular level.

Here are the latest findings from the nearly 4,000 patients who went through Dr. Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease in a study via Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield in Pennsylvania, Nebraska, and West Virginia:

Overall adherence after 1 year was 88%.
The average patient lost 13.3 pounds in the first 12 weeks and 15.9 pounds after 1 year.
There were significant reductions in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL-cholesterol after 12 weeks and also after 1 year.
Exercise capacity increased from 8.7 to 10.6 METS after 12 weeks (18% increase) and to 10.8 METS after one year (24% increase).
Significant reductions in depression and hostility (the emotions most strongly linked with heart disease) after 12 weeks that were still significant after 1 year.
Hemoglobin A1C in diabetics decreased from 7.4% at baseline to 6.5% after 12 weeks and 6.8% after one year (complications of diabetes such as blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, and amputations can be prevented when hemoglobin A1C is less than 7.0%).
95% of patients reported improvement in severity of angina (chest pain) after 1 year.
These studies show how powerful comprehensive lifestyle changes can be, how dynamic these mechanisms are, and how quickly benefits may occur.

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I guess what I am trying to say, rochelle, is that this is about calcium - you continue to post links and talk in support of better diets, lower weight, etc - all knowns.

It is very concerning to see folks lock onto "television doctors" versus reading the independent studies and associated analyses - even with diet.


I guess what I am trying to say, rochelle, is that this is about calcium - you continue to post links and talk in support of better diets, lower weight, etc - all knowns.

It is very concerning to see folks lock onto "television doctors" versus reading the independent studies and associated analyses - even with diet.

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They arent tv doctors- there are studies. Are you even reading what i posted? Ornish has scientifically proven to reverse heart disease in randomized controlled trials published in the leading peer-reviewed journals.


My understanding is the plaque that has been there for a long time gets calcified. Its the soft plaque that you have to worry about that can rupture. Havent seen studies where calcium score goes down.



To my knowledge, limited though it is compared with competent and experienced doctors, there is no evidence to show calcium can be reduced. It's progression may be slowed, however.

Let us know if you come up with a study that shows that.

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I feel from what I read that the jury is out on whether it can be reversed. I can't find a good study that shows that.


I feel from what I read that the jury is out on whether it can be reversed. I can't find a good study that shows that.

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Hmmm ... I don't think the jury is out - there is, thus far, zero evidence that calcium buildup is reversible.

If you find otherwise, please let us all know.


I have a question for you or anyone. When I was told I had a score of 642, I was shocked and then determined to bring it down. My cardiologist said it's not a test to take often and suggested maybe in 10 years. Has anyone here had a test go down after making changes and how long did it take before you had another calcium test? Has anyone had more than one? And what were the results?

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But my question remains. Forget studies for a moment. Has anyone here had real life experience in taking a second or third CT Calcium scan and did the results go up, down or not move at all? Surely someone has done this. I'm curious. Not interested....for the moment...in studies and Youtube docs. thanks.


I've had two - over three years. 15% increase per year ... not uncommon, especially given the known calcification effect statins have on plaque.

I have never heard of a calcium score decreasing.

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