COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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For now, I’m done with vaccines. I’ll take my chances. I’m hoping that over time, things will improve with my condition and the vaccine Itself. To be perfectly honest, I am not wearing a mask or avoiding public places either. Maybe I’m in denial. But I choose to engage in fun activities with my family and stay as healthy as I can with supplements and good food and exercise. 🙏🏻. All the best to you!!

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Thanks for replying. Good luck to you, too.


Hi. I have symptoms of numbness, loss of sensation, and tingling on the left side of my body since August 10th.
Two Moderna shots and a full Moderna booster and a half Moderna booster. Had Covid at the beginning of August and took Paxlovid. After the five days of Paxlovid I was taking off my face mask and my left earlobe felt "novocained" followed by numbness on my face.
It's spreading to my right arm, hand fingers.
My nerve conduction test was negative (good news right?) but OK so what is causing this tightness in my arms and heaviness in my left back thigh and buttock?
Also have had a bad side effect of Macrobid a few years ago that left toes feeling puffy and the balls of my feet.
Pulmonary sarcoidosis, MAC, might be contributing? That's why I mentioned the Macrobid also.
Another strange thing that happened right before the Paxlovid but right when I started feeling ill from Covid was that I felt a scratchy feeling inside my left inner wrist/arm where I wore my Apple Watch. Happened two days in a row and I stopped wearing it.

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I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. Please check into Small Fiber Neuropathy. I’m on year 3 of being diagnosed. Mine is idiopathic at this point but have found it caused by COVID and also the vaccine in my research. Best wishes!


I can only tell you that yes I got it suddenly after 72 years on this earth
and I never had any such thing (Covid shots?). To this day, almost 75 now, not one Neurologist, doctor nor Surgeon has an answer as to why.


I can only tell you that yes I got it suddenly after 72 years on this earth
and I never had any such thing (Covid shots?). To this day, almost 75 now, not one Neurologist, doctor nor Surgeon has an answer as to why.

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Did you have covid prior to getting neuropathy??


Did you have covid prior to getting neuropathy??

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No not Covid but all the vaccines


@kathleen123 Please keep us posted. We care

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After receiving the first johnson and johnson shot; my neuropathy went wild. Did not get the second shot and will not get any other covid vaccinations.


Yes. I got SFN after 3rd. modern shot. I also had a pancreatitis attack when I did not have problems with the pancreas. I was sick for 5 days after the shot and was out of it with fever and lost 8 pounds in those 5 days. I'm 68 and no more covid shots for me.


I got the second covid shot (Moderna) on 4-12-2020 (wed) sweat & chills for 48 hours then on fri started with hot sensation in feet & face & just kept progresing. It took 6 months of all the "rule out" tests blood, A1c, B12, STD's, all tick bourn diseases, 24hr uine test(cancer),MRI's, EMG, LP & Finally the skin biopsy which indicated SFN. Do i think the covid shot caused it? most likely Not. I do believe that the extreme imune response to the morderna shot triggred something that caused my SFN to surface. Ed


Oct. 22 2021 I had an EMG done. I have light neuropathy in my feet then. Jan. 22 2022 I had my 3rd. Moderna shot. I was deathly ill at home for 5 days in and out with fever. Lost 8 pounds. Then I got a pancreatitis attack and had to go to the ER and I never had a problem with it and I'm not diabetic. Then shortly after my left thumb went numb. Next thing you know both my hands are small fiber neuropathy and now feet are worse then ever. I am now receiving 2 days a month an infusion. I am not happy with where the SFN came from. Before the 3rd. shot I had no problem with the first two vaccines. This is my experience as of today. I wish you the best. I'm 68 now. Denise

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