COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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Has anyone who has been diagnosed with vaccine induced neuropathy also gotten Covid? If so, could you share whether Covid flared or worsened your neuropathy? Thank you.

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I have not been diagnosed but my experience may help:

I am in Melbourne, Australia and have had zero professionals tell me this could be related to the Covid vaccine/Covid 19. Yesterday I had a brain MRI to see if I have MS.

I am not an anti-vaccine person. I had two AstraZeneca vaccines and absolutely no reaction (May and July 2021). Then in January 2022 I had the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine. An hour after having the vaccine I started feeling like "when you go to the dentist and the anaesthetic starts wearing off and everything is numb and tingly". This started in my face and hands and progressed to my whole body.

In July 2022 I had what I would call a fairly mild case of Covid 19 (Omicron BA.4 or BA.5).

Now, a year on the symptoms are returning much stronger where I have the pins and needles almost constantly somewhere in my body.

Before the Pfizer vaccine/Covid 19, I would say I was a fit and healthy woman in her early 50s. I have suffered from menstrual migraines and have ADHD but manage both of these conditions really well.


I have not been diagnosed but my experience may help:

I am in Melbourne, Australia and have had zero professionals tell me this could be related to the Covid vaccine/Covid 19. Yesterday I had a brain MRI to see if I have MS.

I am not an anti-vaccine person. I had two AstraZeneca vaccines and absolutely no reaction (May and July 2021). Then in January 2022 I had the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine. An hour after having the vaccine I started feeling like "when you go to the dentist and the anaesthetic starts wearing off and everything is numb and tingly". This started in my face and hands and progressed to my whole body.

In July 2022 I had what I would call a fairly mild case of Covid 19 (Omicron BA.4 or BA.5).

Now, a year on the symptoms are returning much stronger where I have the pins and needles almost constantly somewhere in my body.

Before the Pfizer vaccine/Covid 19, I would say I was a fit and healthy woman in her early 50s. I have suffered from menstrual migraines and have ADHD but manage both of these conditions really well.

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Yes, vaccines can cause neuropathy.
I've researched vaccines side effects prior to not getting covid vaccines.
My neuropathy probably started after some unnecessary flu or hepatitis vaccines.
But doctors won't tell you that before suggesting one, or two.....


I have not been diagnosed but my experience may help:

I am in Melbourne, Australia and have had zero professionals tell me this could be related to the Covid vaccine/Covid 19. Yesterday I had a brain MRI to see if I have MS.

I am not an anti-vaccine person. I had two AstraZeneca vaccines and absolutely no reaction (May and July 2021). Then in January 2022 I had the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine. An hour after having the vaccine I started feeling like "when you go to the dentist and the anaesthetic starts wearing off and everything is numb and tingly". This started in my face and hands and progressed to my whole body.

In July 2022 I had what I would call a fairly mild case of Covid 19 (Omicron BA.4 or BA.5).

Now, a year on the symptoms are returning much stronger where I have the pins and needles almost constantly somewhere in my body.

Before the Pfizer vaccine/Covid 19, I would say I was a fit and healthy woman in her early 50s. I have suffered from menstrual migraines and have ADHD but manage both of these conditions really well.

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Thank you so much for sharing your experience. There are so many unanswered questions surrounding Covid vaccines and Covid itself. I’m sorry to hear about your situation. I wish you well.


I strongly suspect the Pfizer Covid Vaccine caused my neuropathy though I didn’t notice the muscle weakness in my legs until 2-3 months after 2nd shot. It became increasingly difficult to walk, climb stairs etc., the the tingling and numbness began and not having made the connection I had a Pfizer booster Dec 2021. I now have numbness in both feet and both hands and though 14 months from the start the weakness in my legs is almost gone though I now have weakness in one arm. Have had every test available including sural nerve biopsy but no answers as to what has caused this.
At onset I was a very active healthy 64 year old with an enjoyable but physically demanding job. I have been forced to retire due to this condition yet still no answers or solution.


I am a healthy 51 year old and suspect the same. All of my shots were Moderna until the last one which was Pfizer. I feel that my immune system is in overdrive. I got a booster 4/28/22, had Covid in mid June, and another booster 10/9/22 (plus the flu shot). I asked my PCP if I should get the bivalent booster in October sine I would be traveling and attending crowded events at my son's university. She said yes. In early November, my symptoms began with chest squeezes (everything checked out ok by cardiologist), and the day before Thanksgiving I got extreme cold sensations that spread down my neck into my arms. Since then I have had numerous symptoms on almost a daily basis to include cold sensations, sunburn feeling, pins and needles tingling, numbness, and aches from my neck down. Each day the symptoms can be different and in random areas of my body. Sometimes I also feel a heaviness throughout my body, which may be anxiety. I feel best when exercising or moving around. An MRI, tests for lupus, RA, lymes, and sjogrens were all negative. Thyroid and Vitamin D levels are fine. My B-12 was low, but after taking supplements has vastly improved. I obviously have some form of neuropathy. The low B-12 may have contributed, but this came on so suddenly that I feel something else is in play. My neurologist is moving so I need to move forward with a new one.


I am a healthy 51 year old and suspect the same. All of my shots were Moderna until the last one which was Pfizer. I feel that my immune system is in overdrive. I got a booster 4/28/22, had Covid in mid June, and another booster 10/9/22 (plus the flu shot). I asked my PCP if I should get the bivalent booster in October sine I would be traveling and attending crowded events at my son's university. She said yes. In early November, my symptoms began with chest squeezes (everything checked out ok by cardiologist), and the day before Thanksgiving I got extreme cold sensations that spread down my neck into my arms. Since then I have had numerous symptoms on almost a daily basis to include cold sensations, sunburn feeling, pins and needles tingling, numbness, and aches from my neck down. Each day the symptoms can be different and in random areas of my body. Sometimes I also feel a heaviness throughout my body, which may be anxiety. I feel best when exercising or moving around. An MRI, tests for lupus, RA, lymes, and sjogrens were all negative. Thyroid and Vitamin D levels are fine. My B-12 was low, but after taking supplements has vastly improved. I obviously have some form of neuropathy. The low B-12 may have contributed, but this came on so suddenly that I feel something else is in play. My neurologist is moving so I need to move forward with a new one.

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I had pfizer vaccine never got boosters. Then i got Covid and several months after I developed neuropathy and hit me fast. I am diabetic so they attribute that to it. My pcp doesn’t believe this would happen so fast. I have mri several blood test and so far everything is ok. Couple weeks going to oncologist to rule out cancer and als.


I had pfizer vaccine never got boosters. Then i got Covid and several months after I developed neuropathy and hit me fast. I am diabetic so they attribute that to it. My pcp doesn’t believe this would happen so fast. I have mri several blood test and so far everything is ok. Couple weeks going to oncologist to rule out cancer and als.

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Hi @kent1912, Welcome to Connect. Since you mentioned you have diabetes and the doctors are attributing the neuropathy to being diabetic, I thought you might find the following discussions helpful:
--- Has anyone tried treatment for diabetic neuropathy ?:
--- New study for pain relief of diabetic neuropathy:


Prayers that those tests are negative too. Keep us posted.


I am sure the vaccine caused my neuropathy Started little by little after first vaccine and then full force after booster.No more vaccines for me. Slowly getting better but have numbness in toes and feel like have sock on my feet. Tingling has improved


I have not been diagnosed but my experience may help:

I am in Melbourne, Australia and have had zero professionals tell me this could be related to the Covid vaccine/Covid 19. Yesterday I had a brain MRI to see if I have MS.

I am not an anti-vaccine person. I had two AstraZeneca vaccines and absolutely no reaction (May and July 2021). Then in January 2022 I had the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine. An hour after having the vaccine I started feeling like "when you go to the dentist and the anaesthetic starts wearing off and everything is numb and tingly". This started in my face and hands and progressed to my whole body.

In July 2022 I had what I would call a fairly mild case of Covid 19 (Omicron BA.4 or BA.5).

Now, a year on the symptoms are returning much stronger where I have the pins and needles almost constantly somewhere in my body.

Before the Pfizer vaccine/Covid 19, I would say I was a fit and healthy woman in her early 50s. I have suffered from menstrual migraines and have ADHD but manage both of these conditions really well.

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Do you still have the pins and needles in your whole body? I ask because I do. I am going through lots of testing and all I can point this to is a low B12 test and and/or a bout of COVID

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