COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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Only info I can offer is my neuropathy started after 2nd vaccine. Seen every Dr imaginable. No one seems to have any suggestions of root cause or treatment other than pain killers. Comments welcome. Not an anti vaccine person so let’s not go there. Had 4 Covid vaccines as I never connected a link to vaccine but now realize the possible connection.


Only info I can offer is my neuropathy started after 2nd vaccine. Seen every Dr imaginable. No one seems to have any suggestions of root cause or treatment other than pain killers. Comments welcome. Not an anti vaccine person so let’s not go there. Had 4 Covid vaccines as I never connected a link to vaccine but now realize the possible connection.

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There are studies coming out linking the vaccine to neuropathy, with the suggestion that is an immune response, or perhaps a metabolic issue. Some treatments offered are steroids or intravenous gamma globulins. I developed neuropathy after the vaccine (paresthesia within days, and 8 weeks before the burning started) and have recently gotten a confirmed diagnosis of length dependent axonal sensory neuropathy. My Dr is a bit stumped, and we don’t have the testing here in NZ to detect the spike in plasma, but I’ve had a very elevated IgG (antibody test) 3 months after my second jab. Just did another blood test to see if it is still very high - 9 months after last vax and 6 months after Covid itself. If my antibodies are still high, I can only assume (as I have no other co-morbities) that it is some sort of inflammatory response to the spike itself. So, like everyone else experiencing this issue, we wait to see what developers, and in the meantime, try to deal with it best we can. I have yet to find the answer.


There are studies coming out linking the vaccine to neuropathy, with the suggestion that is an immune response, or perhaps a metabolic issue. Some treatments offered are steroids or intravenous gamma globulins. I developed neuropathy after the vaccine (paresthesia within days, and 8 weeks before the burning started) and have recently gotten a confirmed diagnosis of length dependent axonal sensory neuropathy. My Dr is a bit stumped, and we don’t have the testing here in NZ to detect the spike in plasma, but I’ve had a very elevated IgG (antibody test) 3 months after my second jab. Just did another blood test to see if it is still very high - 9 months after last vax and 6 months after Covid itself. If my antibodies are still high, I can only assume (as I have no other co-morbities) that it is some sort of inflammatory response to the spike itself. So, like everyone else experiencing this issue, we wait to see what developers, and in the meantime, try to deal with it best we can. I have yet to find the answer.

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What is the name of the IgG test that was done?


What is the name of the IgG test that was done?

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SARS-Cov-2 Serology - IgG (Spike)


Only info I can offer is my neuropathy started after 2nd vaccine. Seen every Dr imaginable. No one seems to have any suggestions of root cause or treatment other than pain killers. Comments welcome. Not an anti vaccine person so let’s not go there. Had 4 Covid vaccines as I never connected a link to vaccine but now realize the possible connection.

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Definitely a link. I got it gradually after the vaccines but after the booster it escalated. It has calmed down but still have stiffness in my feet and often feel unbalanced. Just had covid for the first time pretty bad and that set it off again,.. I am sure it is all related.


Yes after pheizer i developed neuropathy. The booster made it even worse. Only had one booster. No more for me.


Definitely a link. I got it gradually after the vaccines but after the booster it escalated. It has calmed down but still have stiffness in my feet and often feel unbalanced. Just had covid for the first time pretty bad and that set it off again,.. I am sure it is all related.

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The word you used stiffness is a good description of the symptoms I have as well. I wonder if this will improve, it started with more pain than currently experience. Over time is does seem a little less pain and more stiffness. Both feet in my case. Learning to live with it but I do consume lots of water soluble vitamins and eliminated everything that I read that may be a cause.


There are studies coming out linking the vaccine to neuropathy, with the suggestion that is an immune response, or perhaps a metabolic issue. Some treatments offered are steroids or intravenous gamma globulins. I developed neuropathy after the vaccine (paresthesia within days, and 8 weeks before the burning started) and have recently gotten a confirmed diagnosis of length dependent axonal sensory neuropathy. My Dr is a bit stumped, and we don’t have the testing here in NZ to detect the spike in plasma, but I’ve had a very elevated IgG (antibody test) 3 months after my second jab. Just did another blood test to see if it is still very high - 9 months after last vax and 6 months after Covid itself. If my antibodies are still high, I can only assume (as I have no other co-morbities) that it is some sort of inflammatory response to the spike itself. So, like everyone else experiencing this issue, we wait to see what developers, and in the meantime, try to deal with it best we can. I have yet to find the answer.

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Hi: This is Skeleton: My life got so bad after the booster and then diagnosed with COVID. 12 months later my taste and smell have returned but I still have so much joint pain. Months of PT to no avail. When I told my doctors this severe pain happened after the booster, they acted like don’t blame the vaccine. I was so tired. I could not sleep at night. Appetite went away. I am so BLESSED that I am still on the green side of the grass. I thank GOD everyday HE wakes me up. I cannot take pain pills. Only Tylenol. I am sending you a hug and a wish for the HAPPIEST of New Years.


Immunology not a simple field. Maybe the attached article will help you figure out what's going on.

Shared files

Immune respone to vaxx 12-26-20 el gato malo (Immune-respone-to-vaxx-12-26-20-el-gato-malo.pdf)


Yes, have Covid in Nov of 2020, Vaccines in Mar/April 2021/Nov 2021 (worst choice for me I think). Ive had muscle weakness, muscle loss, joint pain, soreness. Im 54 and feel like I get around like my grandmother used to when I get out of bed in the mornings--it takes time to get moving. Ive pinged positive for an ANA Mixed connective tissue "speckled pattern". Although its low, something is going on, neuropathy, and other very weird symptoms "unexplained", feel like Im slowly being taken down by an invisible force no one can find! I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome as well, so not sure if bc my connective tissues is mutated in general that it made it worse. Im continuing to try to stay active. So much bloodwork and mostly good except ANA for last year! Crazy coincidence. Never had it before Covid. Perhaps Long-Covid????

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