Symptoms throughout the day: A pattern is emerging

Posted by prancer20 @prancer20, Jan 11, 2023

I am 5 weeks post covid positive test and I find that there seems to be a pattern emerging. I feel okay most mornings (especially after eating), okay until the mid to late afternoon and then some days I crash. I get tired and sometimes get those pesky palpitations and light headedness. After dinner, I feel a lot better again, and after a hot shower generally even better. This happens even if I have a mid afternoon snack. I also seem to have better blood pressure readings in the evening. has anyone else experiences this?

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I love the artwork I definitely feel like I got hit by the long hauler as well like some days I feel better than most and then there's others that I feel like I died I was buried and somebody dug me up and brought me back to life I feel sometimes like a walking corpse you'll see some of my posts in here that I really didn't get any answers from the gastrologist I still have biopsies that I have to wait for the results to come back only thing they could tell me is that I had a hiatus hernia that is caused by the constant vomiting and the dry heaving and I got accused of causing anorexia myself yeah he accused me of making myself that is all in my mind lovely lovely lovely

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The sad thing is that the doctors have no answers to give you regarding
long covid because as of yet there is no real research to help them.
However, there is no excuse for a doctor to treat you like that just
because he has no solid answers to give you.

Long covid is real. It is an inflammatory process caused by the covid
infection or, possibly, by the covid vax itself. It attacks anywhere in the
body or brain, sadly.

The docs do not know the answer. Yet.

Be gentle with yourself, rest, eat blandly, take prebiotics (I swear by two
servings of Activia daily) and OTC Loperamide 2 MG for the cramping pain.
But talk to a reputable vitamin center for their opinion, too.



I am sorry that Long Covid has had such a profound impact on you life. My experience, so far, pales in comparison. I posted on 1/18 about my current situation.

Questions: how did you find someone who practices holistic medicine? What is that person’s background? I prefer to find an MD, DO, PA, or ARNP…someone with traditional credentials who blends holistic with traditional.

How did you find a neurologist who takes Long Covid seriously? I am familiar with several neurologists in the area, who would not be a good match.

I have also found that shifting my lifestyle within my current limits is very helpful. I was stuck on being embarrassed about what I cannot do. My friends did not understand. I thought I was crazy. I am on a better track now. I have told my friends/local folk on a need to know basis. At least they now “get it” (kind of).

Thanks for your helpful comments. I wish you the best.

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Hello- Long Covid is a complex health condition and requires that attention. I joke that I was diagnosed with Long Covid- over a year and a half ago- before it was “cool”

Explaining/defending over and over again my heath condition became an invalidating cycle.

Let me first say that thanks to my therapist and np -they helped validate these emotions. Secondly, if a doctor does not listen to your symptoms and make you feel like a human being- I walk out.
Luckily I was referred my neurologist, but I have walked out of plenty doctors offices. Keep trying, read reviews and even talk to doctors office staff- many of them are experiencing Long Covid. The staff have first hand knowledge of the doctors in their office and who can help. Don’t give up.

Personally , I have severe anxiety and PTSD and a service dog. I inform any staff I speak with of my condition. I insist that they make a note when making a first appointment. I double check that the doctor is a good fit for me.
If you have a primary you trust- ask them for a referral.
I call my neurologist my angel- he said that Long Covid is hard for doctors since its new, they don't have answers, and are still discovering new aspects of the condition. Hoping you find someone soon.


The sad thing is that the doctors have no answers to give you regarding
long covid because as of yet there is no real research to help them.
However, there is no excuse for a doctor to treat you like that just
because he has no solid answers to give you.

Long covid is real. It is an inflammatory process caused by the covid
infection or, possibly, by the covid vax itself. It attacks anywhere in the
body or brain, sadly.

The docs do not know the answer. Yet.

Be gentle with yourself, rest, eat blandly, take prebiotics (I swear by two
servings of Activia daily) and OTC Loperamide 2 MG for the cramping pain.
But talk to a reputable vitamin center for their opinion, too.


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Thank you so much for your post and your reply you know some days I feel like I'm getting better I'm still trying to put all these pieces together and I haven't found a doctor PCP in my area I'm leaning towards doing a teledock visit with a link that was sent to me I've done some investigation research on her and I really think she would be a good fit for me I really don't like taking medicines pills or any of that sort I've always found there are natural ways of being able to heal ourselves but in this case I don't feel so comfortable I've never been so confused depressed or feel more helpless ever in my life and sometimes I could really feel speechless if you have any advice or information about where I could possibly find somebody that would help me in my situation yes I do believe long covid is real and it is a lie and it is killing a lot of us did it come for me having a positive covid experience or did it come from the vaccines that they had no time doing investigation on it seems like they're taking more time to diagnose long covid then they did approving the vaccines so that has me concerned I want this to be over with and I want everyone to be healthy not just myself and that's why I choose to take a stand in this day to tell the politicians to wake up you're killing your people thank you for listening


Yes they are very slow to diagnose and quick to vaccinate. Luckily I had been diagnosed before the vaccine was as available. My neurologist closed the door and told me do not get any vaccines and that he could loose his job over telling me this information. What a sad world. Enough people have had their lives turned upside down with vaccine reactions. Everyone is free to make their own choice- this is America after all. Refreshing to hear your opinion.

On the note of all natural ways to help with Long covid- coconut milk- monolaurian ( active ingredient in coconut that regenerative cell tissue.
Cryotherapy- decreases inflammation
Legs up the wall- exercise that reverses blood flow in the body- adding oxygen to the blood amongst other benefits

Fresh air and sunlight
Using your left brain to do something creative.

I am far from better, but these things have helped me. Sending you hopeful thoughts.


Yes they are very slow to diagnose and quick to vaccinate. Luckily I had been diagnosed before the vaccine was as available. My neurologist closed the door and told me do not get any vaccines and that he could loose his job over telling me this information. What a sad world. Enough people have had their lives turned upside down with vaccine reactions. Everyone is free to make their own choice- this is America after all. Refreshing to hear your opinion.

On the note of all natural ways to help with Long covid- coconut milk- monolaurian ( active ingredient in coconut that regenerative cell tissue.
Cryotherapy- decreases inflammation
Legs up the wall- exercise that reverses blood flow in the body- adding oxygen to the blood amongst other benefits

Fresh air and sunlight
Using your left brain to do something creative.

I am far from better, but these things have helped me. Sending you hopeful thoughts.

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Thank you for your advice, my inflammation is on the inside. I have received some of my test results back and they aren't good. I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis, large mouthed diverticulitis, and I also have multiple mini and medium sized masses covering the lining of my gallbladder. I was put on Linzess, and a strict Gastroparesis diet. I can do light walk and swim(it's winter) I have placed my application in for a internal medicine specialist to review my records and hopefully they will be able to take all these tests and get a diagnosis for myself and I can hopefully get the help i need to survive. I am starting to second guess myself even. When I know I am sick.


Yes they are very slow to diagnose and quick to vaccinate. Luckily I had been diagnosed before the vaccine was as available. My neurologist closed the door and told me do not get any vaccines and that he could loose his job over telling me this information. What a sad world. Enough people have had their lives turned upside down with vaccine reactions. Everyone is free to make their own choice- this is America after all. Refreshing to hear your opinion.

On the note of all natural ways to help with Long covid- coconut milk- monolaurian ( active ingredient in coconut that regenerative cell tissue.
Cryotherapy- decreases inflammation
Legs up the wall- exercise that reverses blood flow in the body- adding oxygen to the blood amongst other benefits

Fresh air and sunlight
Using your left brain to do something creative.

I am far from better, but these things have helped me. Sending you hopeful thoughts.

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I believe that all of this long covid stuff is due to inflammation
I just did this today in a bog’s meditation
Hope it helps sick of the inflammation moving around in my upper body


I believe that all of this long covid stuff is due to inflammation
I just did this today in a bog’s meditation
Hope it helps sick of the inflammation moving around in my upper body

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Absolutely correct, just the other day the gastrologist even said there was so many people with unexplainable inflammation even in my test there was a lot in my esophagus, the lining of my stomach and in the intestinal wall. Crazy.


You’re in the right place! I have had post covid about a year with covid created lung nodules, brain lesions, heart issues, pituitary gland decimated, and seem to have every symptom. My healthcare system and others Ive reached out to for post covid clinic treatment have not/unable to assist. Please read each area here pertaining to your symptoms/experiences and I assure you, you will find helpful info from others who really “know” what you need help with and can research best for you🙂. Hopefully inspires you and please just focus day by day with patience for yourself to recognize even small improvements and before you know it the light at the end of the tunnel is bigger and brighter!

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@law59 I'm not sure if I have thanked you for your advice and encouragement. So I just wanted to say thanks. This has been one of the hardest times in my life and I can't imagine the pain and distress suffers with more progressive symptoms have, but really I look forward to viewing and exploring everything this site has to offer. Recently I have applied to receive care from the local Mayo clinic available in a local Memorial hospital. After finding out some of the damage I have received from having Long COVID or even the Covid infection I really am serious about getting seen by the experts in internal medicine. We have been praying day and night. So, I have faith they will consider me as a patient. Thank you for the encouragement you gave me 2 weeks ago to reach out and search all the symptoms and meet people with similar circumstances. This has surely helped safe my life.

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