Covid Recovery: How can I manage GI issues?

Posted by sieb369 @sieb369, Jan 3, 2022

It has been 5 weeks since my COVID symptoms began. I am well past the isolation date. I had nausea and diarrhea during COVID along with the usual symptoms of cough, fatigue, rapid heartbeat and sinus issues. I have felt like I was over this, but I began having GI pain in the last week. I feel as if my intestines are sore on the inside. I guess it is inflammation. Has anyone else had this and is there anything I can do to help it? Probiotics maybe?

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I'm not familiar with that brand but after years of taking probiotics (since 1996 with no apparent positive results) my gastroenterologist finally suggested VSL#3 - previously he would simply say get one with at least three strains of bacteria - they are all alike. Made no specific brand recommendation As a precaution, I searched NIH (National Institute of Health) website - link on my previous post and was astounded with their write up.

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I will add for sure and check strains to see comparison. I need this crap gone. Interfering with my life, job, home life, everything. Covid sucks big time.


Question: Does anyone else have very green stool post covid?

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I did for 2 days initially. Then constipation then the gastritis symptoms kicked in. Been 3 weeks and still not fully recovered.


I had COVID in late August. And I have gastroparesis and a history of SIBO. Before that, I had been doing well, and treating with medication, probiotics and diet (modified gastro diet-moderate fiber and fat). I was having minimal symptoms and only occasionally checked in with my local GI.

Since that time, I have had increased symptoms, worsened by medication to treat a mood disorder (I stopped taking it and the symptoms improved some). Since COVID, I have had difficulty tolerating GI meds, the ones that affect motility now cause diarrhea with incomplete emptying. This leaves me with mainly three options: Motegrity (insurance won't approve it), domperidone (insurance probably won't cover it), or the botox injections into the vagus nerve.

Usually, I have been limiting my fat and fiber again. When I do cheat, I pay a way bigger price than I did before. I have no appetite.

I've been referred back to Rochester for further treatment and am out of work on FMLA. I have a lot of anxiety about needing to go, what options are. I'm trying to not think about it too much.

Has anyone else had post-COVID GI issues and if so, what was done for them and was there any success?


I can identify with you....I take a probiotic, prebiotic and an enzyme...been doing for several weeks.. there has been improvement. Takes 12 wks for all to "kick in" as per doc. I watch my very whole... stay away from rich foods, sauces, no fried foods .. basically very healthy eating. All this has helped.


I have had major gastro issues after getting Covid in July and after the last booster shot in early November. My stomach was like a boiling cauldron during Covid and after the last shot. Then I developed major Crohn's like symptoms. It is now January and it is a little better but I still feel my stomach as bloated and the need to go to the bathroom about 10x a day. I tried to see a gastro at UCI but they cannot see me until June!


I have had major gastro issues after getting Covid in July and after the last booster shot in early November. My stomach was like a boiling cauldron during Covid and after the last shot. Then I developed major Crohn's like symptoms. It is now January and it is a little better but I still feel my stomach as bloated and the need to go to the bathroom about 10x a day. I tried to see a gastro at UCI but they cannot see me until June!

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@dad469, I moved your messages about long COVID and GI issues to this exisiting discussion:
– Covid Recovery: How can I manage GI issues?

I did this so you can read previous posts of members helping members and offering tips and strategies, and connect with others more easily. You may also be interested in this related discussion:
– Has anyone experience Covid Gut? What helps?


I had COVID in late August. And I have gastroparesis and a history of SIBO. Before that, I had been doing well, and treating with medication, probiotics and diet (modified gastro diet-moderate fiber and fat). I was having minimal symptoms and only occasionally checked in with my local GI.

Since that time, I have had increased symptoms, worsened by medication to treat a mood disorder (I stopped taking it and the symptoms improved some). Since COVID, I have had difficulty tolerating GI meds, the ones that affect motility now cause diarrhea with incomplete emptying. This leaves me with mainly three options: Motegrity (insurance won't approve it), domperidone (insurance probably won't cover it), or the botox injections into the vagus nerve.

Usually, I have been limiting my fat and fiber again. When I do cheat, I pay a way bigger price than I did before. I have no appetite.

I've been referred back to Rochester for further treatment and am out of work on FMLA. I have a lot of anxiety about needing to go, what options are. I'm trying to not think about it too much.

Has anyone else had post-COVID GI issues and if so, what was done for them and was there any success?

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@catmomma, it is not uncommon for COVID to create GI issues or to cause a flare of existing issues. You will find many members sharing what helps in these discussions:
– Covid Recovery: How can I manage GI issues?
– Has anyone experience Covid Gut? What helps?


Yes. had COVID Nov 1st and was very ill high fever also. I had the GI symptoms also. Was better in 2 weeks and then experienced the exhaustion. It is now Jan 16 and am on 2 antibiotics for a GI inflammation. On the 12th of Jan. the abdominal cramping began again as well as the pain in the area of the stomach. Starting to feel a bit better, but the treatment will be lasting 3 weeks. The body must be working hard to eliminate the virus and its mutations. there is no real explanation why this happens to some people and not to others.
Yoghurt==with natural microbes --plain and no sugar will assist the gut to get its normal flora back [the good microbes that we are supposed to have]. Delete all sugars from the diet --no actual sugar, no sweets or desserts as sugar depletes the good microbes and allows the bad microbes to grow and give cramps and diarrhea. I am doing this to get back to normal. [Because am on antibiotics for 3weeks I need to be sure to leave 2 hours after taking the antibiotics to eat the yogurt because otherwise the antibiotic will also kill the good microbes in the yogurt.


Yes. had COVID Nov 1st and was very ill high fever also. I had the GI symptoms also. Was better in 2 weeks and then experienced the exhaustion. It is now Jan 16 and am on 2 antibiotics for a GI inflammation. On the 12th of Jan. the abdominal cramping began again as well as the pain in the area of the stomach. Starting to feel a bit better, but the treatment will be lasting 3 weeks. The body must be working hard to eliminate the virus and its mutations. there is no real explanation why this happens to some people and not to others.
Yoghurt==with natural microbes --plain and no sugar will assist the gut to get its normal flora back [the good microbes that we are supposed to have]. Delete all sugars from the diet --no actual sugar, no sweets or desserts as sugar depletes the good microbes and allows the bad microbes to grow and give cramps and diarrhea. I am doing this to get back to normal. [Because am on antibiotics for 3weeks I need to be sure to leave 2 hours after taking the antibiotics to eat the yogurt because otherwise the antibiotic will also kill the good microbes in the yogurt.

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One month after having a mild covid, I experienced very painful abdominal
pain, bloating, nausea ( no vomiting tho), and watery diarrhea off and on
for 6 weeks. Diagnosed by GI specialist with Gut Covid. I started taking
Activia yogurt with live prebiotic AM and PM, and OTC Loperamide 2 mg
twice daily to control the diarrhea and cramping pain. It finally stopped.
I had lost 9 pounds. Since, I still take Activia twice daily for the live
prebiotics. Only one episode of cramping and diarrhea since. Still need
more rest. But doing well.


I am so glad to hear you are doing well. I have added yoghurt eating with active gut microbes in my nutrition to keep a healthy gut. Gastroenterologists also recommend a product like Allyn or Culturelle with active gut microbes to maintain a healthy gut. [There are other products with the same features in your local pharmacy or drug store]. If the diarrhea and cramping persist, please consult your physician and ask him/her to consider an acute bowel infection and then you will receive the 2 common antibiotics for this. Ask your MD as I do not prescribe over a public media.

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