Covid Recovery: How can I manage GI issues?

Posted by sieb369 @sieb369, Jan 3, 2022

It has been 5 weeks since my COVID symptoms began. I am well past the isolation date. I had nausea and diarrhea during COVID along with the usual symptoms of cough, fatigue, rapid heartbeat and sinus issues. I have felt like I was over this, but I began having GI pain in the last week. I feel as if my intestines are sore on the inside. I guess it is inflammation. Has anyone else had this and is there anything I can do to help it? Probiotics maybe?

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I have had constipation issues for almost 5 months now. I rely on Miralax, Benefibre, & enemas. It seems like our dignity is taken away. We cannot eat, cannot sleep, and there are too many symptoms to manage at one time. I am so tired of hearing, “I’m sorry, but I don’t know anything about long haul COVID”. In fact done people have never even heard the term “long haul”. The nurse that works at my insurance company asked me, “what is long haul? Is it like UHaul?” Are you kidding me?


I have had constipation issues for almost 5 months now. I rely on Miralax, Benefibre, & enemas. It seems like our dignity is taken away. We cannot eat, cannot sleep, and there are too many symptoms to manage at one time. I am so tired of hearing, “I’m sorry, but I don’t know anything about long haul COVID”. In fact done people have never even heard the term “long haul”. The nurse that works at my insurance company asked me, “what is long haul? Is it like UHaul?” Are you kidding me?

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It's so unfortunate that our world has become so cold hearted now a days. Some will never seem to understand the frustration we endure on a regular basis. I am right there with you. I will say this, My gutt Dr. did a series of exploration tests last week. 5 in all. They have me taking Lenzess and it does help with all the symptoms, but mind you I was nauseous, vomiting and constipated for over a month. I had rectal bleeding and when he looked inside he seen these spots that look like a water blister. He has sent them off to Pathology, so we are waiting for those results to come back. In the mean time. I am eating things I can tolerate. It's called Gastroparesis diet. He has partially diagnosed me as having Grade 2 Gastroparesis.
I will never fully recover, but at the same time we don't have a clue what the cause was. But I have went a whole week with only vomiting 2 times. Instead of 4+ times a day. Still have a long road a head and pray we all can get the help diagnosis we need to treat us so we can all have a better quality of life. God bless.


So glad you posted. I spent last Thursday --a half day vomiting. No cause that I can figure. I had a full case of COVID-19 last November 1st for 2 weeks --very ill and high fever. Nausea stays with me a lot. I use an antinauseant from the drugstore and also make my own now with a root [peeled] of fresh ginger and put a 2" piece of it a 4 cup measuring cup and boil it --either on the stove element or the microwave. Then I cool it and put it in a clean glass container and then refill with another 4 c water and boil it using same piece of ginger root. Then save results in glass bottle. I have been doing this since last year and really helps --so vomiting much less and keeping it at bay with the ginger-root water.
Also if no ginger root, use 1 tsp ginger powder. If you do not have that get the gravol or dramamine from the druggist. Wishing us all well--and we will get better!


I contracted Covid 2/20 and have had long Covid since. It has affected almost everything. I have had gastrointestinal issues since then with nothing helping until I tried l-glutamine, which made a difference. I have consequently added Metagenics Ultrainflamx Plus at 1 to 2 scoops per day which has been helping. Prescribed by a natural Dr. Nothing has fixed the problems but these have made it somewhat better.


Have had up to 12 times daily diarrhea since a mild case of Covid for about nine months now. Colonoscopy normal stool sample normal. Doctor prescribed Bentyl. After taking it for two days, I feel like my diarrhea is worse. After scrolling through this site, I haven’t seen this prescribed for anybody else. Is it not a recommended treatment?


Have had up to 12 times daily diarrhea since a mild case of Covid for about nine months now. Colonoscopy normal stool sample normal. Doctor prescribed Bentyl. After taking it for two days, I feel like my diarrhea is worse. After scrolling through this site, I haven’t seen this prescribed for anybody else. Is it not a recommended treatment?

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Consider taking Immodiun, and Activia yogurt twice daily. It really help me. It has been months I am doing this.


Consider taking Immodiun, and Activia yogurt twice daily. It really help me. It has been months I am doing this.

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Thank you! I will try Activa. I keep being told not to have any dairy, but I think yogurt with a high concentration of probiotics is in a different category.


Have had up to 12 times daily diarrhea since a mild case of Covid for about nine months now. Colonoscopy normal stool sample normal. Doctor prescribed Bentyl. After taking it for two days, I feel like my diarrhea is worse. After scrolling through this site, I haven’t seen this prescribed for anybody else. Is it not a recommended treatment?

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After several years of regular diarrhea, my sister discovered just last week that it’s been caused by a daily drink of Zipfizz energy drink, specifically, the sweeteners Xylitol and Sucralose in it. She stopped drinking the Zipfizz and her diarrhea is completely gone. So you may want to examine if there is something you’re eating or drinking daily that might have an ingredient that Covid has given you an intolerance for.


Have had up to 12 times daily diarrhea since a mild case of Covid for about nine months now. Colonoscopy normal stool sample normal. Doctor prescribed Bentyl. After taking it for two days, I feel like my diarrhea is worse. After scrolling through this site, I haven’t seen this prescribed for anybody else. Is it not a recommended treatment?

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I got Bentyl for my abdominal cramps, but it made me really groggy and weird in my head so I am not taking it. If you have painful cramps like I do, ask for Hyocosamine. That really helps me. Never heard of Bentyl for diarrhea.


Has anyone experienced primarily extreme nausea / pain and gassiness especially after eating after having covid. It was a primary and continuing symptom of my mom after getting covid in 3-20. No diarreah or constipation, Has anyone tried probiotics or any natural concoction. I do not want to be too judgmental but it seems her doctors seem to not put too much thought into it because she is 92. Paid enough attention to what she eats to rule out any type of food. I primarily posted because it seems most people have constipation or diarreah. It is severe after eating and right in the a.m. and subsides after those events. We've tried the 2 week Omeprazole regiment and it did not help. She has green tea with every meal

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