What's your experience with duloxetine (US Brand Name; Cymbalta)?

Posted by d13 @d13, Jan 11, 2022

I was prescribed by my oncologist for the neuropathy in feet and hands. The chemotherapy treatments did this. This drug also states that it is used to treat depression and anxiety. As with any prescription medication, there could be side effects. And a huge list of what not to take with this drug. He also prescribed hydrocodone 5 mg, but to take half of pill four times daily for cancer pain. We’ll, when I got home and read about the Duloxetine use; one of the medications on the list was hydrocodone. I’m now waiting for a call from the oncologist office to see if I can take the Duloxetine with the hydrocodone. Can anyone at least tell me if they have ever taken this medication; Duloxetine? And any side effects?

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Rx meds due nothing for me but horrific side effects worse than the pain at times.
Gut directed hypnotherapy, Nerva tape, peppermint or ginger tea or oil for nausea, lots of daily water and excercise, trying franchensise oil for pain .
Lots of prayers and surrounding yourself with positive people !!


I was tried on Cymbalta several years ago and had a severe reaction to it. I could not balance sitting or standing nor could I look into the distance without toppling over. I developed a disabling headache within 15 minutes of taking the first dose but continued taking it for three days before being able to reach my primary care doctor. It took several days for the symptoms to subside but they did. I hope those taking it don't have the same experience I did.


I was on gabapentin for neuropathy. It wasn’t helping much. I was telling my dentist about it when he said ask your doctor about Cymbalta. I did, she prescribed it, and it helped. Because of the list of things it can do, I stopped it and the pain returned. I went back on it. I’ve been in it about two years now. It helps me cope with the pain. I know that there are problems weaning off of it as well as with the gabapentin but it helps so I continue with it. For two years I was on methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis and it’s much more potent. It put my RA in remission. So, I think we have to weigh our own pros and cons about what we take. Best regards to you.


I was tried on Cymbalta several years ago and had a severe reaction to it. I could not balance sitting or standing nor could I look into the distance without toppling over. I developed a disabling headache within 15 minutes of taking the first dose but continued taking it for three days before being able to reach my primary care doctor. It took several days for the symptoms to subside but they did. I hope those taking it don't have the same experience I did.

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@d13, My neurologist put me on Cymbalta a few months ago for neuropathy along with the gabapentin that I was already on. I had a similar reaction as @duckee. I was dizzy and felt sick but worse when I tried to lie down. It affected my balance, and was a miserable experience.
I hope it works better for you!


I was just put on Cymbalta 30mg and for the first time today I took it and every since I have diarrhea, feel funny feeling, confusion, nausea and very jittery. Is this normal?


I was just put on Cymbalta 30mg and for the first time today I took it and every since I have diarrhea, feel funny feeling, confusion, nausea and very jittery. Is this normal?

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Welcome @tkhardy01, I moved your post to this existing discussion:
- What was your experience with duloxetine (US Brand Name; Cymbalta)?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/duloxetine-us-brand-name-cymbalta/

I did this so you can read previous helpful posts and easilyconnect with other members like @d13 @regalrottweilers @ess77 @naturegirl5 @johnbluffside @duckee @maggie1960 @pattykakes @luv2hike who have experience with Cymbalta. Some have experienced similar side effects as you describe "diarrhea, feel funny feeling, confusion, nausea and very jittery."

Have you talked to your doctor or pharmacist about the side effects? How are you feeling today?


Welcome @tkhardy01, I moved your post to this existing discussion:
- What was your experience with duloxetine (US Brand Name; Cymbalta)?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/duloxetine-us-brand-name-cymbalta/

I did this so you can read previous helpful posts and easilyconnect with other members like @d13 @regalrottweilers @ess77 @naturegirl5 @johnbluffside @duckee @maggie1960 @pattykakes @luv2hike who have experience with Cymbalta. Some have experienced similar side effects as you describe "diarrhea, feel funny feeling, confusion, nausea and very jittery."

Have you talked to your doctor or pharmacist about the side effects? How are you feeling today?

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Still feeling jittery and confusion but I haven't taking anymore until I discuss with my doctor Monday


I was prescribed Duloxetine or Cymbalta; 30mg, I woke up with lightheadedness and a little nauseous and dizziness. I’m waiting for a call from my oncologist office to see if this is normal when starting. I won’t be taking it tonight knowing what I experienced most of the day. I already have the chem brain fog; so this just made my head feel worse.

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Same with me. I already have chemo brain fog and I started Cymbalta yesterday 30mg and I started feeling very lightheaded, dizzy, nausea, diarrhea and confusion. I woke up this morning still feeling confusion, dizzy and diarrhea. I won't be taking it again until I speak with my doctor.


I've recently tapered off Cymbalta after taking it for 18 years. It served me well for about 16 of those 18 years, but it was time for a change, which can happen.

Just take it at the same time every day and remember it has a short half-life, which can cause withdrawal symptoms (brain zaps, headaches, nausea, etc.) if you miss a dose or lose it before you absorb it (stomach flu...).

And if you do decide to stop taking it, taper off gradually under doctor's supervision, particularly when going from the lowest dose to nothing.


I had taken Gabapentin at one time, with severe vertigo attacks, so I stopped it. After that, I have taken nothing for three years, with moderate but very annoying hand and foot pain from diabetic neuropathy. Now I have a new doctor who put me on duloxetine (cymbalta). I have been on 20 mg for a month with dramatic reduction in pain. The idea was to increase the dosage monthly (if needed and tolerated) up to 60mg (30mg twice a day). I think for the time being, I'll recommend to my doctor that I just stay on 20mg indefinitely, not increasing it unless the pain returns.

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