Post-Covid dizziness/off-balance, as most troubling symptom

Posted by kirstenk2003 @kirstenk2003, Mar 30, 2022

I contracted Covid in December 2021 and am currently dealing with persistent dizziness (off balance, sometimes feels like swaying, rocking, spinning, or a pull to one side). My other most bothersome symptoms are ear ringing, headaches (pressure in the head), feelings of pressure change in my ears, trouble multitasking or thinking, along with developing anxiety/ depression and some elevated heart rate and blood pressure.

Dizziness was not a symptom of my initial infection. I developed dizziness (not BPPV) around January 15th. I saw a physical therapist who determined I had Vestibular Hypofunction and I began vestibular therapy. It seemed to be working and I even returned to my office job for about 3 weeks, restricted hours. Two weeks ago I began feeling worse again. My physical therapist believes my initial issue has improved - so he doesn't know what's causing my current onset of symptoms. I started an antihistamine to combat any allergy related ear fluid, along with an anxiety medication to try and improve my blood pressure and heart rate.

I'm going to see an ENT next, and hope that I haven't waited too long to try other remedies (if there are any). Has anyone else experienced this overwhelming dizziness and had positive results with treatment or answers as to the cause? I'm scared that this is going to be how I feel forever.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

For those struggling with ear problems such as dizziness, vertigo etc. I would like to suggest what helped me years ago. I found a website called VEDA online, type it into Google. VEDA recommends a low salt and sugar diet. If I stay with their program my dizziness goes away. Do hope this helps you like it does me.
If anyone has vertigo check out the Dizzy Cook, she has vertigo and recommends elimination of foods that cause her vertigo.


I found mental clarity rotating between ashwagandha, st John's wart, and CoQ10, clarity no fogginess regular speed of thinking not delayed able to get out of bed without wishing I couldn't I'm not telling you to try it or suggesting it will help I could have felt better by coincidence or placebo but I know I spent 18 months unable to move and the right combo has me working the yard again slowly and surely but only been a few weeks.

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Be very careful with herbs. I am taking antidepressants for depression. I know for a fact, St. John’s Whort is very dangerous to take with antidepressants. Please check with your doctor before taking herbal supplements.


I had Covid the month of September 2022. I was in bed for over three weeks. Very nauseous and vomiting. Now I have balance issues which I never had before. A week ago I started being nauseous again and vomiting. I learned I have an ear infection. I’m on on anti-nauseous pills & antibiotics. Don’t know if the ear infection could related to the Covid. I’m afraid to get the second booster shot.


I had Covid the month of September 2022. I was in bed for over three weeks. Very nauseous and vomiting. Now I have balance issues which I never had before. A week ago I started being nauseous again and vomiting. I learned I have an ear infection. I’m on on anti-nauseous pills & antibiotics. Don’t know if the ear infection could related to the Covid. I’m afraid to get the second booster shot.

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I had ear infection took all kinds of meds..then had dizziness and balance problems..what help me the most is PT…it really helped they have special PT that work with this problem


I have had the same dizziness it is really hard to function! unless I'm in motion. hard when you are exhausted!
I did vestibular PT sorta maybe helped with some symptoms??? i have now developed "vibrations"
My MD sent me to a neurologist. He decided I have Complex Migraines so I've tired several medications. Some caused side affects that are just as bad as the symptoms

it has been a year and I'm getting very weary ... no-one knows anything , its all guess work
so i have decided to do Dr Joe dispenza 's work
My son and daughter both HAD crohns disease for 10 years ... they are both healed! (people think its crazy, but it really isnt! science and studies behind the work)

Hope you find a solution! Ill post when i have a miraculous healing !


I have had the same dizziness it is really hard to function! unless I'm in motion. hard when you are exhausted!
I did vestibular PT sorta maybe helped with some symptoms??? i have now developed "vibrations"
My MD sent me to a neurologist. He decided I have Complex Migraines so I've tired several medications. Some caused side affects that are just as bad as the symptoms

it has been a year and I'm getting very weary ... no-one knows anything , its all guess work
so i have decided to do Dr Joe dispenza 's work
My son and daughter both HAD crohns disease for 10 years ... they are both healed! (people think its crazy, but it really isnt! science and studies behind the work)

Hope you find a solution! Ill post when i have a miraculous healing !

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Joe Dispenza is a fraud. My aunt was following him, and went to one of his seminars. It was very cult-like and gave her icky vibes. She's a reiki practitioner, and he made it clear that he does NOT like reiki or any other type of energy work other than his. She left after one day because she was really getting creepy cult vibes from him. When she returned home, she found out that her upstairs toilet had leaked, and crashed through two floors of her townhouse, and was in the basement! Not to mention that someone hit her car. Coincidence?

I'm all for energy work like reiki and acupuncture. I know many practitioners of both that have had good results against long COVID. However, I would take anything Dispenza says with a huge grain of salt.


June 2022/ think had Ba5/ had night sweats 3X/fever 99s/ tired, congestion/ rested/ Paxlovid gave me serious runs/ day 15 test (-). now get light headed then dizzy with activity/especially w/up & down & bending over. Have had: brain MRI, Sinus CT, balance tests, hearing test, All ear functions OK. Up coming: heart & brain doc appointments. Now at 6 months & nothing found wrong, Would take 1-2 hours of activity to get dizzy enough to stop & lay down. Now get to dizziness within an hour. Hope that something turns up in next appointments.


June 2022/ think had Ba5/ had night sweats 3X/fever 99s/ tired, congestion/ rested/ Paxlovid gave me serious runs/ day 15 test (-). now get light headed then dizzy with activity/especially w/up & down & bending over. Have had: brain MRI, Sinus CT, balance tests, hearing test, All ear functions OK. Up coming: heart & brain doc appointments. Now at 6 months & nothing found wrong, Would take 1-2 hours of activity to get dizzy enough to stop & lay down. Now get to dizziness within an hour. Hope that something turns up in next appointments.

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Welcome @crm1947. I moved your question about lightheadedness and dizziness post COVID to this existing discussion:
- Post-Covid dizziness/off-balance, as most troubling symptom

I did this so you can read previous posts with helpful tips and connect easily with members who get it, like @kirstenk2003 @artistandtwin @ckrp1978 @ilean @auntb65 @macto @rose5 @smd0109 @hollee24k


Welcome @crm1947. I moved your question about lightheadedness and dizziness post COVID to this existing discussion:
- Post-Covid dizziness/off-balance, as most troubling symptom

I did this so you can read previous posts with helpful tips and connect easily with members who get it, like @kirstenk2003 @artistandtwin @ckrp1978 @ilean @auntb65 @macto @rose5 @smd0109 @hollee24k

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thank you!


June 2022/ think had Ba5/ had night sweats 3X/fever 99s/ tired, congestion/ rested/ Paxlovid gave me serious runs/ day 15 test (-). now get light headed then dizzy with activity/especially w/up & down & bending over. Have had: brain MRI, Sinus CT, balance tests, hearing test, All ear functions OK. Up coming: heart & brain doc appointments. Now at 6 months & nothing found wrong, Would take 1-2 hours of activity to get dizzy enough to stop & lay down. Now get to dizziness within an hour. Hope that something turns up in next appointments.

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Please review this website before your next Dr appointments. There’s a list of tests that people have found helpful and not helpful.

Best of luck for us all!

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