What helps improve osteoporosis without medication?

Posted by imatine @imatine, Dec 4, 2020

Hello, did anyone here try to heal from osteoporosis away from all the prescribed medications we all know of? Did you try following a specific diet? Excercise? Meditation, etc. ? Thank you

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Well.....not exactly to heal osteoporosis, but to improve.....yes. I eat yogurt every day, with fruit, low carbs, good protein, take daily Centrum Silver for Women, Super B Complex, D3, Zinc, Citrical or a calcium supplement. AND, I use water therapy 2-3X daily in a pool for conditioning, exercise. That is probably the best suggestion you can try, if your doctor approves. My doc said I have to do that for the rest of my life...I consider that a direct order from someone who knows me and my body and wants my best. So, I do it. I love it. I'm stronger, have less pain, move better. I walk in the water-sideways/backwards/front, do marching, use water barbells. Simple, easy and lots of hard work to feel and be better. It works wonders for me. Wishing you well!

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I was on Prolia and stopped in October and have been taking supplements, exercise and healthy diet. Just one comment about supplements. Be careful. Look for good ones (usually not over the counter). I have a friend who was taking centrum silver and developed a bowel obstruction. She got a colonic and it washed out a bunch of centrum silver pills still in tact in her intestinal tract that created a blockage and they were even able to read the marking on the pills. They didn’t even dissolve and caused her lots of problems. I order from Ancient Nutrition and Life Extension who I’ve researched and trust.


I was on Prolia and stopped in October and have been taking supplements, exercise and healthy diet. Just one comment about supplements. Be careful. Look for good ones (usually not over the counter). I have a friend who was taking centrum silver and developed a bowel obstruction. She got a colonic and it washed out a bunch of centrum silver pills still in tact in her intestinal tract that created a blockage and they were even able to read the marking on the pills. They didn’t even dissolve and caused her lots of problems. I order from Ancient Nutrition and Life Extension who I’ve researched and trust.

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@username26 we are told by docs that we cannot just stop Prolia; it needs to be followed up by another med to avoid a quick drop in bone density and increase in fracture risk. Are you taking any other medication?

Apparently this is not true of Reclast because it stays in the system. Some people follow Prolia with Reclast or other biphosphonate, and then take a break and do natural methods, I was told.


Well.....not exactly to heal osteoporosis, but to improve.....yes. I eat yogurt every day, with fruit, low carbs, good protein, take daily Centrum Silver for Women, Super B Complex, D3, Zinc, Citrical or a calcium supplement. AND, I use water therapy 2-3X daily in a pool for conditioning, exercise. That is probably the best suggestion you can try, if your doctor approves. My doc said I have to do that for the rest of my life...I consider that a direct order from someone who knows me and my body and wants my best. So, I do it. I love it. I'm stronger, have less pain, move better. I walk in the water-sideways/backwards/front, do marching, use water barbells. Simple, easy and lots of hard work to feel and be better. It works wonders for me. Wishing you well!

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I have Osteoporosis and was diagnosed with a fractured vertebrae a few months ago. I also have Femoral head edema on my hip bone. Both of these conditions have been painful to live with. I also don't want to take prescribed medications. I did some research and came across studies that are being done at Harvard and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articles › PMC5793325
on Collagen peptides for building bone. I decided to give it a try and found a reputable source for Free Range Bovine Collagen (Types 1 and 111). After taking 30 grams a day for almost 3 months, my pain has lessened considerably. I am hopeful that my bones will strengthen over time. After all Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body! It is expensive so I've had to cut back on spending for other things so I can continue with the collagen.


I have Osteoporosis and was diagnosed with a fractured vertebrae a few months ago. I also have Femoral head edema on my hip bone. Both of these conditions have been painful to live with. I also don't want to take prescribed medications. I did some research and came across studies that are being done at Harvard and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articles › PMC5793325
on Collagen peptides for building bone. I decided to give it a try and found a reputable source for Free Range Bovine Collagen (Types 1 and 111). After taking 30 grams a day for almost 3 months, my pain has lessened considerably. I am hopeful that my bones will strengthen over time. After all Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body! It is expensive so I've had to cut back on spending for other things so I can continue with the collagen.

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Good luck ...I hope you have great results....


I was on Prolia and stopped in October and have been taking supplements, exercise and healthy diet. Just one comment about supplements. Be careful. Look for good ones (usually not over the counter). I have a friend who was taking centrum silver and developed a bowel obstruction. She got a colonic and it washed out a bunch of centrum silver pills still in tact in her intestinal tract that created a blockage and they were even able to read the marking on the pills. They didn’t even dissolve and caused her lots of problems. I order from Ancient Nutrition and Life Extension who I’ve researched and trust.

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I've seen 5 osteoporosis specialists. You can't stop prolia. You must take something else or your bone density can plummet. My friend stopped to do dental work. She went from mild osteoporosis to severe osteoporosis. She's currently having blood and urine tests to asses what meds she needs to be on.


I have Osteoporosis and was diagnosed with a fractured vertebrae a few months ago. I also have Femoral head edema on my hip bone. Both of these conditions have been painful to live with. I also don't want to take prescribed medications. I did some research and came across studies that are being done at Harvard and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articles › PMC5793325
on Collagen peptides for building bone. I decided to give it a try and found a reputable source for Free Range Bovine Collagen (Types 1 and 111). After taking 30 grams a day for almost 3 months, my pain has lessened considerably. I am hopeful that my bones will strengthen over time. After all Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body! It is expensive so I've had to cut back on spending for other things so I can continue with the collagen.

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Please keep us posted when you get your next dexa scan.


I have Osteoporosis and was diagnosed with a fractured vertebrae a few months ago. I also have Femoral head edema on my hip bone. Both of these conditions have been painful to live with. I also don't want to take prescribed medications. I did some research and came across studies that are being done at Harvard and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articles › PMC5793325
on Collagen peptides for building bone. I decided to give it a try and found a reputable source for Free Range Bovine Collagen (Types 1 and 111). After taking 30 grams a day for almost 3 months, my pain has lessened considerably. I am hopeful that my bones will strengthen over time. After all Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body! It is expensive so I've had to cut back on spending for other things so I can continue with the collagen.

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@mabbs24 as you probably know, once you have a fractured vertebra, your risk of more fractures is very high. I was unable to take meds for a long time. I even went to an immunologist to try to desensitize so I could take Forteo.

I have now been on Tymlos for a year. I started with two out of eight clicks of the pen and moved up slowly. I am so much stronger and my pain from multiple fractures (like you, I first had only one) is so much better.

Forums tend to include scary opinions on medications, and of course the list of side effects may be intimidating. As someone who has suffered pain and disability from fractures, I am just trying to provide balance.

Tymlos does have side effects but they tend to ease over a month or so (for me, headache, dizziness) and starting at a low dose really helped. Good luck!


I have Osteoporosis and was diagnosed with a fractured vertebrae a few months ago. I also have Femoral head edema on my hip bone. Both of these conditions have been painful to live with. I also don't want to take prescribed medications. I did some research and came across studies that are being done at Harvard and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articles › PMC5793325
on Collagen peptides for building bone. I decided to give it a try and found a reputable source for Free Range Bovine Collagen (Types 1 and 111). After taking 30 grams a day for almost 3 months, my pain has lessened considerably. I am hopeful that my bones will strengthen over time. After all Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body! It is expensive so I've had to cut back on spending for other things so I can continue with the collagen.

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what was the Brand name of that Collagen if you do not mind
I have a very serious T-12 fracture and osteoporosis I am always in pain but I have been taking Neocell Collogin in do not know the difference good luck with the bone strenthig


I have Osteoporosis and was diagnosed with a fractured vertebrae a few months ago. I also have Femoral head edema on my hip bone. Both of these conditions have been painful to live with. I also don't want to take prescribed medications. I did some research and came across studies that are being done at Harvard and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articles › PMC5793325
on Collagen peptides for building bone. I decided to give it a try and found a reputable source for Free Range Bovine Collagen (Types 1 and 111). After taking 30 grams a day for almost 3 months, my pain has lessened considerably. I am hopeful that my bones will strengthen over time. After all Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body! It is expensive so I've had to cut back on spending for other things so I can continue with the collagen.

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Thank you, mabbs24, for the collagen information. I have been eating about the importance of collagen and want to try this as well. I did not know about the Harvard study, I will look it up. Would you mind sharing your "reputable source" for collagen. If not, I understand. In any case, thank you for this info.


Thank you, mabbs24, for the collagen information. I have been eating about the importance of collagen and want to try this as well. I did not know about the Harvard study, I will look it up. Would you mind sharing your "reputable source" for collagen. If not, I understand. In any case, thank you for this info.

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Correction: I have been reading about....

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