What helps improve osteoporosis without medication?

Posted by imatine @imatine, Dec 4, 2020

Hello, did anyone here try to heal from osteoporosis away from all the prescribed medications we all know of? Did you try following a specific diet? Excercise? Meditation, etc. ? Thank you

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I recently went to a Physical Therapist and they suggested wearing a weighted vest while on my walks. I see online that they can be purchased with different amounts of weights in them. I haven't tried this out yet and am wondering if anyone else has had any luck with using them?


That is a great Idea because I can not do any weight training
I am presently walking 5,000 steps a day can not do more
How many do you do????


Linh i red your profile and if you get Depressed or anxious try Floating I have been doing it for 4 years every day 0 depression 0 Depression 0 Depression Great Great !!!!


I recently went to a Physical Therapist and they suggested wearing a weighted vest while on my walks. I see online that they can be purchased with different amounts of weights in them. I haven't tried this out yet and am wondering if anyone else has had any luck with using them?

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Hi @linh I've been cautioned by my rheumatologist and also heard Sara Meeks, a PT who specializes in osteoporosis, warn that weighted vests causing compression fractures. I had a 10 lb weighted vest I gave away. If you're interested in building bone density google Dr. Loren Fishman's program "12 Poses vs Osteoporosis" which improves bone density. Take care.


just red this on the internet from LONGEVITY EFFECT INTEGRATIVE HEALTH & WELLNESS
Float therapy helps you absorb Magnesium
when this mineral is absorbed it able to prevent high blood pressure, osteoporosis even strengthen your bones and teeth


Linh i red your profile and if you get Depressed or anxious try Floating I have been doing it for 4 years every day 0 depression 0 Depression 0 Depression Great Great !!!!

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What is floating. 📍


floating is Heven on Earth you go in a comerical tank filled with epsom salt totally dark and it has 1000 lbs of epsom salt you can not sink in the water it simulates when you was in your mothers womb i have doing it every day for 3 years insane they call them salt tanks


floating is Heven on Earth you go in a comerical tank filled with epsom salt totally dark and it has 1000 lbs of epsom salt you can not sink in the water it simulates when you was in your mothers womb i have doing it every day for 3 years insane they call them salt tanks

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if i did go i would of lost it years ago takes you out of pain also


I recently went to a Physical Therapist and they suggested wearing a weighted vest while on my walks. I see online that they can be purchased with different amounts of weights in them. I haven't tried this out yet and am wondering if anyone else has had any luck with using them?

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I have a weighted vest that I have used in the past (I have retired from being a police officer and used it during workouts to simulate the weight of my duty equipment). I have not yet resumed using it since surgery-- maybe in a few more weeks. My son -- a professional figure skater-- used it the past two summers for training and definitely finds it advantageous for building strength in his legs and core.


depervation chamber -or salt tank it is insane total relaxation you lay in a tub of highly concentrated epsom salt for 1 hour band float they have 1 near you
i installed 1 ion my home evry day for 4 years also the magnesium is good for osteoporosis

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