At home covid test positive: What should I do next?

Posted by hello1234 @hello1234, Oct 19, 2022

Hi all,
Coughing, runny nose, headache. I just took and at home covid test and it's positive. Does anyone know the process from here? Is there a way to coordinate monoclonal antibodies infusion locally here in Florida? Does the transplant team coordinate the infusion or is that something I need to do? Has anyone gone through this process?
Thanks everyone!

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Hi @jackiez 😊
It's so wonderful hearing from you and I really appreciate your very healthy perspective! Your awful story about the darn Amazon box is a testament to the adage that "life happens" no matter how careful we are and where we are located! I assume it all healed nicely?
This bout of covid taught me to use my mask ALWAYS when I am in at the doctor's office, grocery store, waiting for my meal at an off-time restaurant, etc. Unfortunately, I think I so wanted to enjoy face-to-face conversation again, I was lax in some of those circumstances. I am a widow (single) and wanted to show my face, have a chance to smile and converse "normally".
I have to realize that my protection is more important than feeling socially normal right now. But, I totally agree with you that outside, with available space between people, I will talk to my neighbors with no mask but LOTS of distance. I think that's my plan to occassionally allow my face to show. It's a definite balance of mental, physical and emotional health! I agree we need to live our lives, but after this covid week, I am going back to "live my life with a mask glued to my face!". My dermatologist told me I have to "live my life with a sun hat glued to my head!" Funny stuff ❤


@hello1234 Sorry for being MIA and to hear that you got Covid. I had it last month with the same symptoms, treatment and experience like yours. The antibodies infusion works fast and is like magic although the scratchy throat lingers for a couple of weeks.
I’m happy that you feel much better. Stay well 😘

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Good morning @leahdrose 😊
I know you had covid and the covid monoclonal antibodies infusion. Did the virus or the antibodies effect your labs in any way? Did your WBC stay in your normal range, etc?


I wear my mask whenever in public and wash my hands at least 15 times a day. This includes whenever I am near anyone else including pumping gas or going through a toll (parking), or just walking on a street.
My son and husband just got over having COVID. While they had COVID they were quarantined to their respective rooms and were only allowed to use one of the bathrooms and had to stay on the second level. Whenever they came to the same floor as me, they and I would wear a mask. I would wipe down anything that they touched. When I would use the same bathroom as them, I would have my husband clean it with bleach right before I would use. I would deliver their food at their door and pick up dirty dishes from outside their respective door. For one week after they tested negative, I still made them wear a mask if they came on the same floor. If I were to use the same bathroom as them, I would wipe it down.
Luckily, I haven't contracted COVID since November 2020 (before the vaccines of which I have had 4 before my transplant).

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My wife & I both wear masks going out - but when our son visits us ...he is not allowed inside the home (as he is a Physician and sees patients)..we open our garage or backyard patio but ask him to wear a far so good... but we have to deal with the Covid possibility !


Hi @jackiez 😊
It's so wonderful hearing from you and I really appreciate your very healthy perspective! Your awful story about the darn Amazon box is a testament to the adage that "life happens" no matter how careful we are and where we are located! I assume it all healed nicely?
This bout of covid taught me to use my mask ALWAYS when I am in at the doctor's office, grocery store, waiting for my meal at an off-time restaurant, etc. Unfortunately, I think I so wanted to enjoy face-to-face conversation again, I was lax in some of those circumstances. I am a widow (single) and wanted to show my face, have a chance to smile and converse "normally".
I have to realize that my protection is more important than feeling socially normal right now. But, I totally agree with you that outside, with available space between people, I will talk to my neighbors with no mask but LOTS of distance. I think that's my plan to occassionally allow my face to show. It's a definite balance of mental, physical and emotional health! I agree we need to live our lives, but after this covid week, I am going back to "live my life with a mask glued to my face!". My dermatologist told me I have to "live my life with a sun hat glued to my head!" Funny stuff ❤

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If you want to see people's smiling faces, you could do a zoom call. I am on zoom with my church at least once a week. You could also facetime with friends or family. This way you can see people all over the world and be safe. I was able to zoom throughout the whole time before and after my transplant even when I was in my hospital gown (I wasn't the first to wear a hospital gown for church).


If you want to see people's smiling faces, you could do a zoom call. I am on zoom with my church at least once a week. You could also facetime with friends or family. This way you can see people all over the world and be safe. I was able to zoom throughout the whole time before and after my transplant even when I was in my hospital gown (I wasn't the first to wear a hospital gown for church).

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Good morning @chickytina 😊
It's wonderful to hear from you! Thank you for reminding me about Zoom. I do have some weekly calls scheduled with family and love the idea that there are no masks and I can see everyone's smiling and talking face safely. How much are you now doing in person? Do you ever go out to eat on off-times? Any meeting events like church wearing a mask? Please let me know what you feel comfortable doing around your neighborhood while keeping safe. ❤


My wife & I both wear masks going out - but when our son visits us ...he is not allowed inside the home (as he is a Physician and sees patients)..we open our garage or backyard patio but ask him to wear a far so good... but we have to deal with the Covid possibility !

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Hi @l0lag0lag0b3 😊
Great to hear from you! It sounds like you and your wife have figured out an excellent covid routine (including visits from your high-exposure son!) Do you and your wife occasionally eat out during off times or are you still avoiding that exposure?


Good morning @chickytina 😊
It's wonderful to hear from you! Thank you for reminding me about Zoom. I do have some weekly calls scheduled with family and love the idea that there are no masks and I can see everyone's smiling and talking face safely. How much are you now doing in person? Do you ever go out to eat on off-times? Any meeting events like church wearing a mask? Please let me know what you feel comfortable doing around your neighborhood while keeping safe. ❤

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I have gone into the church once with my husband and son for the "Welcome Back picnic" in the past year. While in the church, all the windows were opened even though they have refitted the rectory with air purifiers specifically designed to handle COVID. My family had our masks on and during the passing of the peace would only touch elbows with everyone. Then we ate outside and I just sat next to one person outside my family that is aware of what I went through (so she knows if she has a cough, I don't go near anyone).
I have gone out to eat with the family once. I put on my mask whenever one of the servers came near, since they were not wearing a mask. I also wore mask when I wasn't eating. We also sat away from everyone else.
I have also gone to a party. I wore my mask whenever I wasn't eating or drinking. Went early and left early. I only touched elbows with my friends. I know at least most of the people were vaxed. My son stayed with me the whole night with his mask on, but my husband put his guard down. Luckily no one was sick at the party.
I have a dinner meeting coming up with the Deacons and Elders (and the moderator). We are going to reserve a private room in the restaurant (partially to keep me safe). I am going to stay away from the moderator (the only person that I am not sure if he is vaxed and boostered). I am also going to stay away from people that recently traveled and anyone that lives with them. Since we are a pretty tight knit group, we know a lot about each other. I will only take off my mask when eating or drinking (one of my favorite going out beverages either ice tea or cranberry juice with seltzer water).
I have just started to go outside (into the garden to pick tomatoes or peppers or to get the mail) without my mask. If there is a chance I will be within 20 feet of another person, my mask is on.


I have gone into the church once with my husband and son for the "Welcome Back picnic" in the past year. While in the church, all the windows were opened even though they have refitted the rectory with air purifiers specifically designed to handle COVID. My family had our masks on and during the passing of the peace would only touch elbows with everyone. Then we ate outside and I just sat next to one person outside my family that is aware of what I went through (so she knows if she has a cough, I don't go near anyone).
I have gone out to eat with the family once. I put on my mask whenever one of the servers came near, since they were not wearing a mask. I also wore mask when I wasn't eating. We also sat away from everyone else.
I have also gone to a party. I wore my mask whenever I wasn't eating or drinking. Went early and left early. I only touched elbows with my friends. I know at least most of the people were vaxed. My son stayed with me the whole night with his mask on, but my husband put his guard down. Luckily no one was sick at the party.
I have a dinner meeting coming up with the Deacons and Elders (and the moderator). We are going to reserve a private room in the restaurant (partially to keep me safe). I am going to stay away from the moderator (the only person that I am not sure if he is vaxed and boostered). I am also going to stay away from people that recently traveled and anyone that lives with them. Since we are a pretty tight knit group, we know a lot about each other. I will only take off my mask when eating or drinking (one of my favorite going out beverages either ice tea or cranberry juice with seltzer water).
I have just started to go outside (into the garden to pick tomatoes or peppers or to get the mail) without my mask. If there is a chance I will be within 20 feet of another person, my mask is on.

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Wow, @chickytina 😊 It sounds like you have everything very well organized for optimum safety! I am very impressed with how well thought out all of your social plans have been!
By the way, do you have any secrets for growing your tomatoes and peppers? I live in Florida and have a heck of time keeping ants, bugs, animals away from my little garden. I gave up. Do you have any "tips or tricks"? I am happy to hear that you are having a successful's delicious to eat a fresh veggie from the garden! ❤


Wow, @chickytina 😊 It sounds like you have everything very well organized for optimum safety! I am very impressed with how well thought out all of your social plans have been!
By the way, do you have any secrets for growing your tomatoes and peppers? I live in Florida and have a heck of time keeping ants, bugs, animals away from my little garden. I gave up. Do you have any "tips or tricks"? I am happy to hear that you are having a successful's delicious to eat a fresh veggie from the garden! ❤

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I am in NYC so the weather is a bit different. I had a major problem with little white worms that would go in the fruit and eat it from the inside out. However, I went to the local garden center and bought a powder that goes on the leaves of the vegetable plants that keeps all the bugs away. I have my husband do the dusting, because I am not sure how it would effect my lungs. Then I wash the vegetables really well when we bring them in and again when we use them.


Hi @l0lag0lag0b3 😊
Great to hear from you! It sounds like you and your wife have figured out an excellent covid routine (including visits from your high-exposure son!) Do you and your wife occasionally eat out during off times or are you still avoiding that exposure?

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Good to hear from you as well Hello1234, We both still eat food cooked at home every meal (living a hermits life !! ) nothing fancy - only time - we go out around 6 am to shop for fruits & vegetables/lentil & once a month to Costco. (first in first out basis)
Such is life .. we are hoping to visit Grand Teton & Yellowstone park in 2023 ..last 2 years in a row we made reservations and then canceled them ( 1st time due to Covid & 2022 due to massive flooding disaster) .. let's see how far our plans make it for 2023... Regards

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