Has anyone experienced Covid Gut? What helps?

Posted by robintromp @robintromp, Oct 14, 2022

I have been diagnosed with Long Covid Gut issues. Bloating started two weeks after I recovered from Covid and I am now in my ninth month. The GI doctors have tested me for everything and it all came back normal. Has anyone experience Covid Gut? If so, has anything helped or have things improved with time?

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Covid gut from booster.
Anyone else?


Horrible gut activated by first Moderna vaccine among many other symptoms. I usedcolloidal silver and saw what appeared to be parasites in urine. Treated also with Rx antibotics, with slow recovery from pain that was associated with infection in urine, abomen, stomach, and kidneys. Now 2 years later, dealng with symptoms seemingly associated with hidden EBV, mostly numbing fatigue, body aches and foot swellng (like RA), constipation. An excellent supplement support for stomach-constipation: rmdy- Daily Digestive Essentials (enzymes-probiotics in tasty lozenges).

Editor's Note:
What do we know about the safety of colloidal silver?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has said that colloidal silver isn’t safe or effective for treating any disease or condition.

According to Dr. Brent Bauer from Mayo Clinic says "Colloidal silver isn't considered safe or effective for any of the health claims manufacturers make. Silver has no known purpose in the body. Nor is it an essential mineral, as some sellers of silver products claim."
You can read more in this article:
– Colloidal silver: is it safe? https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/expert-answers/colloidal-silver/faq-20058061


I have been eating a finely chopped mixture of 2 whole bulbs of garlic, 2 whole lemons, 1/2 cup good quality honey, 1 large knob of tumeric, 1 large knob of ginger, 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper and 1 tsp. cinnamon. It has made a world of difference in my energy level and overall feeling of well being. I can consume it straight, but it could be mixed in with whatever you are eating. Everything is organic. I eat a tablespoon once a day, but I know others that eat it twice a day. If you can't find organic lemons, then I would suggest scrubbing them in warm water with baking soda.

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1. do you include the lemon peel in the mixture?
2. where do you buy tumeric knob?
3. how long does the mixture last at 1 tbsp/day?
4. does the miture hold up well over time in frig?
5. interested to know where or from wmom did you learn aout this treatment combination? Would like to research the source if possible.
Thank you in advance for answering my questions.


How long does covid gut last? I have only had it 4 weeks ( started one month after mild covid) but have already lost 8 lbs. What helps?


Same boat.
I had covid over Xmas. Months later, I’m now dealing w stomach issues of loss of appetite,rolling stomach EVERY DAY. I’m a male, weigh 190, earlier I lost 10 lbs!
That’s not good. I also may have had BRAIN FOG. I’m almost 60, and for a week or two thought I was starting dementia (?).
AND… lost my sense of smell to almost everything. But if they fix my stomach, I would be happy.
Just had blood work, stool sample…everything perfect.
Bleh…..so frustrating
***My symptoms also started 1 day after booster shot.
My wife believes this could all be in my head, lol.
Considering hypnosis, has anyone tried that?

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Not in your head. Gut syndrome is real. It is in your gut.


Covid gut from booster.
Anyone else?

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I do not believe mine is from a booster based on timetable...it came about within a couple weeks after having a very mild case of covid on July 4th week end.


I’ve had GI issues for past 16 months. It’s since caused gastroparesis & now IBS. I’ve been to ER 3 diff times!! Functional DR has been helping to get rid of parasites, bacteria, & virus. But now, I’ve developed periodic sharp pain in both legs. From what I’ve researched…this too can be a side effect of Long-Haul Covid! Are there any studies going on? or…DRs who are treating these specific Covid related issues. I had to tell my MD/GI doctor 4 months ago what I thought I had! He had been being treated me for food poisoning all of this time! The functional doctor is who first felt it could be from Covid…I just want to get well & make sure no further permanent damage is involved!


I’ve had GI issues for past 16 months. It’s since caused gastroparesis & now IBS. I’ve been to ER 3 diff times!! Functional DR has been helping to get rid of parasites, bacteria, & virus. But now, I’ve developed periodic sharp pain in both legs. From what I’ve researched…this too can be a side effect of Long-Haul Covid! Are there any studies going on? or…DRs who are treating these specific Covid related issues. I had to tell my MD/GI doctor 4 months ago what I thought I had! He had been being treated me for food poisoning all of this time! The functional doctor is who first felt it could be from Covid…I just want to get well & make sure no further permanent damage is involved!

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I also started having GI issues that no one could find a cause for. Initially extreme naseau that ended me in the hospital to check for heart problems. Then several months later extreme heartburn. Endoscopy found no problems. Medication from the doctor helps but is not curing it. I will bring this Mayo info to my doctor next time see her.


I’ve had GI issues for past 16 months. It’s since caused gastroparesis & now IBS. I’ve been to ER 3 diff times!! Functional DR has been helping to get rid of parasites, bacteria, & virus. But now, I’ve developed periodic sharp pain in both legs. From what I’ve researched…this too can be a side effect of Long-Haul Covid! Are there any studies going on? or…DRs who are treating these specific Covid related issues. I had to tell my MD/GI doctor 4 months ago what I thought I had! He had been being treated me for food poisoning all of this time! The functional doctor is who first felt it could be from Covid…I just want to get well & make sure no further permanent damage is involved!

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@chrisself and @lfrmn77, I moved your messages about long COVID and GI issues to this exisiting discussion:
- Has anyone experience Covid Gut? What helps? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/covid-gut/

I did this so you can read previous posts of members helping members and connect with others more easily. You may also be interested in this related discussion:

- Covid Recovery: How can I manage GI issues? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/covid-recovery-and-gi-pain/

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