Can Neuropathy be cured?

Posted by catstx @catstx, Sep 8, 2021

I’ve had P. neuropathy for 30 years. Just recently I’ve better controlled my blood sugar. So, I’m wondering if Neuropathy ever goes away, Or, if once the nerves are dead they’re just dead

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What is Arnica. My neuropathy is bad.

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Besides Wikipedia, just Google Arnica to see more info. I use Weleda, a German brand. Other brands: a French one, Boiron’s Arnicare gel. I got started using Arnica Salve by Udder Delight (goats milk). Good luck and hope some of this will work for you.


Very interested in Pirenzepine. Wish someone was doing a trial on it in the US.


Very interested in Pirenzepine. Wish someone was doing a trial on it in the US.

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Hello @thomascarey, Welcome to Connect. There are a couple of discussion on Pirenzepine that you might want to join and follow.

-- Anyone Heard of Pirenzepine for Small Fiber Neuropathy?:
-- Stage 2 Trials of Pirenzepine for Neuropathy:

Have you been diagnosed with small fiber peripheral neuropathy?


Tada! -- Hi Angie @ancopau1998, I am easy to find when you tag me using my member name @johnbishop 🙃 I had replied to you back in December of last year but never heard back. My bad for not reaching out sooner to see how you were doing. Here was my post in the first discussion you found -- Neuropathy: Numbness only, no pain:

I haven't really found any lotions that helped with the numbness but I have found a few that made the feet and legs feel better. I think because it helps to keep your skin moisturized and the peripheral nerves are close to the skin. I really like Life-Flo Magnesium lotion but any lotion that is a good moisturizer helps to keep your skin from drying out and would help any healing process if there is to be one.

Your first post mentioned you were taking chemo pills for Multiple Myeloma. I didn't think of it at the time, but there is a good video that you might helpful on chemo induced peripheral neuropathy. I posted the Webinar: Chemo-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy video in another discussion here – What helps the symptoms of Small Fiber Neuropathy?:

How are you doing with your Multiple Myeloma?

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Hi John. my neuropathy has been a problem for about 12 years only the numb feeling from diabetes. Then when I started chemo pills 3 years ago it has got worse, it's mainly my toes. As far as my Myeloma I'm doing pretty good, when I first started Revlimid I had loose stools and short of breath which I landed in hospital. Breathing treatments helped a lot and I don;t have that anymore. I'm doing good on the Revlimid thats all I take now for over a year for cancer. As far as the toes I just hope the whole foot never goes numb! Thanks for asking about the MM!! Take care and thanks again!!


Hi John. my neuropathy has been a problem for about 12 years only the numb feeling from diabetes. Then when I started chemo pills 3 years ago it has got worse, it's mainly my toes. As far as my Myeloma I'm doing pretty good, when I first started Revlimid I had loose stools and short of breath which I landed in hospital. Breathing treatments helped a lot and I don;t have that anymore. I'm doing good on the Revlimid thats all I take now for over a year for cancer. As far as the toes I just hope the whole foot never goes numb! Thanks for asking about the MM!! Take care and thanks again!!

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Thanks for the update Angie! I'm happy to hear the treatments are going well for MM.
Happy Monday!


Thanks for the update Angie! I'm happy to hear the treatments are going well for MM.
Happy Monday!

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Happy Monday to you too John!!!


My Neuropathy started with some unusual leg heaviness and weakness, worsening until I fell and could no longer walk less than 3 weeks later. I had been admitted to the hospital 2 days before my last step as they were trying to figure it out. After a month in rehab facility, then 5 months of home then outpatient PT and OT, I gained enough strength and balance back to walk with walker, and even unassisted for short distances on flat surfaces. I get as much PT as I can each year to continue strength and balance as the brain is a very tricky thing with change.
A difference that you and I have is that I haven’t had an MRI, but had nerve conduction study/EMG that showed severe axonal sensory loss idiopathic PN. The doctor said there was no need for further tests since that’s what it showed. I have so many similarities with folks on here who have SFN, who say it is diagnosed by a skin biopsy and doesn’t show up in the nerve conduction/EMG tests. Have you had a skin biopsy?

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I have neuropathy so bad there is no relief.


Hi I'm not sure if it can be cured however I've had neuropathy over the years but I did a bit of research and it seemed R Lipoic acid was something to try. I tried it and I found it really helped me. It stopped the pain in my feet and only very occasionally, the odd time I get a twinge. I think it's better to take thymine (b vitamin) when taking R Lipoic Acid as RLA can deplete thymine. Might be worth a try.


Nope, there is absolutely no cure currently for peripheral neuropathy or in research

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There is one in the works for actually reversing nerve damage. Winsantor pharmaceutical is currently in clinical trials for topical Pirenzepine. They use WST-057 as their identifier. Pirenzepine in tablet form is available in Asia and Europe and has been around since the 1980's. It is used there for ulcers and reflux. People are ordering it from Japan that are from the US and taking it orally. Google all of it. You'll find it.


There is one in the works for actually reversing nerve damage. Winsantor pharmaceutical is currently in clinical trials for topical Pirenzepine. They use WST-057 as their identifier. Pirenzepine in tablet form is available in Asia and Europe and has been around since the 1980's. It is used there for ulcers and reflux. People are ordering it from Japan that are from the US and taking it orally. Google all of it. You'll find it.

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I will check it out. Hopefully, there are other pharmaceutical companies doing research too.

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