Can Neuropathy be cured?

Posted by catstx @catstx, Sep 8, 2021

I’ve had P. neuropathy for 30 years. Just recently I’ve better controlled my blood sugar. So, I’m wondering if Neuropathy ever goes away, Or, if once the nerves are dead they’re just dead

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Hi Manny,

I think using Google to look up the university's neuropathy program will give you the answers you are looking for. If not ask me, and I will send a link, not working on my phone at the moment, I am having an IVig treatment at the moment.
I will also list the litany of things I do to reduce my neuropathy symtoms.


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what IVig treatment mean ???


@cgs and all - I thought I would post a link to the Loma Linda University Health - Neuropathic Therapy Center referenced in @cgs's posts. It's really not a "cure" but does offer some hope for pain relief for damaged nerves. Here's the site -

As with a lot of other treatments it seems to be originally directed at diabetic neuropathy but may help other types as well.
--- New LLUH research discovers treatment for diabetic neuropathy:

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They all offer help but no cure.
Traveling across the country only to find out that it does not help, makes no sense to me.
We have plenty of local doctors to consult with and get the same results.


Loma linda university medical says they are having sucsess at rejuvinating nerves
Call their neuropathy clinic
Free consultation video call with MD
I was very impressed and interrested

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Thank you so very much @cgs
Desperate times fr sure here on East coast.
Tons of Neurologists no one can DO🇺🇸
God bless💕🙏🏻🇺🇸


@lmill7 God bless you, may God comfort you and meet you at your point of need.
Through Christ Jesus the living God.


Hi. I’m so very sorry.
I’ve been suffering almost 24 yrs too.
Functional Medicine. StRt with adrenal support n thyroid testing.
Th already weakened body can b thrown into neuropathy thru surgery, injury or thyroid failure due to toxicity.
Thyroid fails , liver backs up, hormones become unbalanced, etc.
Then diabetes, etc.
These theories n treating thyroid slow down progression a bit.
Holistic n nutritional therapies are huge part.
Homeopathic remedies help pins n needles. Most fix u will find
Stay away from pharma much as u can .
Organic food n produce only
No plastics near foods
Reverse osmosis water filter ( Pure Water filters w/ Gravity Fed system Big One)
ForeFront Health
Dr Josh Axe
Dr Westin Childs
Hypothyroid Mom Website
Izabella Wentz (pharmacist)
Functional Medicine for:
Nerve Pain
Inflammation ( inflammation is pins n needles.)
GLA ( primrose oil, fish oil, black currant oil, 1300mg 3 3x / day.
Basic cell salts ( book, Cell Salts)
Magnesium phosphate ( mag phos) homeopathy.
Calcium zinc
Potassium ( proteinate, taurine)
Kava ( start low to help tremors or twitching)
Arnica ( internal pain)
Lemon balm
St. John’s wort ( may affect other meds)
Homeopathic remedies don’t affect others or body.
Alkaline water to adjust body ph ( not with meals)
Digestive enzymes ( to properly use nutrients n supplements) every meal.

Prayers n Good Luck💕🙏🏻😥
It’s an extremely tough road
Support Groups are so helpful if u can be mobile enough ( even online).
Anyone u can talk or visit with daily. Sick or well💕🙏🏻


I have a neuromascular situation I had back surgery and the neurosurgeon said that the nerve and numbness should be better over time. The pain has gone away. It's been six months since the surgery and it doesn't appear to be better. So, I am seeing the NS later this month, after taking an MRI. I had the numbness before the surgery and the hope was when he released the nerve, the numbness would go away with time, and not be related to neuropathy, unless a nerve was damaged.

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