COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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This site has good information. You are not alone!

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My heart goes out to you.
We are also dealing with this issue. It’s just the worst not being believed- let alone not having answers. 🙏
Vaccine injury is real - rare I hope, but real.
Wish there was a central voice and supportive mainstream MD’s .


In reply to @lorilee13
Your story sounds a lot like mine .


Hello @ninette. I am so sorry to hear of your spinal stroke and resulting neuropathy. Because you are interested in connecting with members on the topic of covid vaccines, you will notice that I have moved your post into an existing discussion on this topic which you can find here:
- COVID vaccines and neuropathy:

I am not sure if you are aware of this, however, the monovalent Moderna covid booster was actually designed as half doses in comparison to a full dose Pfizer. Perhaps the half dose of the bivalent booster is the same?

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Dear Amanda, thank you for this! I'm aware of the group but didn't see how I could put my question there without hopping on to somebody else's text. And yes I'm aware of the half dose thing of Moderna (a bottle contains double the amount of mrna as Pfizer) and after the side effects got worse and lasted longer after every shot I decided that either I would take half a dose, or not at all. Well, my doctor wouldn't have the latter, so tomorrow a nurse will pass by my place for the booster shot. Let's hope it gets a bit better this time.


While I agree with absolutely everything you say (there are risks with everything), what we need from the medical community is an acknowledgement that the vaccine is hurting some people and some strategies and help for those who are vaccine injured. We were all told this was the "safest route" - getting vaccinated will help save you and the community. We all signed up for the vaccine to help stop the spread of covid - none of us signed up to have neuropathy for the rest of our lives. The connection between neuropathy and the vaccine was denied and covered up until so many people were suffering that it couldn't be hidden anymore. That is tragic. If this is the case, we need to stop pushing the vaccine until they figure out what is wrong with it and fix it. My biggest complaint with all of this is the initial denial that the vaccine could do harm when so many people have been suffering.

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Thank you so much for your words! This is exactly how I feel and dare I say, how I think most of us who are suffering from all of this feel. Acknowledgement is the key. Without that, we cannot move forward - to treatment, possibly cure ( why not), and understanding from the community as a whole. This is what I have been searching for since February 2021 when this all happened to me. If there is that acknowledgement now, I am happy to hear it. I'm still waiting to hear neuropathy announced as a possible adverse effect from this vaccine - as has been done for other conditions. Then, I will believe we are on the right path.


I had a spinal stroke in 2018 which resulted in neuropathy (among other things) and it got worse after my 2 Moderna shots and the first booster. In fact the symptoms were more severe and lasted longer every time. Having said that, 6 weeks is not that long and the side effects of long Covid could be worse. I'm getting my second booster this week and my doctor suggested to give me just half a dose as it would probably work just as well and might have fewer/shorter lasting side effects. Did anyone else do this and if so, what were the results?

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Getting the Moderna booster today (half a dose) and will keep you updated here.


You don't get it to prevent transmission to others (for that a face mask works better), you get it to prevent you from ending up in hospital or even dying. Since people get the vaccinations and boosters, a lot less people end up in hospital with Covid, so it has become a bit more easy on the medical system.


Thank you so much for your words! This is exactly how I feel and dare I say, how I think most of us who are suffering from all of this feel. Acknowledgement is the key. Without that, we cannot move forward - to treatment, possibly cure ( why not), and understanding from the community as a whole. This is what I have been searching for since February 2021 when this all happened to me. If there is that acknowledgement now, I am happy to hear it. I'm still waiting to hear neuropathy announced as a possible adverse effect from this vaccine - as has been done for other conditions. Then, I will believe we are on the right path.

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I think acknowledging any link may come, in time, when it can be scientifically proven. This all happened so fast to get the safest, quickest remedy that could be put together that was felt best to fight the nasty and lethal pandemic. As another contributor said, it all came with risks we had to decide to take for ourselves, with or without personal medical advice from our doctors, politicians, or the media. It is so unfortunate it takes years to collect proper data. Had they waited to test the vaccine in more depth before offering it, the pandemic would be no doubt more catastrophic. So it came down to difficult choices for all of us. I understand the frustration of wanting our Neuropathy causes perfectly known. Many of us that had Neuropathy before Covid ever came along are waiting to have our reasons found, despite our theories we have. I have not been a poster child for having patience to get Neuropathy understood since the disease has been around so long, but am learning that other diseases have a lot of unknown causes or cures. I hope the understanding of all possible proven risks of the Covid vaccine doesn’t take years, but because of the many many different side effects people report from vaccines and other drugs, I suspect it will.


Dear Amanda, thank you for this! I'm aware of the group but didn't see how I could put my question there without hopping on to somebody else's text. And yes I'm aware of the half dose thing of Moderna (a bottle contains double the amount of mrna as Pfizer) and after the side effects got worse and lasted longer after every shot I decided that either I would take half a dose, or not at all. Well, my doctor wouldn't have the latter, so tomorrow a nurse will pass by my place for the booster shot. Let's hope it gets a bit better this time.

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I'm a little confused. Are you saying you have neuropathy after your COVID vaccines and you're planning on getting the booster? Am I understanding this correctly?


I'm a little confused. Are you saying you have neuropathy after your COVID vaccines and you're planning on getting the booster? Am I understanding this correctly?

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No, I developed peripheral neuropathy after a brain stroke, cauda equina syndrome and a spinal stroke. The vaccines made it worse temporarily, esp in the legs. They became really stiff and painful but after 6 weeks (last booster) it subsided. I'm curious to see what a half dose booster will do. Git it this morning. I prefer 6 weeks of pain to getting a bad case of Covid, that's for sure.


Your story seems very similar to mine. After receiving my 4th covid vaccination in 1/2022 I started having neuropathies in my hands, legs and feet. My local GP told me it was probably a vaccine reaction, the local neurologist said the same thing. I had a million tests and scans, everything normal. And I was told I had carpal tunnel too....well, I already knew that and this wasn't carpal tunnel. My EMG was normal, twice. I eventually saw a neurologist up at University of Colorado Hospital after waiting months for an appointment. She told me she has many patients, post covid and post covid vaccination presenting with the same symptoms. She said normal EKGs rule out CIDP. She said that this is probably an auto immune reaction, which could happen with any vaccine apparently. She said it should eventually get better. Some people are treated with IVIG and/or steroids, which as an RN, I can tell you come with their own set of problems. People are also treated with Gabapentin or Lyrica, amitriptyline and other medications. I am older so I haven't done any of that stuff except the Gabapentin which did not help me.I have good days and bad days. I have taken a zillion supplements to no avail. The best advice I have given to myself is to stop googling this so much and definitely stay away from all the conspiracy and nut job websites. I find if I keep my stress level low and get a good night's sleep, that helps more than anything. I am still glad I received the vaccine because this could have happened with a covid infection too accompanied by all the terrible sequelae that covid brings. Don't beat yourself up over this. We did the best thing and the right thing with the information we had at the time. I was so angry with myself when this happened to me. I just wanted to turn back time and NOT get the vaccine, but of course that cannot be done. And that being said, I went ahead and got a flu vaccine and the Omicron booster without any increase of problems. If you went to Salt Lake, maybe you are close to Denver. I was happy with my neurologist at UCH Cherry Creek Clinic in Denver. She validated me and we are working with the presumptive diagnosis of Small Fiber Neuropathy. In no way am I making a diagnosis for you, or giving any medical advice, but maybe there is a neurologist out there who could come up with a treatment plan for you. I wish you good health and the best of luck.

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Meant to say normal EMGs rule out CIDP (not EKGS)

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