Anyone experiencing post covid heart issues?

Posted by emilycoop03 @emilycoop03, Aug 2, 2022

I am 19yrs old and have had Covid twice, once at the start of the year 7th Jan and recently 8th of July. I am finding now i have some symptoms of POTS but am not sure. my resting heart rate is around 60-72bpm but when I stand up it increases to around the 120bpm mark, my head also gets tight and I feel very dizzy and fatigued. my blood pressure however is high. normally i am healthy and active but when going for a walk my heart rate reaches nearly 160pbm and get out of breath fast. i do also get sharp pains around heart and chest area. has anyone else experienced this? or know what it could be? thankyou:)

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How are you feeling ? Any more insight
I’m scheduled for an echo and zip patch next Friday
I have the same symptoms
And a few night it’s stood between 135-157 for 15 mins
Not sure if I was just getting anxious and worried


How has this been going have you seen any success

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The rowing protocol is going really well for some activity beyond walking and yoga. In truth I went too fast changing supplements with the functional Dr (my body is super sensitive) and sent myself into a mega flare of new symptoms- trying to see a mast cell specialist now. Yikes. Trust your body and go slow!!


There is a Facebook group with 90,000+ long haulers in it from around the world, if you're interested in talking to others and hearing what has worked. Many people have done well with a low-inflammation, low-histamine diet. It helps relieve your body of that constant immune response. There are other simple protocols that work well too -- not just a prescription given for symptoms (not actual treatment of the root cause). Hang in there! It does get better. But be sure to be moderate with physical activity and exposing your immune system to anything new, that your body may react poorly to.

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Anyone has any golden advice in managing breathlessness at home even after some simple minor chores at home? How to live normal with long covid if this condition persists ? Any insight


Anyone has any golden advice in managing breathlessness at home even after some simple minor chores at home? How to live normal with long covid if this condition persists ? Any insight

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Oh yes, this is a very common symptom -- I've been there, my friend! In the FB forum, people celebrate the day they can put clean sheets on their bed, or simply sweep or vacuum a room or two...

Many people have had good results with hyperbaric oxygen treatment. This is the sort of thing you have to pay out of pocket for and it can be costly. In my area, there's a place where you can buy one session at a time (not necessarily a pack of 10 etc). That way, you can see how well it works for you.

If funds are limited, the one thing that can help ALL long-haul symptoms for very little cost is taking B-3 (high quality, single supplement, niacinamide form, 500mg, 2-3x per day). Niacinamide is the pre-cursor for your body to make more NAD, and NAD is absolutely necessary for all bodily functions/systems. All the best to you! It DOES get better. And in the meantime, don't over-exert yourself by trying to exercise etc.


I am curious as to your activities that caused the second Covid infection.
I was hospitalized in Oct for Covid and pneumonia. As everyone did, I locked myself away when the pandemic first arrived. I had been so careful, and still will not resume my normal social activities because I have Long Covid .
I live in a 55+ community and the activities, dances, concerts have been in full swing and packed for several months now. I would love to do something other than going from one doctor to the next. Do you think you resumed your activities too soon? I

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I have a friend in heart-failure currently, a very healthy, very active young man who was a long distance runner (40-50 miles per week). His heart issues are from the vaccination itself, and many others report Covid-like symptoms from the initial doses. So just because you have locked yourself away at home does not mean you will not develop unusual symptoms that are difficult to heal with in the body. It is far more important to boost your immune system in natural ways. All the best to you!


Oh yes, this is a very common symptom -- I've been there, my friend! In the FB forum, people celebrate the day they can put clean sheets on their bed, or simply sweep or vacuum a room or two...

Many people have had good results with hyperbaric oxygen treatment. This is the sort of thing you have to pay out of pocket for and it can be costly. In my area, there's a place where you can buy one session at a time (not necessarily a pack of 10 etc). That way, you can see how well it works for you.

If funds are limited, the one thing that can help ALL long-haul symptoms for very little cost is taking B-3 (high quality, single supplement, niacinamide form, 500mg, 2-3x per day). Niacinamide is the pre-cursor for your body to make more NAD, and NAD is absolutely necessary for all bodily functions/systems. All the best to you! It DOES get better. And in the meantime, don't over-exert yourself by trying to exercise etc.

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Thank you! This is such a wonderful and helpful information! Will check this out right away. About the hyperbaric O2 thing, is it available over the counter at pharmacy?


Thank you! This is such a wonderful and helpful information! Will check this out right away. About the hyperbaric O2 thing, is it available over the counter at pharmacy?

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It is a specialized service, usually found at a certain type of treatment center. It is an actual, pressurized chamber that someone lays inside, and it allows the body to take in LOTS of oxygen at once.


It is a specialized service, usually found at a certain type of treatment center. It is an actual, pressurized chamber that someone lays inside, and it allows the body to take in LOTS of oxygen at once.

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I decided to get a potable home O2 Concentrator to help. Will see if it helps.


Sorry what you're going through. I'm 68 and have always been playing some sport and spending time in the gym.
I had Covid in Jan. 2022, and developed chronic fatigue, joint pain in my hands and fingers. 2 months ago I was diagnosed with A Fib and was forced to go on blood thinner and Beta Blocker. I normally go on cardio machines for 30 minutes and bring my heart rate to 135-140. All of the sudden, I can't do more than 7 minutes which brings my heart rate to 160+. After finishing with weights, heart rate is still high and feel lousy. Heading to the Cardiologist again this week. I have other symptoms, but never had heart issues.


I was a very healthy, active person before COVID, then started the same symptoms about 1 month after infection-that was 1 1/2 years ago when there was little research available to doctors. Finally, I got a '21 day Event Monitor' order from my PMD; a holter monitor is for too short of a time. It was the final evidence of 'Inappropriate Tachycardia'-a heart rate disproportionate to my activity. My cardiologist tells me he is seeing this a lot with his covid patients, and not necessarily those who were hospitalized. I am now on Metoprolol for heart rate control. There is a lot of information on, the National Institute of Health; look under COVID and Tachycardia (fast heart rate). There are several possible diagnoses-POTS is certainly one. CDC's website also has great info-you are not alone.
I kept a daily journal, documented my activity (walking at slow, normal, fast rate, climbing stairs, towel drying after a shower, laundry/folding sheets, at rest, getting up and walking after sitting) and heart rate to show the data to my PMD. My heart rate went to 150 washing my hair!! My EKG, Stress Test, Echocardiogram, a test that had me riding a bike and hooked to a monitor.... were all "normal". I am an ER Nurse with 40 years of experience and ran a half marathon for my 60th birthday. I have a lifetime of knowledge about heart rates. It took a LOT of persistence to get the Event Monitor which objectively confirmed the symptoms.

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Did you have any other symptoms when your heart rate would increase?

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