What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

For those members that have the ability to size your photos before you upload them to the discussion, may I suggest using the following sizes:
– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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What a wonderful story!
Good that the small bear ran off or else maybe his mum would have tried to rescue him from you. This all though sounds so peaceful and sunny and nice 💖
How are the blackberries?

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That wasn't a "small" bear as young...all coastal black bears are pretty small, in bear terms. He or she was a full-grown adult, in great condition if the glossy back coat is a good indicator. Unlike grizzlies (brown) bears, coastal black bears are very shy, avoid conflict whenever possible. I see them occasionally when doing fisheries work in the remote little stream on Oregon's north coast...but always their rears as they run off to avoid potential interactions.

While fishing in Alaska, I have had face-to-face encounters with grizzlies. That's an entirely different situation, one where you're the one to back off so that the grizzly can fish wherever he or she wants to! I once was fishing with a group of people on assignment from various magazines to write about a new fishing lodge. Being the only woman in the group, I fished the little creek last. <g> While I was looking downstream as I retrieved my fly, a grizzly appeared on the opposite bank. I was hip-deep in the creek, while the bear was on a steep gravel bar less than 10' from where I waded. First, none of us pros, even though we all had cameras around our necks, got a photo of the bear. Second, afterwards the guys argued about whether it had been an 8' or 10' bear. Didn't matter to me, as he/she looked huge from my vantage point a couple of feet deep in the creek, perhaps five feet below him or her! In those days, video cameras were quite new and weighed about 70#, so we told the guy with the video camera to just keep photographing when the bear followed us, as long as he was able to, and we'd recover the film afterwards. During the several hours until the float plane returned, you'd better believe that everyone reacted whenever a twig snapped.


@sueinmn, that, my friend, is my trick! I'll look for that picture in a few days. Whenever you send it I'll love to see and share it with you.

Glad you're taking my advice which is really your own advice to me long ago. Rest is very important. I think I recall you telling me every afternoon you have a sit-down somewhere comfy and special, porch, patio, garden by pond or whatever, and have a drink of whatever and rest your body, mind, and soul, rest the eyes or read a book. Remember that? You told me, about 3 in the afternoon...I began attempting to do the same and found it was wise advice from a wise woman in snow country.

I could fill you in on my last few days, but they're so melodramatic, that you'd accuse me of spreading stories, writing a novel, or telling fibs. None are true. It's been a very rollercoaster few days, lots of emotions up and down, a rough few days.

I'm going home now, from across the street at my son's home, where I've been working, cleaning, organizing garbage, calming my son, guiding, misguiding, being accused of all kinds of misdeeds, and such. The likes of what you see and hear in awful movies.

He called me this morning as I was in the middle of a bad night-terror, PTSD, in part brought on by screaming and such for hours prior...I heard the phone, tried to get to it, and fell out of the bed onto the floor after hitting the pet stairs on the way down. I'm ok. I'm bruised and injured but not truly damaged. Crawled back into bed, called Rob, told him what happened, and ended up hanging up on him multiple times before turning off my phone. Turned over as much as I could, kitty snuggled close to my heart, purred her loudest, and I fell back into sleep. He woke me up by throwing furniture I was selling for him onto his front yard.

So. That's been some of my few days. I'll trade you. I'd love to be in your garden, by the pond, or on the patio right now. I'm taking my computer...he broke his keyboard last night...and limping home to bed. I may have a special hot tottie! Don't drink, remember, but this moment it's calling to me.

Yep, that's the plan. Heading home to shower, crawl in bed, and stay there until tomorrow sometime. with Samantha. She helped me through the night. What a dear kitty. May stay in bed all day!!!

Monday he and I go to a local furniture store for him to sit in a chair I found last week at their warehouse sale...$999 was reduced to $333. There are 2 of them. I know the owner and he's holding the price for me. Navy with white plaid. Wing-back. Comfy. gives me a place to sit in his patio room/den, or a friend or whomever, or for him to sit if I'm using the computer. It's a good choice, holds his head with the wings which he needs. I have a footstool for him so I can put my feet up when I'm sitting. May get both and use one up in his bedroom. But, we're getting there.

His room is going to be charming soon, with a couple of small bookcases and a larger one with storage, matching cherry. Handsome. I hung 3 of my deceased fiancee's Jaguar (Jacksonville football franchise) signed first and early season posters and the room looks good. Will paint it a smokey, mid-shade blue, not navy but in the family. Posters are matted with the color. He has french doors overlooking the patio, our pool, and nice gardens. This is going to help bring him some peace and ease his pain/mind a bit.

Constant pain causes the rages. It's a rough life but may get helped with Mayo deep brain stimulation surgery. We're still waiting for the last hurdle...

Thinking of you and all my Connect friends. You are each so special and good folks. Be well. Be safe. Be blessed. Elizabeth

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Oh, Elizabeth, you surely could make a soap opera. I know deep in his heart Rob appreciates your efforts, he is just trapped so deeply in his own special hell that he is unable to express it.
I don't know your religious background, but my unnamed faith is wide and deep, and every day I pray that Rob will find relief through Mayo or elsewhere and the two of you will settle into a true Mom & son relationship.

Deep brain stimulation is amazing. My husband worked for Medtronic when it was first pioneered, and he was able to watch films of some of the early surgeries, where patients were able to express the life-changing results. I truly hope it will be approved for him.

Now, on to the good news. I was able to figure out my issue - my phone is incapable of loading pictures to Mayo Connect due to "low band width" where we live - right in a major metro area!
So I must email them to the PC, then do it. The irony? Both devices are using T-Mobile to do it.
So, for reference, the tithonia (just 3 little 6 inch seedlings in May) is BIG - the angel below her is 3' tall on her pedestal, the pot in the background is about 15 gallons. In Texas, these are perennial, and eventually form a thicket. Here, they may reseed themselves, but usually I plant new each year.

The copper fountain sculpture is about 4' tall, in a tiny pond my husband built me 10 years ago, when I was recovering from hip replacements 3, 4 & 5. Then my daughter and her fiance came & landscaped and mulched the whole garden. Now it is my happy place, and their 2 little sons help me maintain it. I love to leave the living room window open to hear the splashing.


Oh, Elizabeth, you surely could make a soap opera. I know deep in his heart Rob appreciates your efforts, he is just trapped so deeply in his own special hell that he is unable to express it.
I don't know your religious background, but my unnamed faith is wide and deep, and every day I pray that Rob will find relief through Mayo or elsewhere and the two of you will settle into a true Mom & son relationship.

Deep brain stimulation is amazing. My husband worked for Medtronic when it was first pioneered, and he was able to watch films of some of the early surgeries, where patients were able to express the life-changing results. I truly hope it will be approved for him.

Now, on to the good news. I was able to figure out my issue - my phone is incapable of loading pictures to Mayo Connect due to "low band width" where we live - right in a major metro area!
So I must email them to the PC, then do it. The irony? Both devices are using T-Mobile to do it.
So, for reference, the tithonia (just 3 little 6 inch seedlings in May) is BIG - the angel below her is 3' tall on her pedestal, the pot in the background is about 15 gallons. In Texas, these are perennial, and eventually form a thicket. Here, they may reseed themselves, but usually I plant new each year.

The copper fountain sculpture is about 4' tall, in a tiny pond my husband built me 10 years ago, when I was recovering from hip replacements 3, 4 & 5. Then my daughter and her fiance came & landscaped and mulched the whole garden. Now it is my happy place, and their 2 little sons help me maintain it. I love to leave the living room window open to hear the splashing.

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Wow! I just realized if you look in the upper left, you can see one of the Monarchs on her way to t flower.


Wow! I just realized if you look in the upper left, you can see one of the Monarchs on her way to t flower.

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@sueinmn, @johnbishop, @gingerw, @loribmt, and all...Sue, you are wonderful! I love your pond, your fountain needs to be transported to my patio as I wanted either herons or flamingos or dolphins. My school mascot is the dolphin, my brother was in Navy subs, dolphins, and I adore dolphins. I have a little collection of dolphins I love and wanted one as a table base or fountain on the patio. Did. I don't want anything else to have to clean now!

Your pond is a peaceful place to find your inner thoughts, feelings, and peace. What a gift...I have a broken fountain, turned over by my precious destructive squirrels. I have one now with a bad cut on his side. Hopefully, he'll survive with my peanuts! He's smaller and I'm hoping to help him. Don't want anymore but can't stand to have them harmed!

Still fighting rats, although this last round of poison outside has reduced them. I actually hate to kill any animal, even dirty rodents, but can't have them around my life. So, we have traps out from professionals and I'm putting out my poison in private rat places. I still hear them in the walls and attic occasionally, or squirrels. The association is investigating that issue also and I pray will find the way they're getting in and seal it permanently. My kitty Samantha goes nuts at night when they scurry in the attic ...not really invade...one keeps chewing holes in the wallboard under my sink in the master. I pushed brillo pads inside and then another hole appears. Our building was hit with them after an owner moved and left a mess inside. We think we have them controlled and gone, then here they come! I'm not helping by having feeders either, but will not stop feeding my birds and squirrels. Nope!

I have a handyman (woman-HA!) Tuesday morning to go over the punch list and give quotes. Then, she begins helping me and Rob! Retiling all 3 bathrooms, installing new vanities and a pedestal sink downstairs, removing my master tub making a walk-in shower I've tried to get done for 3 years. Then, paving and building a plant wall on the patio. Hopefully, fix and install a new pump in my fountain. Then, replace kitchen cabinets. I need to buy a bucket full of lottery tickets tomorrow! These are renovations I've scheduled previously and ended in hospital or bed and all put on hold. I think this is golden, I have a winner to help and make it work...

Rob settled down yesterday for a few hours, then the monster inside was out. I hurt so for him. I'm all he has and am out of strength and ideas. Please tell me more you know about the surgery. I've investigated it and have hope. A neighbor yesterday told me his Parkinson's friend had it years ago in Nashville and it 'helped' for a year, was horrid to experience and now he's worse. Didn't need that encouragement, thank you. I know Mayo is leading in this research, they are adding AI and other new procedures to improve the results. I won't think a single negative thought. This is in God's hands as are we every moment. My faith has kept us going, Sue. With strong faith, our Lord is guiding the docs, us to the right ones, and is helping us make this journey. I'm, and Rob, ready for some immediate help. Just pray something comes before it's too late!!!! I have little fight left in me now.

Just had my board member neighbor stop by to discuss Rob. They will call the police and baker act him the next time he does anything like this. I understand. They're afraid of him. I told him I appreciate the kindness and caring he gave yesterday and as we discussed, I told him what I've been doing in the condo to help but as he said, I can't do it! So, I told him I can't find help...he is now working with me to get some workers to help get rid of things, I'll pay the garbage tomorrow a few $20's to take it all away, he's getting someone to help me inside. I needed to let him know how much trouble I've had getting help. Now, he's working with me. I hope I can keep Rob settled until the docs get him under control.

So, now, I may re-pot 2 African violets, tomorrow now, as one needs help, the other is growing and blossoming and has 3 crowns! I love these babies. All the rescues are happy and thriving, except the ZZ Raven plant. A couple of months ago, I watered it with the orchids...too much. Now, I'm letting it dry, with large bulbous roots, it needs maybe monthly watering. It's growing like crazy with new shoots, new leaves, and a big smile! I'll send pics when I go back downstairs tomorrow.

Still don't know what the 'bulb root tree' is? Can't use the app well yet...no time...

Goodbye for now. Be well. keep those hips safe...how many do you have??? love your children and grands and be thankful for your many blessings. elizabeth


@sueinmn, @johnbishop, @gingerw, @loribmt, and all...Sue, you are wonderful! I love your pond, your fountain needs to be transported to my patio as I wanted either herons or flamingos or dolphins. My school mascot is the dolphin, my brother was in Navy subs, dolphins, and I adore dolphins. I have a little collection of dolphins I love and wanted one as a table base or fountain on the patio. Did. I don't want anything else to have to clean now!

Your pond is a peaceful place to find your inner thoughts, feelings, and peace. What a gift...I have a broken fountain, turned over by my precious destructive squirrels. I have one now with a bad cut on his side. Hopefully, he'll survive with my peanuts! He's smaller and I'm hoping to help him. Don't want anymore but can't stand to have them harmed!

Still fighting rats, although this last round of poison outside has reduced them. I actually hate to kill any animal, even dirty rodents, but can't have them around my life. So, we have traps out from professionals and I'm putting out my poison in private rat places. I still hear them in the walls and attic occasionally, or squirrels. The association is investigating that issue also and I pray will find the way they're getting in and seal it permanently. My kitty Samantha goes nuts at night when they scurry in the attic ...not really invade...one keeps chewing holes in the wallboard under my sink in the master. I pushed brillo pads inside and then another hole appears. Our building was hit with them after an owner moved and left a mess inside. We think we have them controlled and gone, then here they come! I'm not helping by having feeders either, but will not stop feeding my birds and squirrels. Nope!

I have a handyman (woman-HA!) Tuesday morning to go over the punch list and give quotes. Then, she begins helping me and Rob! Retiling all 3 bathrooms, installing new vanities and a pedestal sink downstairs, removing my master tub making a walk-in shower I've tried to get done for 3 years. Then, paving and building a plant wall on the patio. Hopefully, fix and install a new pump in my fountain. Then, replace kitchen cabinets. I need to buy a bucket full of lottery tickets tomorrow! These are renovations I've scheduled previously and ended in hospital or bed and all put on hold. I think this is golden, I have a winner to help and make it work...

Rob settled down yesterday for a few hours, then the monster inside was out. I hurt so for him. I'm all he has and am out of strength and ideas. Please tell me more you know about the surgery. I've investigated it and have hope. A neighbor yesterday told me his Parkinson's friend had it years ago in Nashville and it 'helped' for a year, was horrid to experience and now he's worse. Didn't need that encouragement, thank you. I know Mayo is leading in this research, they are adding AI and other new procedures to improve the results. I won't think a single negative thought. This is in God's hands as are we every moment. My faith has kept us going, Sue. With strong faith, our Lord is guiding the docs, us to the right ones, and is helping us make this journey. I'm, and Rob, ready for some immediate help. Just pray something comes before it's too late!!!! I have little fight left in me now.

Just had my board member neighbor stop by to discuss Rob. They will call the police and baker act him the next time he does anything like this. I understand. They're afraid of him. I told him I appreciate the kindness and caring he gave yesterday and as we discussed, I told him what I've been doing in the condo to help but as he said, I can't do it! So, I told him I can't find help...he is now working with me to get some workers to help get rid of things, I'll pay the garbage tomorrow a few $20's to take it all away, he's getting someone to help me inside. I needed to let him know how much trouble I've had getting help. Now, he's working with me. I hope I can keep Rob settled until the docs get him under control.

So, now, I may re-pot 2 African violets, tomorrow now, as one needs help, the other is growing and blossoming and has 3 crowns! I love these babies. All the rescues are happy and thriving, except the ZZ Raven plant. A couple of months ago, I watered it with the orchids...too much. Now, I'm letting it dry, with large bulbous roots, it needs maybe monthly watering. It's growing like crazy with new shoots, new leaves, and a big smile! I'll send pics when I go back downstairs tomorrow.

Still don't know what the 'bulb root tree' is? Can't use the app well yet...no time...

Goodbye for now. Be well. keep those hips safe...how many do you have??? love your children and grands and be thankful for your many blessings. elizabeth

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Oh Elizabeth, life has handed you too much! I only know 2 people with DBS - one with Parkinson's and his worked to quell the symptoms for as long as he was around - he passed from a heart issue after some years...
The other friend had severe pain after spunal degeneration & surgery. The DBS worked to relieve the pain, but unfortunately couldn't undo the nerve damage, so he is in a wheelchair, but without the typical pain of his specific condition. As of Halloween, he will be at 3 years & counting. He considers it a success as he continues his humorous & satirical writings and rock'n'roll trivia sharing with his large family & many friends.

It is wonderful that your HOA has at least one compassionate person stepping up to help you!

My hips are doing fine, thank you! I spent today proving it again - crawling around in a "corn pit" (think huge "ball crawl" filled with seed corn about 18" deep) and climbing a tractor tire jungle gym with my grandsons. I was the only Grandma - actually the only female over about 12 - in either place. Tonight my knees are not thanking me though.

Hugs and prayers for oyu and Rob.


It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to post any pictures. But today…wow, couldn’t wait to share one from Mother Nature’s pretty fashion show. This is in far northern Wisconsin


It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to post any pictures. But today…wow, couldn’t wait to share one from Mother Nature’s pretty fashion show. This is in far northern Wisconsin

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Gorgeous Lori!


It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to post any pictures. But today…wow, couldn’t wait to share one from Mother Nature’s pretty fashion show. This is in far northern Wisconsin

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Oh those colours! Fabulous!
I thought the black and white thing was a cow in the water, but then I zoomed in. Such a disappointment 😹 So I added one because we all need dairy cows in the water, right?


Oh those colours! Fabulous!
I thought the black and white thing was a cow in the water, but then I zoomed in. Such a disappointment 😹 So I added one because we all need dairy cows in the water, right?

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😂😂😂🐄 @ellamster. The cow is entirely appropriate considering Wisconsin is the Dairy State in the US. 😂 But they are very few and far between in the north woods. Thanks for making me laugh today. 😅


Oh those colours! Fabulous!
I thought the black and white thing was a cow in the water, but then I zoomed in. Such a disappointment 😹 So I added one because we all need dairy cows in the water, right?

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@ellamster I'm all by myself and laughing out loud at your cow hangin' out in a northern Wisconsin lake in the woods! I had a dear old girl named Bossy (of course) back in the day. I used to sing to her during quiet moments in the barn:
"Don't 'cha make my brown eyes blueoooo". She was the only appreciative audience of my awful voice! 🤣

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