What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

For those members that have the ability to size your photos before you upload them to the discussion, may I suggest using the following sizes:
– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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I just went cold turkey. Big thing is to stay busy during the days that you fast. I write books so it is a good time to write or take a walk. I catch up on correspondence, and calls to my friends, and I find once you get past the first two days, it is much easier.

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@carolc66, @callalloo and all...
I'm joining your fasting message just briefly, as I've read and been told to be very careful about this. Especially if you have heath issues or take meds.
If John is discussing it with you, you're on track. And, you know your body well.

I hope it goes well and you are pleased...blessings. Elizabeth


@sueinmn, @callalloo, and all...Sue, help me out please. Whats involved in the indigo dyeing and why do you do this annually...for your fabric crafts? Quilting? Help!

Also, you know you overdue, silly woman. You do more than I could do years ago. I marvel at your 'jobs', walking, window work, sanding and so much more. I know some is thanks to prednisone, but not all and your body can still do it! Remarkable...

Sue, what is this crazy looking thing? One of my rescue. This it doing much better, believe it or not...

Be well and blessed. Elizabeth

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Hi Elizabeth @ess77, There is an app you can download free for your phone that helps you identify plants and more. Interesting way for a novice like me to identify plants and bugs.

iNaturalist - https://gadgets360.com/culture/reviews/inaturalist-app-review-1847204


I'll try to remember that tomorrow. Indigo is fun and easy - but messy enough to stay outdoors.

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@sueinmn...and this is 'light duty'???

Should you ck the definition?

You're nuts, lady, good nuts but nuts. No garden work this week? I love it, love hearing about you antics. Especially the window sanding and the 3 days working at the fair!

Keep it up! Blessings, elizabeth


@sueinmn, @callalloo, and all...Sue, help me out please. Whats involved in the indigo dyeing and why do you do this annually...for your fabric crafts? Quilting? Help!

Also, you know you overdue, silly woman. You do more than I could do years ago. I marvel at your 'jobs', walking, window work, sanding and so much more. I know some is thanks to prednisone, but not all and your body can still do it! Remarkable...

Sue, what is this crazy looking thing? One of my rescue. This it doing much better, believe it or not...

Be well and blessed. Elizabeth

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Indigo (the blue in blue jeans) is an ancient natural dye that is easy to use safely, dyes quickly (many natural dyes require hours to day in the dye pot to give color), produces colorfast results at home, and has built-in science lessons.
Shibori, aka Japanaese tie-dye, is a method of folding, gathering and otherwise manipulating fabric to give interesting patterns, I use the resulting textiles or fibers in my sewing and fiber crafts. When I finish and get everything taken care of I'll post some pics.

As for your plant, I don't recognize it. I'll try to remember to show the pics to my daughter - she has more recent experience with a huge variety of house plants than I - since we have been traveling, I have "thinned my herd" to just a handful of family legacy plants and a few indestructible orchids.


Hi Elizabeth @ess77, There is an app you can download free for your phone that helps you identify plants and more. Interesting way for a novice like me to identify plants and bugs.

iNaturalist - https://gadgets360.com/culture/reviews/inaturalist-app-review-1847204

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@johnbishop, and all....
Thanks, John. Downloading and getting busy having fun. I love this kind of thing. I have a couple of bird apps that help. Audubon I also use to report different birds as they stop through on their way south or north. I'm on some routes now with my 8 feeders and suet, thanks to you, my friend.

Yesterday I had a large flock of very loud geese flying over our pool heading south. Some stay or stop her, but a lot go further south. Fun to watch them.
Be well and be blessed, John.


Indigo (the blue in blue jeans) is an ancient natural dye that is easy to use safely, dyes quickly (many natural dyes require hours to day in the dye pot to give color), produces colorfast results at home, and has built-in science lessons.
Shibori, aka Japanaese tie-dye, is a method of folding, gathering and otherwise manipulating fabric to give interesting patterns, I use the resulting textiles or fibers in my sewing and fiber crafts. When I finish and get everything taken care of I'll post some pics.

As for your plant, I don't recognize it. I'll try to remember to show the pics to my daughter - she has more recent experience with a huge variety of house plants than I - since we have been traveling, I have "thinned my herd" to just a handful of family legacy plants and a few indestructible orchids.

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@sueinmn, and all.
Thanks, Sue, for the info. I used to dye a bit in the hippie tie-dye Era. Enjoyed working to get different patterns for shirts and pants.

I thought it had to be for your crafts. Do you use fabric you have and reuse or find other fabrics ...still not really taking some rest time, though. I don't think you do much resting to be honest?



@contentandwell, @sueinmn, @loribmt, @gingerw, @kilh, @johnbishop, and all...
Well, you have a bunch more mobility and energy than I, JK. I'm so excited now I'm able to shop online and even go to some of the stores to find the organizers, baskets/wire shelving/wire baskets/shelves, etc for my son to help him get his home organized.

We've both finally, after 20 years, accepted his disability and situation aren't improving and even if he gets the brain surgery we're praying for from Mayo, he'll still be unable to lift his head, look up, raise his arms, use his left arm and be in pain of some kind....etc....so, I'm redoing all his closets and kitchen and baths, mainly.

I just added an attractive adjustable shower rod to his laundry room so he can hang the clothes as he takes them out of the laundry. He loves it! Had no idea what I was doing but once he saw it up with hangers, he was really pleased. He's at the point where he has to see it in use to get it, so now that I've finally gotten this is the way his brain works these days, I'm saving enormous amounts of energy and frustration. Now, I can buy what I envision, install it and usually not have to cart it back across the street on my walker to my home!

I'm putting cubbies, baskets, and drawers in the closets upstairs and downstairs on the floor for his drawer-type clothes and hanging his shirts on new, thin hangers on lowered rods. Only things he needs to store go above low eye level. He can't raise his head now to see at normal eye level. so we're adjusting.

This is a big project for me as I'm so physically limited but I'm loving it. I'm getting things that require little installation since I don't do that anymore. It's really helping him in a tangible way. And, I'm doing the same kind of thing for me at my place. Cleared all my closets. It's fun to toss things out, donate or sell. I'm getting brutal now and it feels wonderful! Not keeping 3 sizes of clothes for different weights...what I wear now only. If I lose or gain, I'll deal. At home, I wear robes and loungewear that travel the various sizes. So, no more extras. And, I'm excited to have the energy to get these things done. It takes days for one closet, but I have the days right now so I'm thrilled. Thankful to be at this point that I can get these things accomplished. It's been years since I was this able...And, I'm not seeing doctors almost daily anymore, so I have the time...

I hate the youtube exercise videos! Hate them! I don't want to put myself through the horror of seeing what I can't do. I love my 95-degree therapy pool at the rehab center. I visit 2x weekly and get really deep relaxation of my bones/muscles and mind. I also, when I'm not overly tired, walk with a float for balance, and use the water dumbells for upper body work to get rid, HA!, of the angel wings. I move in the water but have learned how to reduce the action when I should, not push it, When I try too much exercise, even in the water, I pay for days after. So, I've learned to keep it slow and steady, and comfy.

I'm thrilled to be able to do this! This is a wonderful exercise for this lady. And, as I've mentioned, I walk the beautiful connecting inside corridors connecting the 3 main Mayo buildings, enjoying the peace, and beauty, the glass walls bring in the lovely campus, nature, the art, and the people.

Last year, I wasn't able to do any of the organization or clearing out of our condos. I spent most days at a doc or resting. Mayo changed my life tremendously.

Did anybody see the pictures attached to my previous post? Know what the plant is with the huge, interesting bulbous root and small, thin stems and leaves? I need help identifying it. Sue, @sueinmn, any idea? You're my got-to-plant expert!

I'm exhausted. Cleaned out, and emptied my linen closet today, cleaned and lined shelves, and moved storage things to that closet instead of cluttering my other rooms or storage. Like creams, backup meds, backup lotions, t-tissue, tissues, etc. I'm pleased with this move. The linens are in the rooms where they're used. So, this is a good thing!

Let me know if you need anything...I'm sure I have some duplicates I can send your way! BOGO sales really get me, I love them...Blessings all. Elizabeth

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@ess77 You have sure been busy. Your son must really be pleased with the way have done things to accommodate his needs.

I love all of the organizing you have been doing too. I really need to get to that myself but I've been procrastinating.

Regarding the YouTube exercises, there are really exercises for every level. I am sure if you looked some more you would find some that would be good for you. If I come across any I will pass the link on to you.


@ess77 You have sure been busy. Your son must really be pleased with the way have done things to accommodate his needs.

I love all of the organizing you have been doing too. I really need to get to that myself but I've been procrastinating.

Regarding the YouTube exercises, there are really exercises for every level. I am sure if you looked some more you would find some that would be good for you. If I come across any I will pass the link on to you.

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@contentandwell and all...
Thanks, JK, but no thanks. Not for me. I'm doing everything possible with this body, I mean truly all that can be done. NO MORE!

I'm clearing, cleaning another closet in another room today. I do more exercise doing these jobs than I possibly could with a program, video. And, I'm accomplishing things only I can and must do before I get ill again, go back into hospital, my son has difficulty or life throws me another pipe bomb!

The only dedicated exercise I will or can do is therapy 95degree pool, or inside walking. I may hit my outdoor pool in late afternoon to soak, relax if it's not raining. That's it.

I'm 75, multiple illnesses and issues, with a demanding caretakers job full time...got a call this morning at 4. He doesn't sleep well or long due to acute and chronic pain 24/7. So, basically, I'm on 24/7 call for him to chat, tell me something he's thinking about, or screaming needing help.

So, enjoy your wonderful times w/YouTube videos.

I'm thrilled to be alive, moving, breathing and able to accomplish some of these life requierements!

I hope you enjoy and get stronger...blessings to you... elizabeth


@contentandwell and all...
Thanks, JK, but no thanks. Not for me. I'm doing everything possible with this body, I mean truly all that can be done. NO MORE!

I'm clearing, cleaning another closet in another room today. I do more exercise doing these jobs than I possibly could with a program, video. And, I'm accomplishing things only I can and must do before I get ill again, go back into hospital, my son has difficulty or life throws me another pipe bomb!

The only dedicated exercise I will or can do is therapy 95degree pool, or inside walking. I may hit my outdoor pool in late afternoon to soak, relax if it's not raining. That's it.

I'm 75, multiple illnesses and issues, with a demanding caretakers job full time...got a call this morning at 4. He doesn't sleep well or long due to acute and chronic pain 24/7. So, basically, I'm on 24/7 call for him to chat, tell me something he's thinking about, or screaming needing help.

So, enjoy your wonderful times w/YouTube videos.

I'm thrilled to be alive, moving, breathing and able to accomplish some of these life requierements!

I hope you enjoy and get stronger...blessings to you... elizabeth

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@ess77 It sounds as if with all you are doing you are getting plenty of movement in there. When you think of it, programmed exercises are there to make up for the fact that many of us do not have a lot of movement day to day but it sounds as if you are doing plenty.

I have not rejoined my health club but one thing I am looking forward to if I do is pool jogging. Unfortunately, the pool is not kept as warm as you mentioned but it's the only pool available for me.

I too am 75, or will be later in the month. I am finding that 75 is a lot different from 65 plus I know I lost momentum during pandemic isolation. I tried to keep up with videos but over time I did them less and less.

It sounds to me as if you are doing an amazing job with all that you have to do. Your son is very lucky to have you.


In response to Carol66's fasting plan: My husband is an extremely brittle diabetic who can go from 200 down to 25 in 10 minutes...25 means you quit breathing, so it's pretty exciting/unwelcome. In order to avoid sugar, salt, and fat in his diet, I cook almost everything from scratch. Even during the years he was waiting for a kidney transplant, neither of us ever has a cold or flu. Seems that processed foods contain stuff to retard spoilage, which means they kill good bacteria that are supposed to live in your gut. (That's why there are so many ads for probiotics...to restore good bacteria for good health.) Before he went on dialysis, he worked NINE trade shows for the outdoor industry every Jan-March. Long days of driving (Mondays and Tuesdays) with 12-hour days at the shows except for Sundays, when it was only a mere 8 so that people could pack up and start driving home to pack up for the next week's show. Lots of coughing, sneezing fellow exhibitors and crowds. However, I precooked meals and sent them with him, and he never even had a sniffle. Even though he's retired now with a new kidney, I continue to cook from scratch. Rule is that any package/can that has a list of chemicals isn't going to be purchased by me. I've had one cold during the last 30 years; he's had none. What you eat is important!

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