COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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Hi bybee,

Could you tell me what symptoms you have when you encounter heat or the sun? I have developed hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and wondered if there was a link with the vaccines.

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My sensations are like electrical shocks/multiple bee or wasp stings. Ice packs help, otherwise there is no relief. Once the sensations get a grasp, they can go on for several days.


First, let me say that I am an RN, 100% pro vax. However, hours after receiving my 4th booster in 1/2022, I began experiencing paresthesias in my feet, legs and hands that continue to this day. I have seen many doctors, including a research neurologist at a large teaching hospital (not Mayo) who all believe that this is a reaction to the spike protein in the mRNA vaccine. To be clear, this doctor told me that she is seeing plenty of patients post covid infection who are also experiencing this sort of neurological reaction. Current thought is that some sort of auto immune issue has been triggered, although all tests, and I mean a million of them, have come back negative for any disease. They just don't know what is going on. It's extremely frustrating but the only solution seems to go back in time and not get the 4th booster. Although, then maybe I would have gotten covid and be in the same boat I am in now. And we can't just hold the mRNA vaccines responsible, because all the covid vaccinations have some form or another of the spike protein.

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I have had 2 Pfizer and 1 booster, I got Covid, was hospitalized, and have done LOTS of
research and read a lot about vaccines in general, the Moderna, all vaccines, and I will not
have another shot of any vaccine.

Foreign items, visible on microscopes found in the Moderna, sudden deaths of adults, and younger people, on and on. Long, weird cysts, looks like seaweed or little snakes. No thank you.

Great documentary called Under the Skin about vaccines going back quite a few years. Just too scary for me. I will be 80 in a couple of months, and I cannot walk or stand or get to my wheelchair on my own, anymore. So I rarely see anyone, except caregivers.

Do a lot of research before making your decision. I already had bad neuropathy, not sure if it got worse or not. Good luck.


I have had 2 Pfizer and 1 booster, I got Covid, was hospitalized, and have done LOTS of
research and read a lot about vaccines in general, the Moderna, all vaccines, and I will not
have another shot of any vaccine.

Foreign items, visible on microscopes found in the Moderna, sudden deaths of adults, and younger people, on and on. Long, weird cysts, looks like seaweed or little snakes. No thank you.

Great documentary called Under the Skin about vaccines going back quite a few years. Just too scary for me. I will be 80 in a couple of months, and I cannot walk or stand or get to my wheelchair on my own, anymore. So I rarely see anyone, except caregivers.

Do a lot of research before making your decision. I already had bad neuropathy, not sure if it got worse or not. Good luck.

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I will not have another booster, and I so wish I hadn’t had the first one (10/5/2021 as I have had severe stinging starting 2 weeks later.


lindasue, would you please explain what NAC is? Dosage, brand and frequency… for my peripheral neuropathy. Appreciate it, Bcool123

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I started getting fasciculations all over after dose 2. I won't get a booster. And I know it has neurological effects, because the second dose stopped my internal tremors for 2 days.


My experience with neuropathy began two weeks after I’m received my Pfizer Covid booster on 10/5/2021. From that time on I have become increasingly miserable and am so severely affected by the heat and sun that I have to take ice packs with me if I think I am going to be exposed to these triggers. I have not been helped by a neurologist, an infectious disease physician, or a pain specialist. Needless to say, this continues to not only greatly impact my quality of life, but continues to severely limit what I can do with my family and friends.

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I am in the same situation. I was a healthy 54 year old. I got moderna shot on march 18 2021 with in a week started developing neuropathy and just turned into a mess. I am now at northwestern trying to figure it out. I just wonder how many other people are struggling like us


Same situation here too. Was a healthy 58 year old male, other than spinal injuries from an accident but would (and still try to) go to the gym weight lifting and exercising daily. Got my second Moderna shot in November 2021 and within two weeks started developing severe muscle pain in my upper back, neck, shoulders and arms and burning and neuropathy in both hands. Had blood work done which showed CRP was dangerously high so with other testing done dr determined I now have an autoimmune disease (not sure what kind at this point) but had to go on high doses of prednisone and methotrexate. Haven’t been the same since, oh and I never got Covid until this year likely because my immune system is compromised from having to take these drugs. Wish I never got vaccinated and will never get another one.


I had neuropathy in hands, feet and lower legs long before COVID. I had the 2 initial shots using Moderna and two booster shots using Pfiser and they did not affect my neuropathy.


Update: Received the flu shot yesterday and call me crazy , but my neurologist ok'd the Omicron booster so I did a walk in clinic and received it. So far so good, lol, no changes in any of my symptoms. So, we'll see. I'll keep you all update.


If there is a moderator for this forum, I hope the moderator will step in and review these comments. Individual experiences are not evidence of anything. It is more likely that these are temporal coincidences as anything related to a vaccine. Not to say that there aren't reactions to vaccines. There are. But there are also temporal coincidences and they are far more common than vaccine reactions.

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