COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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And yet I've never had a problem with any other vaccine in my life. I had a very strong neurological reaction to these mRNA vaccines. I just hope they don't use this type of immunization for other vaccines in the future or I won't be able to get any more vaccines. I agree they are safe for most people but there a some of us who have a bad reaction.

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This happened in our family- We are struggling - does mayo have any experts in this type of reaction to the vaccine?


This happened in our family- We are struggling - does mayo have any experts in this type of reaction to the vaccine?

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Lori, if you would like to seek a second opinion at Mayo Clinic, you can request an appointment here:


Please research mRNA vaccines and put your mind at ease. mRNA has been around for 30 years, and protects the vaccine material from being attacked before it gets destroyed by our natural system. These is no part of the Virus involved with this type of vaccine. It travels to our immune system
and teaches our cells how to make a protein that will trigger an immune response inside our bodies. Researchers have been studying and working with mRNA vaccines for decades.

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Please do more research. Peet-reviewed studies have documented persistence of the encoded spike protein in lymph nodes months after vaccination. The CDC originally posted on their web site that the spike protein would remain at the injection site and would not circulate in the bloodstream. This engineered mRNA vaccine is highly experimental.


First, let me say that I am an RN, 100% pro vax. However, hours after receiving my 4th booster in 1/2022, I began experiencing paresthesias in my feet, legs and hands that continue to this day. I have seen many doctors, including a research neurologist at a large teaching hospital (not Mayo) who all believe that this is a reaction to the spike protein in the mRNA vaccine. To be clear, this doctor told me that she is seeing plenty of patients post covid infection who are also experiencing this sort of neurological reaction. Current thought is that some sort of auto immune issue has been triggered, although all tests, and I mean a million of them, have come back negative for any disease. They just don't know what is going on. It's extremely frustrating but the only solution seems to go back in time and not get the 4th booster. Although, then maybe I would have gotten covid and be in the same boat I am in now. And we can't just hold the mRNA vaccines responsible, because all the covid vaccinations have some form or another of the spike protein.


Please do more research. Peet-reviewed studies have documented persistence of the encoded spike protein in lymph nodes months after vaccination. The CDC originally posted on their web site that the spike protein would remain at the injection site and would not circulate in the bloodstream. This engineered mRNA vaccine is highly experimental.

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mRNA is far from experimental, all it does is carry the vaccine so your body doesn't destroy it,
Yes, the boosters will sometimes give you a temporary swelling of under arm nodes, but doesn't last more than a few days. After trying to look up "Peet-reviewed", I realized you meant peer-reviewed, and can only find that research on anti-vax sites. You really shouldn't spread your supposed research on this kind of site. Stop trying to scare people, as they are trying to get proper information.


Please read the following peer-reviewed paper by Stanford University scientists published in the prestigious journal, Cell. They detected the spike protein in lymph nodes 60 days after vaccination. Spike protein concentrations in blood plasma within 1-2 days after vaccination overlapped or exceeded spike protein plasma levels after acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. Again, the CDC promised the spike protein would be expressed and remain in the muscle tissue at the site of vaccine injection. The genetic code of the spike protein mRNA in the vaccine was altered to supposedly make that happen. Things did not go as planned and people have a right to informed consent when deciding whether or not to be vaccinated.


First, let me say that I am an RN, 100% pro vax. However, hours after receiving my 4th booster in 1/2022, I began experiencing paresthesias in my feet, legs and hands that continue to this day. I have seen many doctors, including a research neurologist at a large teaching hospital (not Mayo) who all believe that this is a reaction to the spike protein in the mRNA vaccine. To be clear, this doctor told me that she is seeing plenty of patients post covid infection who are also experiencing this sort of neurological reaction. Current thought is that some sort of auto immune issue has been triggered, although all tests, and I mean a million of them, have come back negative for any disease. They just don't know what is going on. It's extremely frustrating but the only solution seems to go back in time and not get the 4th booster. Although, then maybe I would have gotten covid and be in the same boat I am in now. And we can't just hold the mRNA vaccines responsible, because all the covid vaccinations have some form or another of the spike protein.

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Selene… so sorry for all you are going through. your story matches mine. I had perfect health till second Moderna shot, and developed paresthesia on left side of body… face down to feet. Occasionally right side. Sometimes the areas of paresthesia would shift. The sensations would also vary
… hot, cold, prickly, tight etc very but there was no pain associated nor weakness. Like you, I saw two Neurologists Who attributed it to an over active nervous system and only getting 5-6 hours of sleep. Neither one would say it was attributed to the vaccine. You were lucky in this way. I started making sleep a priority. No improvement. I have minimal stress in life, good life I’d say. But one doc get saying it was stress induced.
for me, it will be two years in February. I am so used to the symptoms now that they hardly bother me, unless they spike in intensity. The intensity and duration of symptoms may still cause some anxiety responses when strong. However, they are much better in frequency than they were and typically mild now. I might even go a whole week now and feel no symptoms, or those easy to ignore.

The improvement started when I started supplementing with lions mane, NAC and alpha lipoid acid daily. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have no idea what is going on here! Good luck to you.


Selene… so sorry for all you are going through. your story matches mine. I had perfect health till second Moderna shot, and developed paresthesia on left side of body… face down to feet. Occasionally right side. Sometimes the areas of paresthesia would shift. The sensations would also vary
… hot, cold, prickly, tight etc very but there was no pain associated nor weakness. Like you, I saw two Neurologists Who attributed it to an over active nervous system and only getting 5-6 hours of sleep. Neither one would say it was attributed to the vaccine. You were lucky in this way. I started making sleep a priority. No improvement. I have minimal stress in life, good life I’d say. But one doc get saying it was stress induced.
for me, it will be two years in February. I am so used to the symptoms now that they hardly bother me, unless they spike in intensity. The intensity and duration of symptoms may still cause some anxiety responses when strong. However, they are much better in frequency than they were and typically mild now. I might even go a whole week now and feel no symptoms, or those easy to ignore.

The improvement started when I started supplementing with lions mane, NAC and alpha lipoid acid daily. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have no idea what is going on here! Good luck to you.

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… But I do not think I will be getting any more vaccines. I would love some opinions on this.


… But I do not think I will be getting any more vaccines. I would love some opinions on this.

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Sorry for all you are going through! Sounds very close to my story. I am lucky I have a neurologist who believes me and sees many people like me, both post covid infection and post covid vaccination. When I asked her about the Omicron, she was not entirely on board with it, despite my age and risk factors, so I have held off for now. When I asked her about the influenza vaccine, she said "Go ahead, if you haven't had any problems in the past", which I haven't. I have had every vaccination under the sun being a nurse and never had a problem. She believes it is the spike protein that is causing the problems, both in covid and the vax.

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