Anyone with PMR have experience with 4th COVID vax jab?

Posted by klpintx @klpintx, Jan 28, 2022

I just got notification from UTSW that I was eligible to receive my 4th Pfizer vaccine. I was wondering if anyone has does that yet? I have an appointment with my rheumatoligist next week, so I will ask her. But I was just wondering about anyone's experience with this.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


Not sure if this will be helpful but I always tapered to my next lower dosage if my pain level was 2 or lower on my scale of 1 to 10. Also, with my second time around with PMR six years following remission from the first flare of PMR, the tapering was much easier and took about half as long to taper off because I made some lifestyle changes (diet and exercise). Have you tried making any lifestyle changes or maybe you were already doing them?

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I am lucky that the Prednisone has alleviated the pain/stiffness so I have been able to continue gardening, walking and hiking. I will be back in my fitness class soon and feel up to it.
I have not done anything on diet - any suggestions for foods that impact inflamation? What to try to eat and what to avoid? Thx


Welcome @gipsie, Sorry to hear that your PMR came out after the COVID booster last December. The key with tapering off of prednisone is to take it slowly and listen to your body. You might find the following discussions helpful:
-- PMR Dosages and Managing Symptoms:
-- Tapering off of Prednisone:

Do you keep a daily pain log along with how much the dosage was for the day?

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I am pain-free right now and recording daily doses so as not to miss one!


I am lucky that the Prednisone has alleviated the pain/stiffness so I have been able to continue gardening, walking and hiking. I will be back in my fitness class soon and feel up to it.
I have not done anything on diet - any suggestions for foods that impact inflamation? What to try to eat and what to avoid? Thx

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There is another discussion you might find helpful on PMR diet:

-- PMR Diet: Foods to eat and avoid:


My PMR started two days after my second Pfizer booster. I had not had any problem with the shots before that... I am going to avoid boosters, including the flu shot, for at least a year.


I have been dealing with PMR since 9/21, got my second booster (Pfizer) two days ago - only issue is soreness at the injection site. Note I also received annual flue shot same day same arm. I am currently working with my my doctor on a taper reduction of 1MG per month currently at 6MG (4mg AM and 2mg PM). I have not had issues with shots in the past.


Hello—I’ve had my 4th shot—4 months ago—happy to report no negative effects!—May the same be true for you!

In reply to @milld835 "Mine was also." + (show)

Mine was also.

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I am newly diagnosed with PMR after much research to figure out why I couldn't walk. It's my 5th day on prednisone and first time in two months I can walk in the morning.

This came on overnight 10 days after the 4th Pfizer/booster shot. I have the No. Euoropean gene which may have made me more susceptible. I will not be getting any other MRNA shots.


I am newly diagnosed with PMR after much research to figure out why I couldn't walk. It's my 5th day on prednisone and first time in two months I can walk in the morning.

This came on overnight 10 days after the 4th Pfizer/booster shot. I have the No. Euoropean gene which may have made me more susceptible. I will not be getting any other MRNA shots.

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My PMR came on suddenly after a pilates session so I think there is little consensus about what starts it. I have had no difficulty with the 4th Pfizer/booster.


I am newly diagnosed with PMR after much research to figure out why I couldn't walk. It's my 5th day on prednisone and first time in two months I can walk in the morning.

This came on overnight 10 days after the 4th Pfizer/booster shot. I have the No. Euoropean gene which may have made me more susceptible. I will not be getting any other MRNA shots.

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Nor will I. I've had the two initial jabs which correlate too closely with the onset of PMR to be a coindence.


My aches and pains started just a couple week after my 3rd Pfizer shot in last December 2021. I did not even know that connection until 9 months later when I had my PMR diagnosis and started researchingd why. In all this time I have been doing physical therapy and getting prednisone shots. My right arm has a rotator cuff full tear, so that did lead me down a different road. But then I had thumb arthritis and a swollen tennis elbow and then carpel tunnel. Seeing a rheumatologist and on 20mg prednisone. Feel like crap.

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