Anyone with PMR have experience with 4th COVID vax jab?

Posted by klpintx @klpintx, Jan 28, 2022

I just got notification from UTSW that I was eligible to receive my 4th Pfizer vaccine. I was wondering if anyone has does that yet? I have an appointment with my rheumatoligist next week, so I will ask her. But I was just wondering about anyone's experience with this.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

I'm never getting it. Just strange how my condition started around the same time as the vaccines. Had 3 and no more. Guess I've been lucky so far not getting covid and also having antibodies, but I don't need more pain.


I'm never getting it. Just strange how my condition started around the same time as the vaccines. Had 3 and no more. Guess I've been lucky so far not getting covid and also having antibodies, but I don't need more pain.

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Agree. Think my PMR came after my 1st booster. Not planning on a 2nd booster. Afraid I will have a flare up.


My PMR began after the booster last December 2021. I’m 80 years old and is the worst obstacle I’ve incurred after 4 babies and bladder removal with complete recovery 7 years ago. I’m working with rheumatologist using prednisone or medrol trying to decrease but still on 8 mg medrol or 10 mg prednisone with ups and downs and pains jumping from different body parts . Right now my hands are worse part. From this sharing I can see I’m not alone and it does seem to be a trial and error situation. So encouraging to find this support group. I constantly monitor my headaches to assure I don’t have GCR too. When I have decreased prednisone to under 10, I am worse, but still not great with 10.


My PMR began after the booster last December 2021. I’m 80 years old and is the worst obstacle I’ve incurred after 4 babies and bladder removal with complete recovery 7 years ago. I’m working with rheumatologist using prednisone or medrol trying to decrease but still on 8 mg medrol or 10 mg prednisone with ups and downs and pains jumping from different body parts . Right now my hands are worse part. From this sharing I can see I’m not alone and it does seem to be a trial and error situation. So encouraging to find this support group. I constantly monitor my headaches to assure I don’t have GCR too. When I have decreased prednisone to under 10, I am worse, but still not great with 10.

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Welcome @gipsie, Sorry to hear that your PMR came out after the COVID booster last December. The key with tapering off of prednisone is to take it slowly and listen to your body. You might find the following discussions helpful:
-- PMR Dosages and Managing Symptoms:
-- Tapering off of Prednisone:

Do you keep a daily pain log along with how much the dosage was for the day?


Welcome @gipsie, Sorry to hear that your PMR came out after the COVID booster last December. The key with tapering off of prednisone is to take it slowly and listen to your body. You might find the following discussions helpful:
-- PMR Dosages and Managing Symptoms:
-- Tapering off of Prednisone:

Do you keep a daily pain log along with how much the dosage was for the day?

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I have been reading this blog on PMR for a year. Very helpful. I MUST get off this drug due to so many side effects. I am now on Medrol 3 mg. Most recent taper. I will need to deal with pain and fatigue to get off this drug. I had a Cosyntropin stimulation test 2 weeks ago to see if my adrenals were at all functioning on their own so we can do this safely. They were "adequately functioning but not robustly functioning." It was good news. I just started the 3 mg of Medrol AMs (5 days now). I would like to do this 2 weeks then go to 2 mg. Hoping not to get withdrawal symptoms. 3 mg has me with pain in am getting up...shoulders and neck and mid back. Goes away once the Medrol kicks in. Relief lasts maybe 10 hours. Has anyone stopped the steroids even if pain and fatigue are there (not the overwhelming pain and fatigue of a year ago!)? I would like to do 2 weeks on 2 mg, then go to 1 mg two weeks later. I have to take so much insulin (less than when I was on 10 mg) and my BP med requirements have dropped drastically as I have reduced the drug. I have had several infections that put me in the hospital while on this drug. Very helpful with pain at first but the side effects of the huge increase in insulin need (and infection risk) is too much of a cost to my system. I am 78. Any comments and stories welcome.

My PMR came on with Moderna (2nd dose). I have had the first booster but my IgG and IgM are low, not slightly low, but moderately low...enough to cause concern. So, not recommended to take 2nd booster due to immune response to 2nd Moderna and the booster last December. And, due to compromised immune system NOT only due to steroids but just my immune system itself.


I have been reading this blog on PMR for a year. Very helpful. I MUST get off this drug due to so many side effects. I am now on Medrol 3 mg. Most recent taper. I will need to deal with pain and fatigue to get off this drug. I had a Cosyntropin stimulation test 2 weeks ago to see if my adrenals were at all functioning on their own so we can do this safely. They were "adequately functioning but not robustly functioning." It was good news. I just started the 3 mg of Medrol AMs (5 days now). I would like to do this 2 weeks then go to 2 mg. Hoping not to get withdrawal symptoms. 3 mg has me with pain in am getting up...shoulders and neck and mid back. Goes away once the Medrol kicks in. Relief lasts maybe 10 hours. Has anyone stopped the steroids even if pain and fatigue are there (not the overwhelming pain and fatigue of a year ago!)? I would like to do 2 weeks on 2 mg, then go to 1 mg two weeks later. I have to take so much insulin (less than when I was on 10 mg) and my BP med requirements have dropped drastically as I have reduced the drug. I have had several infections that put me in the hospital while on this drug. Very helpful with pain at first but the side effects of the huge increase in insulin need (and infection risk) is too much of a cost to my system. I am 78. Any comments and stories welcome.

My PMR came on with Moderna (2nd dose). I have had the first booster but my IgG and IgM are low, not slightly low, but moderately low...enough to cause concern. So, not recommended to take 2nd booster due to immune response to 2nd Moderna and the booster last December. And, due to compromised immune system NOT only due to steroids but just my immune system itself.

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Not sure if this will be helpful but I always tapered to my next lower dosage if my pain level was 2 or lower on my scale of 1 to 10. Also, with my second time around with PMR six years following remission from the first flare of PMR, the tapering was much easier and took about half as long to taper off because I made some lifestyle changes (diet and exercise). Have you tried making any lifestyle changes or maybe you were already doing them?


I had 3 Pfizer vaccines and on my 4th vaccine, I decided to “mix it up” hoping to improve immunity and gut Moderna. 2 weeks after my Moderna shit I started experiencing pain and stiffness in my joints - especially knees, lower back. I had some pain and stuff after first 3 shots mostly while trying to sleep - but it went away after a few weeks. After the Moderna shot, it got worse. I put up with it for a month then called my doctor. Dr. ran labs - my C Reactive protein (CRP) was elevated. He diagnosed PMR and started me on 40 mg prednisone. 2 weeks later, C reactive protein is normal, pain is gone and I’m starting to taper prednisone. On 30 mg for 2 weeks then down to 20 mg - repeat labs in 4 weeks to check CRP.
I don’t want to get another vaccine until this PMR is in remission. Very worried another dose will cause me to relapse


Yes! Literally, overnight, two days after my second booster the pain started. Every muscle in my body hurt. I waited three months before seeing a doctor. By that time the pain was unbearable. I have been wondering if the vaccine caused the inflammatory response and if, as the vaccine loses potency, the PMR will gradually go away. I hope so, because I feel like I aged ten years overnight. At first I refused to take Prednisone (rat poison), but the pain was so bad I finally gave in. I have been on 5mg/day for two months. My inflammatory markers have dropped significantly and are now in the low-normal range, so I am hoping as the vaccine efficacy wanes the PMR will, too. Not sure if the PMR is going away or if the Prednisone is the reason my inflammation has decreased so dramatically. I want to be optimistic but am afraid of being disappointed. I would love to hear from anyone else who thinks the booster might have caused the PMR.


I had 3 Pfizer vaccines and on my 4th vaccine, I decided to “mix it up” hoping to improve immunity and gut Moderna. 2 weeks after my Moderna shit I started experiencing pain and stiffness in my joints - especially knees, lower back. I had some pain and stuff after first 3 shots mostly while trying to sleep - but it went away after a few weeks. After the Moderna shot, it got worse. I put up with it for a month then called my doctor. Dr. ran labs - my C Reactive protein (CRP) was elevated. He diagnosed PMR and started me on 40 mg prednisone. 2 weeks later, C reactive protein is normal, pain is gone and I’m starting to taper prednisone. On 30 mg for 2 weeks then down to 20 mg - repeat labs in 4 weeks to check CRP.
I don’t want to get another vaccine until this PMR is in remission. Very worried another dose will cause me to relapse

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I was at 5mg ready to continue reducing to 4.5 and feeling great. Had my 3rd Moderna shot and unfortunately had a significant flare up. Doc increased dosage (can’t remember the dosage ) and it’s been a slow journey back to where I was before I had the shot. Now down to 2 mg prednisone, bloodwork very good with a CRP of 1.1. I have been advised by my doctor that at this time not to go for The 4th shot And to continue covid protocol of wearing a mask when out in public washing my hands and generally being sensible. At 79 years young I really feel that I do not want to go through another major PMR event. That being said I realize I may be at risk but I’m willing to take the chance.


Thank you for that information.

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