Leukopenia ( low white blood count)

Posted by finsmom2018 @finsmom2018, Feb 22, 2020

Have had this for almost 6 months. Can't be around groups of people the are sick, flu, kids etc. difficult to get N95 masks since the current out break. Any suggestions on how to raise my WBC??

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Yes……. On Friday but hematologist said she would not see me again until 1 year. I thought that was strange.

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If all of your other blood numbers are ok, there may be nothing to be concerned about if just one reading is a little off of the norm. Our blood numbers can fluctuate with medications, infections, even dehydration can impact the numbers. So there may be no further action needed and it’s fine to wait until next year to have your numbers checked again.

Was this reading found on a routine physical? I’m just wondering why you’re seeing a hematologist? This is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases of the blood. Were you having any unusual symptoms that brought you to a blood specialist?
I just read through several of your other comments and see that you do have some pre-existing conditions but not necessarily a blood disorder. So that may also be the reason the hematologist won’t need to see you until next year.
With your Sojourns disease, do you have a rheumatologist you feel comfortable with?


I empathize with you, I was born with an almost nonexistent immune system and have been sickly all my 78 years on this germ filled planet. Like you, I am extremely careful but no matter what precautions I take, germs manage to get me. I live in a 100 apartment building of old sickly people and it’s like living in a petri dish waiting to pick up another disease. I’m just getting over my 5th case of Covid, yep 5. It’s that latest variant BA.5 and is nasty. I’m already a long hauler, losing my sense of taste and smell and this bug made me deaf in my right ear. I’m about ready to give up. Good luck to you and stay germ free. Becky1024


My White count is low and sometimes it is 4000 and then under that but not much higher I think the highest was 5000. But am told it is Leukopenia, Neutropenia and then have seen it written Leukemia I am confused? If this Leukemia at all? I go to Hematologist. Oncologist every few months for tests and my pancreas has a cyst and that is tested and I have many, many other problems too numerous to mention. But this has me totally confused why it changes? Does it mean the same? Just wondered if anyone ever have had this and what was the true answer to this? I have the sweating at night and exhaustion and shortness of breath, So it sounds like it is leukemia and Dr's have had this down but the others too? Is this how they do it? It all means the same? Wondered if others have had it like this and understand it better?


It is hard for us all to handle all we go through had blood work etc, and yet I think how it would be without our doctors and nurses and if we could not get the help we do. I think ma y have thought the same way in the end? Even if we do get tired often and it seems very hard.

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