Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Hi this is Darryl. I finally gave in and called my pain med dr. this afternoon. I could not continue the way I have been feeling. The pain has been getting worse rather than better. Whem the nurse called me back she told me that this is what the dr. was afraid this might happen. I have an emergency appointment for thursday. I was told to bring the Norco's with me, because he can not order any other opiod until returned. She also told me that he want's to perscribe Buprenorphine 5 mcg/hour. It is 5 mcg lower than I had been on but I'm not sure about that. I'll talk to him about his reasoning at appointment.
I also have that day a first time appointment with a reccomended neurologist to discuss my worsoning crpd. Big day on thursday. Thanks for listening.

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Good luck!


Hi I’m new to this my name is jaime


I’ve just had a horrible pain in my head


Hi this is Darryl. I finally gave in and called my pain med dr. this afternoon. I could not continue the way I have been feeling. The pain has been getting worse rather than better. Whem the nurse called me back she told me that this is what the dr. was afraid this might happen. I have an emergency appointment for thursday. I was told to bring the Norco's with me, because he can not order any other opiod until returned. She also told me that he want's to perscribe Buprenorphine 5 mcg/hour. It is 5 mcg lower than I had been on but I'm not sure about that. I'll talk to him about his reasoning at appointment.
I also have that day a first time appointment with a reccomended neurologist to discuss my worsoning crpd. Big day on thursday. Thanks for listening.

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@drg24242 Excellent, you made the call and have a plan of action. Good for you! I'm very happy to hear you'll be meeting with a recommended neurologist. You're progressing in the right direction, and I hope you feel pleased about that.

In the meantime, what have you found to be good distraction from discomfort and symptoms? Are you exercising at all? Do you get out of the house regularly? What are your hobbies?

Word search puzzles helped me tremendously keep my brain focused and distracted, but I had to moderate them and know when to take breaks because of symptoms. I went through difficult years of not knowing how to handle pain, which in turn made it a whole lot worse. Also, phone calls or visits from friends, my kids, anyone really...just to talk, and NOT about pain, was huge in allowing my brain a "vacation".

What gives your brain a "vacation"? Inquiring minds want to know?!?! 😊


Hi I’m new to this my name is jaime

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@river197843 Hi Jaime, welcome! I'm glad you found us. What brings you to Connect and how can we help?


I’m new to this group

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@sdgoddard10 Hey there and welcome to the Chronic Pain group. I see you've been pretty active in other groups and have been having a tough time with shocking sinus pain and depression, I'm sorry for that.

What progress have you made in your journey? Are you still seeking answers about your diagnosis? Do you still have questions? Or are you now in a chronic situation and trying to figure out how to live with it all?


@sdgoddard10 Hey there and welcome to the Chronic Pain group. I see you've been pretty active in other groups and have been having a tough time with shocking sinus pain and depression, I'm sorry for that.

What progress have you made in your journey? Are you still seeking answers about your diagnosis? Do you still have questions? Or are you now in a chronic situation and trying to figure out how to live with it all?

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Hello. Well I’ve going to have an mri this Monday and their has to be something there. I’ve had this trigeminal neuralgia pain for a long time and I’ll be brutally honest. I’ve thought about calling it quits. I was forced to quit my job in November and without my wife’s income I’d be homeless or dead. Sometimes you have to be brutally honest.


This morning I had a horrible headache and I started swearing and screaming that I wanted to die. My wife was scared and took me in and I took some migraine meds and she massaged my neck and back. That helped but I’m not sure how much longer I can I can take it. Like I dais in another post, this is brutal torture.

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