Importance of focusing on Positive with Depression & Anxiety.

Posted by BoneHead @stsopoci, May 27, 2019

In my journey with the millions of humans who are brave enough to go down the path of recovery without alcohol, bad drug and more drugs, I have gradually more and more discovered how important it is to crawl out of my deep hole, bad attitude, self-importance, feeling sorry for myself, angry, sad, etc, etc, condition and more toward the LIGHT!!! That means changing and moving for me away from some friends that are very negative about everything. That means walking around the block when I get upset so I can calm down and see the light. That means taking care of myself, exercising, eating right and meeting new friends and keeping old friends that are well-balanced. Positivity in life is available to everyone and it's FREE. I have gone on a path throughout my early days of self-medicating with lots of alcohol, drug, etc. I cleaned myself up in 1996, OCT 13th but I still did not feel right until I could ask for help from a professional. Found out I was GAD (inherited from my MOM) and a few other close seconds. I went on medication for years on various meds until I found the chemical that keeps me pretty normal. BUT, BUT...something else was missing because I still suffered through the negativity of every situation that I could create in a moments time.

I love these groups because you are honest with yourself which is very important.
Finding good friends that understand you and the importance of staying positive with your journey through life.
Taking good care of yourself.
We all are unique so what works for me does not always work for you. I'm on 20mg of Lexipro.
What do other people do to stay positive?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Depression & Anxiety Support Group.



Mental illness has taken front and center in todays world. Be kind to yourself and please do not beat yourself up. Here are the three most important words I was ever given. When faced with a situation like you encountered pause, gently breath and ask yourself. ""is it necessary?"

I was ADHD and OCD as I child and I still have it at age 77 {July 4th}.

Take good care of yourself.

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How do I gain access again to Mayo Clinic Connect. More work to do.

Thank you

Sent from my iPhone Mort


How do I gain access again to Mayo Clinic Connect. More work to do.

Thank you

Sent from my iPhone Mort

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You’re still with us in Mayo Clinic Connect. ☺️
You mentioned there is more work to do. What would you like to share?


You’re still with us in Mayo Clinic Connect. ☺️
You mentioned there is more work to do. What would you like to share?

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I am sitting in a park with my dog Hubert looking at the Olympic Mountains and the beautiful Puget Sound. I came here on 1967 to go to the UW and lay football, all of which are stories.

I dropped out of our group a number of weeks ago. I thought I had no further work to do. I was wrong. My work was just beginning.

More to come.



Something You Can Do
by Everett Wentworth Hill

There must be something you can do
To ease the burden of the day,
For someone who has lost his faith
In self, and cannot find his way.

One little deed, one thought, one act,
Will bring reward to you when aid
Is given to someone who strays
Along life's path, alone, afraid.

You might have been that one who lost
His faith, and failed to understand,
And needed friends to urge you on.
Think well, then offer him your hand.

Given To Me
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer © 2020

A helping hand was given to me
At a time when I felt I couldn't see
I felt so down and so alone
What would happen next was unknown.

I felt the world was against me
But out of the blue, a helping hand was offered to me
I felt like an angel had been sent
Helping me to a great extent.

It was hard to accept but no choice I had
And when I accepted it wasn't so bad
At that time I vowed I would help others like me
Because of the help I got, it set me free.

So if you need a helping hand
Don't let your pride take over, just understand
We should all help each other
Because in the end, we are all sisters and brothers.


I found for me that a daily balance of Physical, Mental and Spiritual can make a big difference in how my DAY is. The hard part is figuring how to manage all of these important parts of a day. A lot of times I can't seem to figure out till I'm grumpy that I need more sleep and by the way, that's still 8 hours of good sleep. My body sometimes does not allow good sleep because of worry, pain, congestion , etc, etc.. These can be somewhat resolved by various meds, talk, care, etc.. I have to manage these and not take it out on other people! I have the control and power to help myself get more sleep and exercise and feel good about myself.


I think my problem is trying to GET to the positive. My mind doesn't want to go there since I'm dealing w chronic pain, which is a central part of my depression and anxiety. How do you make it happen? Thanks!


I think my problem is trying to GET to the positive. My mind doesn't want to go there since I'm dealing w chronic pain, which is a central part of my depression and anxiety. How do you make it happen? Thanks!

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Keep your friends very close and stay as active as you can possibly stay. Keep checking on new meds to help out. We are all on your side and feel your pain and suffering.


I think my problem is trying to GET to the positive. My mind doesn't want to go there since I'm dealing w chronic pain, which is a central part of my depression and anxiety. How do you make it happen? Thanks!

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@linamend Ah, the big question! I bet most of us have been where you are. Even in the darkest of times there is a little corner that is brighter. Grab onto that, and slowly make that bright spot bigger. Just a little something positive. A bird who does something to make you smile. A new little wildflower that wasn't there yesterday. The neighbor's dog wagging its tail at you for no reason. A cloud formation that makes you pause as you figure out what it is.

Many times we have to fight to get out of our own way. It may not be easy, it may take more work on some days than others. But the effort can be so rewarding! Make a list, write it down, of the things that put a smile on your face or a lightness in your heart, today. Look at that list later today, and tomorrow. Add to that list whenever you can. I'm not saying it is easy, because some days it's really not! But I am saying the effort to look for a positive can be life-changing.


@linamend Ah, the big question! I bet most of us have been where you are. Even in the darkest of times there is a little corner that is brighter. Grab onto that, and slowly make that bright spot bigger. Just a little something positive. A bird who does something to make you smile. A new little wildflower that wasn't there yesterday. The neighbor's dog wagging its tail at you for no reason. A cloud formation that makes you pause as you figure out what it is.

Many times we have to fight to get out of our own way. It may not be easy, it may take more work on some days than others. But the effort can be so rewarding! Make a list, write it down, of the things that put a smile on your face or a lightness in your heart, today. Look at that list later today, and tomorrow. Add to that list whenever you can. I'm not saying it is easy, because some days it's really not! But I am saying the effort to look for a positive can be life-changing.

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Thanks, lovely but useless suggestions. I see nothing happy or positive in a world swirling w pain and exhaustion. I can't lift my face to the sun. I can't lie flat on my back in bed. Light, noise, position, food, it all exacerbates the pain. But believe me, I try. Thanks so very much for a tender response. 🤗


I have traveled this pain-path for 51 years since a car accident when I was 21. I have never sought solace in alcohol or drugs. I never asked for disability compensation. I worked a high pressure job as a scientist for over 35 years. Hardly ever missed work. No one ever knew I was in pain because I projected a "positive persona".
Ah! Yes! The "invisible disability"! PAIN!

But inside. I'm dying. Sad, regretful I can't feel happy, I can only "pretend" to be ok.

I'm 72 years old and I'm still pretending since I have no choice. A 100 doctors, dozens of clinics, you all have been there. We do what we have to do.

Thanks for understanding. 😔 Lin

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