What helps improve osteoporosis without medication?

Posted by imatine @imatine, Dec 4, 2020

Hello, did anyone here try to heal from osteoporosis away from all the prescribed medications we all know of? Did you try following a specific diet? Excercise? Meditation, etc. ? Thank you

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.

Osteoporosis is an arbitrary number that some physicians at a conference in Italy, if the NPR reporter is correct, decided to call osteoporosis. The same for osteopenia. Several studies note that a significant percentage of stress, and other, fractures occur among (mostly) women with osteopenia. But that's likely because they tend to be younger and/or more active than women with osteoporosis.

In theory anyone can get a stress fracture at any age and with healthy bones. (Hearty young athletes get them all the time.) And there are more testing options, beyond just the DEXA, that can provide more diagnostic data. So seeing a physician who has a specialty in osteoporosis prevention and treatment may be reassuring in a number of ways, including whether drug therapy is in order. [I have osteopenia but am watching bone diagnostic advances like a hawk to see which technology is going to be truly helpful in providing a comprehensive re-think of the condition.]


Thank you for taking the time to suggest options for me regarding osteoporosis. I was walking 3 miles a day with my husband and playing tennis multiple days a week. I was taking yoga once a week. I injured my foot last May which hampered those activities, then developed neuropathy in December from the Covid vaccine, followed by a stress fracture in my foot this May. Those two problems took me completely out of commission. I take calcium with vitamin D.
I plan to see a rheumatologist to discuss my concerns about the medications. I only had one number that was below -2.5 (-2.7) on my DEXA scan this past winter. I don’t know how dire my situation really is, but the stress fracture prompted a second doctor, my podiatrist, to tell me that I needed to be on medication.
I’m definitely going to look into the video you suggested once my foot heals.
Thank you, again, for weighing in on my situation.

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You're welcome. You were certainly active. It's so frustrating to try and keep this disease at bay and then get sabotaged by other problems. I hope you find a solution that works for you.


@detc my hip is always worse on DEXA and there is a note on my report that the score for the hip is unreliable to measure change in bone density. You might want to ask about that.

How did you get the stress fracture? Are you sure it is related to osteoporosis?

You may not need medication yet. I suggest Keith McCormick's book The Whole Body Approach to Osteoporosis and maybe meeting with him. Dr. Lani Simpson has a website and Facebook group and may also be helpful.

The problem I see is that the "first line" meds approved by insurance, may affect the effectiveness of bone growing drugs like Forteo, Tymlos and Evenity. With a fracture, you might be eligible for those meds first, but your scores just aren't that bad,

I would avoid Prolia myself, because there is an abrupt drop off in density and high risk of fracture if you stop. Biphosphonates cause problems (dental and atypical fractures) if taken for many years so you would probably want to delay those too.

I think the key question here is whether your stress fracture was related to bone density and loss. The ideal sequence for treatment would be a bone-growing drug followed by intermittent biphosphonate with monitoring. But your scores, as I said, are not that bad.

Curious what your doctor says!


@detc my hip is always worse on DEXA and there is a note on my report that the score for the hip is unreliable to measure change in bone density. You might want to ask about that.

How did you get the stress fracture? Are you sure it is related to osteoporosis?

You may not need medication yet. I suggest Keith McCormick's book The Whole Body Approach to Osteoporosis and maybe meeting with him. Dr. Lani Simpson has a website and Facebook group and may also be helpful.

The problem I see is that the "first line" meds approved by insurance, may affect the effectiveness of bone growing drugs like Forteo, Tymlos and Evenity. With a fracture, you might be eligible for those meds first, but your scores just aren't that bad,

I would avoid Prolia myself, because there is an abrupt drop off in density and high risk of fracture if you stop. Biphosphonates cause problems (dental and atypical fractures) if taken for many years so you would probably want to delay those too.

I think the key question here is whether your stress fracture was related to bone density and loss. The ideal sequence for treatment would be a bone-growing drug followed by intermittent biphosphonate with monitoring. But your scores, as I said, are not that bad.

Curious what your doctor says!

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Thank you for your input. I will look into the resources you suggested.
We don’t know what caused the fracture. It occurred as I was beginning to exercise walk after a long layoff because of my neuropathy. I was trying to build up to three miles a day and that’s when the the stress fracture happened. I don’t recall if I had a misstep on the days leading up to the fracture or if it was spontaneous. The podiatrist felt that even my last full three mile walk would not have been enough to cause the fracture. It’s still a bit of a mystery.
I really appreciate your suggestion about how to approach the medicines going forward and will discuss it when I get in to see a rheumatologist. I’m in no hurry to start any of them and will see whether it’s something that can wait, at least for awhile. I also don’t think that the numbers are that bad.
Thanks again for weighing in on my situation.


Osteoporosis is an arbitrary number that some physicians at a conference in Italy, if the NPR reporter is correct, decided to call osteoporosis. The same for osteopenia. Several studies note that a significant percentage of stress, and other, fractures occur among (mostly) women with osteopenia. But that's likely because they tend to be younger and/or more active than women with osteoporosis.

In theory anyone can get a stress fracture at any age and with healthy bones. (Hearty young athletes get them all the time.) And there are more testing options, beyond just the DEXA, that can provide more diagnostic data. So seeing a physician who has a specialty in osteoporosis prevention and treatment may be reassuring in a number of ways, including whether drug therapy is in order. [I have osteopenia but am watching bone diagnostic advances like a hawk to see which technology is going to be truly helpful in providing a comprehensive re-think of the condition.]

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Thank you for your thoughts and opinions about osteoporosis and stress fractures. I will look into whether I have access to more testing options in my area. I’m very conservative regarding medications and treatments and always prefer to start with the safest options available that can address a situation.


All the good stuff that really helps is.......... Go for the Voodoo Blood Stuff, and hope they keep up the science using stem cells. Not a permanent fix and unfortunately still too expensive for most of us. Think I have tried everything legal that is. With little to no substantial results. Ok all the medicines and gadgets available might knock the pain down 1 or 2 levels "sometimes" otherwise were stuck out with sayings like: It is what it is, Getting Old is not for Sissy's, Life on life's terms not on yours, ....... Feel free to throw your favorites in.. : + }.


Hello windyshores~
I've been following all these 'threads' on what to take for 'osteo', the benefits as well as the frightening parts as well. I just found out that I now have three compression fractures, T-8,9 and 10. I knew about the the T-8 one..happened from a fall in 2012..but these new ones I don't have a clear image about, yet. I'm set for an MRI..had hip and back x-rays and labs...my lower back pain diag, as OA.
An upcoming appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon...and another DEXA..which showed me in severe osteo a year ago...a lot of -3's.....
I am so very scared of the contraindications of these types of drugs...and don't know which is a better fit..if I have to start this medication. I fit into all the bad parts of need..White, female, thin, 77yrs. old..and other then my bone issues..I'm in great shape! I also looked into the cost of these drugs..OMG....I am a low income senior..but just squeak over the 200% below poverty line to qualify...I can't afford 4 grand a month for this!..and even with the patient assistant programs..there is an annual ceiling of 9,000 from the companies. I've taken care of myself and my health for all these years...recently lost my husband of 47 yrs....still (and always will) be grieving, while trying to have a life now instead of merely existing...
I take a slew of supplements...plant based diet...no alcohol....was quite the athlete in my day..still have tennis rackets and pickle-ball gear in my car...and now this news.... my older sister is relentless about me taking the meds...as is my doctor....I want an alternative!
Anyone have thoughts about this?
Thank you all....

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Hi @bunky44, I'm sorry to hear about your fractures. Do you know if they are old or new?
Like you, my dexa scores are -3.1 for spine and hip. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, prescribed prednisone and scanned. Diagnosis of osteop was a shock, as like you, I was active.
My rheumatologist prescribed alendronate, which I've been on for a nearly year without any side effects. On our health insurance, Medicare Part B plan, it's not expensive It's a generic. It can only be taken for five years. Both my mother and mother-in-law took alendronate without difficulty - in the 90s, so it's been around a while.
I subscribe to Worst Pills, Best Pills, "An expert, independent second opinion on more than 1,800 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements" for a nominal fee ($12.00 a year) and the only drugs for osteoporosis they recommend "for limited use" are alendronate, ibandronate, and risedronate.
Are you still able to exercise with your fractures? Can you consult with a physical therapist who specializes in osteoporosis?
I don't really like taking alendronate, but I decided to go with it. I do not experience any side effects. I continue to use the whole body vibration machine twice a day and have been doing Dr. Loren Fishman's 12 Poses vs Osteoporosis (yoga that increases bone density) for about a month. Hopefully, my bone density will improve and I can stop the alendronate.
Wishing you the best, Teri


Hi @bunky44, I'm sorry to hear about your fractures. Do you know if they are old or new?
Like you, my dexa scores are -3.1 for spine and hip. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, prescribed prednisone and scanned. Diagnosis of osteop was a shock, as like you, I was active.
My rheumatologist prescribed alendronate, which I've been on for a nearly year without any side effects. On our health insurance, Medicare Part B plan, it's not expensive It's a generic. It can only be taken for five years. Both my mother and mother-in-law took alendronate without difficulty - in the 90s, so it's been around a while.
I subscribe to Worst Pills, Best Pills, "An expert, independent second opinion on more than 1,800 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements" for a nominal fee ($12.00 a year) and the only drugs for osteoporosis they recommend "for limited use" are alendronate, ibandronate, and risedronate.
Are you still able to exercise with your fractures? Can you consult with a physical therapist who specializes in osteoporosis?
I don't really like taking alendronate, but I decided to go with it. I do not experience any side effects. I continue to use the whole body vibration machine twice a day and have been doing Dr. Loren Fishman's 12 Poses vs Osteoporosis (yoga that increases bone density) for about a month. Hopefully, my bone density will improve and I can stop the alendronate.
Wishing you the best, Teri

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@tsc are Tymlos, Forteo and Evenity not on the Best Pills, Worst Pills site because they are not pills?!

Recent studies have shown it might be better to start with those meds first to grow bone, before doing biphosphonates, because biphosphonates may decrease the effectiveness of the other meds, to some degree.

I'm sure you will be fine, and at this point insurance has criteria for who can take Forteo, Tymlos or Evenity- which I hope can change in the future.


All the good stuff that really helps is.......... Go for the Voodoo Blood Stuff, and hope they keep up the science using stem cells. Not a permanent fix and unfortunately still too expensive for most of us. Think I have tried everything legal that is. With little to no substantial results. Ok all the medicines and gadgets available might knock the pain down 1 or 2 levels "sometimes" otherwise were stuck out with sayings like: It is what it is, Getting Old is not for Sissy's, Life on life's terms not on yours, ....... Feel free to throw your favorites in.. : + }.

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I believe what you are suggesting is correct. Sometimes we must look outside the medical box.


Hi @bunky44, I'm sorry to hear about your fractures. Do you know if they are old or new?
Like you, my dexa scores are -3.1 for spine and hip. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, prescribed prednisone and scanned. Diagnosis of osteop was a shock, as like you, I was active.
My rheumatologist prescribed alendronate, which I've been on for a nearly year without any side effects. On our health insurance, Medicare Part B plan, it's not expensive It's a generic. It can only be taken for five years. Both my mother and mother-in-law took alendronate without difficulty - in the 90s, so it's been around a while.
I subscribe to Worst Pills, Best Pills, "An expert, independent second opinion on more than 1,800 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements" for a nominal fee ($12.00 a year) and the only drugs for osteoporosis they recommend "for limited use" are alendronate, ibandronate, and risedronate.
Are you still able to exercise with your fractures? Can you consult with a physical therapist who specializes in osteoporosis?
I don't really like taking alendronate, but I decided to go with it. I do not experience any side effects. I continue to use the whole body vibration machine twice a day and have been doing Dr. Loren Fishman's 12 Poses vs Osteoporosis (yoga that increases bone density) for about a month. Hopefully, my bone density will improve and I can stop the alendronate.
Wishing you the best, Teri

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Hello back Teri~
Thank you so much for reaching out to me...much appreciated. I realize that I'm in a real pickle here...nothing definitive to point to as to which malady to consider first....this is all new to me..being a ''patient' and not the roll I've had (fortunately) for so many years being my husband's caregiver. So now playing catch-up is a 'b++ch' to do. Right now..I'm a very leaky ship!
My primary had me do a cat scan on my arteries in April..that showed that I had mild atherosclerosis...swell..I am 77...but I switched to a plant-based way of eating and I know I can lower my lipid levels when next checked..next month.....and the scan also showed my compression frx. T-8 from 2012....Now...I had a back x-ray because my mid back was giving me so much pain..and it showed that I now have two new compression frxs. in T-9, 10.....since April!!
I have not fallen...BUT...I also was using the vibration plate..and loving it, by the way...but maybe that was the cause of the two new frx's? I never went passed P3 and was only standing on the jogging foot pads....but even that might be the culprit here...I am awaiting an appt. for an MRI and then to see an Orthopedic Surgeon.....which implisit in its name means 'surgery'...which I don't think I can go for. I've been a very healthy individual for the vast part of my life...getting osteoporosis, I feel was caused by the drugs I had to take when I was in my early twenties from Endometriosis. Depo-provera is known to cause bone loss....I was not made aware of that then..nor could I have done anything else...as my life was slipping by with this horrible ailment. But..all's' well there..I had a partial hysterectomy when I was 25..and was blessed to adopted a beautiful baby boy.
I have bad knees, finally got diagnosed as osteoarthritis...and waited too long for treatment..so I'm bone on bone there...BUT..am getting relief from the infrared light therapy pad I use everyday...also on my lower back and hips as well as my mid back...truly helping out here. I stopped the vibration plate usage...kinda scared of what I might have already caused....
I looked up Alendronate..which is fosamax and a bisphosphate. Just more affordable than the newer drugs out there. I'm glad this is working for you.
I started doing stronthium again as well as adding in turmeric and glucosamine sulfate (have to add in (chondroitin) and various other supplements...plus collagen.
Right now...I feel like I've stepped on a land mine..and have no good exit strategies at this moment. People like me have fought against mainstream medicine for many years...so to now reboot my mainframe into another way of thinking about big pharma..is a hard one for me to swallow. Mind, body, spirit have to meld...I've got work to do here.
Have you had any tests done since you started the vibration plate?...My husband and I, many years ago...tried out a machine a friend of ours was selling...it was out of the question for us to buy it..it was around $2,000..a standing vibration platform. He tried it and thought he hurt his back....I tried it and loved the feeling. He developed a spinal collapse of a vertebra, had to have a rubber washer placed in to hold that place open..and he always thought it was caused by the vibration plate! I went against his feelings on this when I bought this one...maybe I should have listened to him....
I haven't even dealt with my osteoporosis yet with all of these other issues coming to the forefront. At this time..I'm barely exercising..I don't know what I should be doing..or doing too much? My cat weighs over 14lbs. and needs to get a vaccine..but I can't pick her up..or shouldn't and carry her..in her carrier that also adds weight.... Since my husband passed..it's only me now. I know my son would be helping me out..but sadly he passed away 7 years ago....but everytime I see a lizard run past me..I know it's him....
So..I'm not a nutty ol'lady..just a bit 'out there' and proud of that! Actually, my best friend right now is a lovely sweet young lady of 27 that just adores me and me her. I can count on her if I need too...even though I'm fiercely independent.
I wish you all the best..and hope to keep in touch with you and others as well travel this wobbly road together.

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