Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Posted by stellm @stellm, Jun 11, 2021

Has there been any reports of iron depletion in the blood after receiving the Pfizer vaccine?

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I’m feeling slightly better, but I didn’t feel THAT bad before. It’s interesting, before I found out I was anemic (Mar 2022) I had times where I was much more tired than I should have been and had put it down to stress. Now looking back I’m wondering just how long I had been anemic. I definitely was not anemic in 2020 as I had bloodwork done. I’ll find out shortly if the supplements have worked.

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Have you reported it to CDC adverse reaction site?


Have you reported it to CDC adverse reaction site?

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Yes, I have and a few others posted that they had also


Have you reported it to CDC adverse reaction site?

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I have not, I am not in the US. Here your doctor has to make a report through the local health unit and then they determine if they “accept” it. I know this as I also got tinnitus after the vaccine and my doctor reported it as I never had it before. If they can’t find a cause for the anemia I will bring it up with my doctor and suggest maybe the vaccine has something to do with it. A relative of mine also has become anemic, found incidentally, with no known cause.


Has anyone had a negative reaction to iron supplementation? I developed a rash on my arms immediately after starting Feramax 150.


Yes. My husband has never had any history of anemia or low iron. He received the Pfizer vaccine in March. He began feeling more tired over the next two months. He saw his physician and she suspected some type of internal bleeding based on the blood test, He had an upper and lower endoscopy. No internal bleeding was found. They are going to try the camera endoscopy next week. We don't think this is going to reveal anything. His iron, ferritin and red blood cell count is extremely low. The only change in has been receiving the vaccine.

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I was reading you post about your husband.
My 25 year old son is having the same issues. We brought him into the hospital last September, he was weak, pale and his feet was swollen. Doctor check him and found his hemoglobin was very low. 5,2/should be 13.
Sent him to emergency there he received 3 blood transfusion, iron infusion and all kind of test. However he did test positive earlier in the year around February, he hasn’t had any Covid vaccine.
I just read something that the Coronavirus pulls the iron out of blood. I need to look deeper into that.
Since this my so. Has had 20 plus iron infusions and has to have us hemoglobin check regularity. This is definitely a long process, once healthy young man .


I am a 63 year old postmenopausal woman with no history of anemia. After 2 doses of the Moderna vaccine (and possible asymptomatic covid, or I may have had covid before the vaccines also) within 2 months I began to experience difficulty exercising (ie would have to stop and catch my breath every 10 minutes, extreme thirst, dizziness when I bent over. Being able to only climb 2 flights of stairs without stopping (at sea level, I live at 4 thousand feet) difficulty hiking at altitude or sea level, etc. Then came ski season (9 to 10,000 feet) and I could barely make it down the hill.
Needless to say, I went to the doctor for a bunch of tests, if I would have gotten the blood done first that would have told the problem, I was severely anemic. Of course if you are anemic with no obvious cause they assume it is GI tract bleeding (which I was sure I didn't have anyway) so sent me off for upper and lower GI, NO BLEEDING.
All things being equal, same diet, etc. I think either the covid or the vaccine or both caused the anemia, lacking any other symptoms.
Of course, I have been hearing the same stuff as in this thread ie oh no we haven't heard of that. I am sure that both Covid 19 and the vaccines have a whole lot of effects we haven't heard of yet.


I am a 63 year old postmenopausal woman with no history of anemia. After 2 doses of the Moderna vaccine (and possible asymptomatic covid, or I may have had covid before the vaccines also) within 2 months I began to experience difficulty exercising (ie would have to stop and catch my breath every 10 minutes, extreme thirst, dizziness when I bent over. Being able to only climb 2 flights of stairs without stopping (at sea level, I live at 4 thousand feet) difficulty hiking at altitude or sea level, etc. Then came ski season (9 to 10,000 feet) and I could barely make it down the hill.
Needless to say, I went to the doctor for a bunch of tests, if I would have gotten the blood done first that would have told the problem, I was severely anemic. Of course if you are anemic with no obvious cause they assume it is GI tract bleeding (which I was sure I didn't have anyway) so sent me off for upper and lower GI, NO BLEEDING.
All things being equal, same diet, etc. I think either the covid or the vaccine or both caused the anemia, lacking any other symptoms.
Of course, I have been hearing the same stuff as in this thread ie oh no we haven't heard of that. I am sure that both Covid 19 and the vaccines have a whole lot of effects we haven't heard of yet.

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I agree. Same symptoms here. Low iron, low ferritin and HGB, plus elevated glucose. Colonoscopy and endoscopy showed no GI bleeding. No one is acknowledging.


I agree. Same symptoms here. Low iron, low ferritin and HGB, plus elevated glucose. Colonoscopy and endoscopy showed no GI bleeding. No one is acknowledging.

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UK data shows this adverse reaction as occurring…. Does not show in US data although people state they have self-reported, including me


Are your levels staying up after the infusions? I’ve been taking supplements for 5 weeks now, after 2 weeks on supplements there was no change in hemoglobin but at least it didn’t go any lower.

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Had my Hematologist follow-up yesterday, after 3 infusions my ferritin and hemoglobin levels are in the normal range, now scheduled for a two month follow-up. My endoscopy and colonoscopy were both negative for bleeding as well, so I'm pretty sure this was caused by the two Pfizer vaccines I took.


Had my Hematologist follow-up yesterday, after 3 infusions my ferritin and hemoglobin levels are in the normal range, now scheduled for a two month follow-up. My endoscopy and colonoscopy were both negative for bleeding as well, so I'm pretty sure this was caused by the two Pfizer vaccines I took.

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I’m glad to hear that your levels are in the normal range! Hopefully they stay that way. I’ve taken the supplements for 3 months now and there is virtually no improvement in my levels, in fact the hemoglobin went down slightly. Speaking with the doctor shortly to determine next steps. I have not seen a hematologist. My colonoscopy and endoscopy also negative for bleeding.

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