Anyone had a UTI that is antibiotic resistant?

Posted by sealover101 @sealover101, Mar 26, 2022

Would like to know the latest findings and treatment for IUD that does not respond to antibiotics.

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Tenyearbladderinfection wold like to know if toilet paper recalls due to antibiotic resistant bacteria have anything to do with the chronic infections recurring?


A male friend went through recurring UTIs after prostate cancer. [The implantation of bead markers for the external beam radiation led to the UTI cycle.]
He'd gone through multiple halfway-effective antibiotics for 3 years until a new urologist told him to take D-Mannose daily. It's basically a concentrate of the d-mannose from cranberries and it worked from the second day.

D-mannose makes the soft tissue urethra lining less hospitable for the bacteria so it doesn't stick to the urethral lining. Three urologists and years of UTIs and one visit to the ER for pink/reddish urine and the saga stopped with a few days of taking OTC d-mannose. It this case, he bought the stuff from Whole Foods it's readily available elsewhere. The doctor didn't prescribe any dosage, just said to take amount recommended on the label BUT double it for the first five days or so. Also drink a lot of water to flush out any backed-up bacteria.


A male friend went through recurring UTIs after prostate cancer. [The implantation of bead markers for the external beam radiation led to the UTI cycle.]
He'd gone through multiple halfway-effective antibiotics for 3 years until a new urologist told him to take D-Mannose daily. It's basically a concentrate of the d-mannose from cranberries and it worked from the second day.

D-mannose makes the soft tissue urethra lining less hospitable for the bacteria so it doesn't stick to the urethral lining. Three urologists and years of UTIs and one visit to the ER for pink/reddish urine and the saga stopped with a few days of taking OTC d-mannose. It this case, he bought the stuff from Whole Foods it's readily available elsewhere. The doctor didn't prescribe any dosage, just said to take amount recommended on the label BUT double it for the first five days or so. Also drink a lot of water to flush out any backed-up bacteria.

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I have used d-mannose and Utiva cranberry supplements for years and that combination is very effective for prevention once you clear the UTI. Utiva contains 36 PAC's which is equivalent to 9 glasses of cranberry juice. I have also used Hiprex (methenamine mandelate) which is an anti-infective not an antibiotic. It causes no antibiotic resistance and is a very old drug which is now being used safely.


I have used d-mannose and Utiva cranberry supplements for years and that combination is very effective for prevention once you clear the UTI. Utiva contains 36 PAC's which is equivalent to 9 glasses of cranberry juice. I have also used Hiprex (methenamine mandelate) which is an anti-infective not an antibiotic. It causes no antibiotic resistance and is a very old drug which is now being used safely.

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Thanks for posting this. This adds a few more tools to toss at the UTI's if they return.


I have recurrent UTIs. Did they do a uroflow study? My bladder doesn't completely empty so one theory why I get those it because the urine sits in there too long. I have to cath sometimes to fully empty it. Have you seen urology at Mayo? They have really helped me. Plus locally are going to check my urine every week to try and find a pattern. Right now I keep having recurrent ecoli with no known source. I am also in early menopause so not sure if that contributes. I am 43 and young to have to cath but it has helped. I am pending tests with nephrology at mayo but I have found that having both nephrology and urology working together might help me. Still figuring it out. Go to Mayo in June for more testing.


I have recurrent UTIs. Did they do a uroflow study? My bladder doesn't completely empty so one theory why I get those it because the urine sits in there too long. I have to cath sometimes to fully empty it. Have you seen urology at Mayo? They have really helped me. Plus locally are going to check my urine every week to try and find a pattern. Right now I keep having recurrent ecoli with no known source. I am also in early menopause so not sure if that contributes. I am 43 and young to have to cath but it has helped. I am pending tests with nephrology at mayo but I have found that having both nephrology and urology working together might help me. Still figuring it out. Go to Mayo in June for more testing.

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I used to have recurrent UTI’s in spite of fastidious hygiene practices. I now have a reputable urigynecologist who not only understands the situation but has been extremely helpful.

Do not hesitate. There is a solution for your condition.


I have recurrent UTIs. Did they do a uroflow study? My bladder doesn't completely empty so one theory why I get those it because the urine sits in there too long. I have to cath sometimes to fully empty it. Have you seen urology at Mayo? They have really helped me. Plus locally are going to check my urine every week to try and find a pattern. Right now I keep having recurrent ecoli with no known source. I am also in early menopause so not sure if that contributes. I am 43 and young to have to cath but it has helped. I am pending tests with nephrology at mayo but I have found that having both nephrology and urology working together might help me. Still figuring it out. Go to Mayo in June for more testing.

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I had recurrent UTI's. I had every diagnostic test done and everything was normal. I had gone thru menopause and had low estrogen levels. I was prescribed 10 mcg vagifem to use 2 X weekly along with Hiprex, 1 gram 2 X daily along with 500 mg of Vitamin C. I also take a cranberry supplement with 36 mg PAC's and drink at least 2 quarts of water. All this recommended thru Mayo. It works!!!!


I had recurrent UTI's. I had every diagnostic test done and everything was normal. I had gone thru menopause and had low estrogen levels. I was prescribed 10 mcg vagifem to use 2 X weekly along with Hiprex, 1 gram 2 X daily along with 500 mg of Vitamin C. I also take a cranberry supplement with 36 mg PAC's and drink at least 2 quarts of water. All this recommended thru Mayo. It works!!!!

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I will bring it up with Mayo - I see the women's health clinic there in a couple of weeks. The issue with estrogen is I am really prone to blood clots and for a long time my primary was pushing estrogen but even now she says we have to be careful. Blood clots are a worse problem to have. I went into Menopause at age 40 due to required surgery, so it has been almost four years.


Whoops, SORRY... I intended to ask a question about UTI. Let me try again!! Does anybody have experience with a UTI infection that is not completely cured after 3 rounds of antibiotics ? Symptoms are improved and culture tests also show better results, but mild discomfort and mild urgency are still there. I'm 80 years old and never had a UTI before. Also throughout my ilfe, I have taken very, very few antibiotics. Other than controlled AFIB my health is good.

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I’ve had this problem for over 5 years as an elderly pst-menopausal woman with DM well controlled. I had a complete hysterectomy at age 34 so estrogen lacking. Lots of things add up to chronic UTI that can become resistant which I am right now to oral meds. So I’m on a PICC line IV and fingers crossed it works like the one 2 years ago. I did two weeks of some wicked antibiotics IV and then I was able to take macrobid again until I became resistant. The sad part of this is it’s a worldwide problem with not many answers. I almost flew to the country of Georgia where they still do phage therapy. Now there’s something to Google! Anyway hang in there and find the best urologist in your area. Some my problem is with a tiny kidney stone. They hold infection.


I have recurrent UTIs. Did they do a uroflow study? My bladder doesn't completely empty so one theory why I get those it because the urine sits in there too long. I have to cath sometimes to fully empty it. Have you seen urology at Mayo? They have really helped me. Plus locally are going to check my urine every week to try and find a pattern. Right now I keep having recurrent ecoli with no known source. I am also in early menopause so not sure if that contributes. I am 43 and young to have to cath but it has helped. I am pending tests with nephrology at mayo but I have found that having both nephrology and urology working together might help me. Still figuring it out. Go to Mayo in June for more testing.

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I’m unable to self cath so I was getting weekly caths with a gentamicin instillation of the bladder. I ended up resistant to orals so I’m on IV now. I wished I lived closer to Mayo but it’s looking like I may have to go there. I’m In Oklahoma and drive 80 mi to the best we have here. It’s been kidney stone related then add in age, diabetes, post-menopausal etc etc it’s a mess down there as I like to joke with my nurse.

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