COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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Sorry you are continuing to have such difficult symptoms. In answer to your question, no I did not have these symptoms prior to my vaccine! I worked full time as an anesthesia provider and was healthy without any type of illness.

It might be a good idea to have your MRI just to rule out any spinal involvement.

Currently, I am receiving IgG infusions every three weeks and I am also receiving immunotherapy. My neurologist did say that he has treated many people for symptoms similar to ours and it was post vaccine. In the beginning I did have difficulty with my primary care MD getting diagnostic testing or referring me to specialty docs. I was very insistent that I see a neurologist and rheumatologist. It took 9 months until I finally got the diagnosis of CIPD related to COVID vaccine.

I hope that you get answers and please keep in touch.

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Thank you Kim for your timely response. If I don't get the answers after my MRI, then I will definitely insist on seeing a Neurologist - but may have to travel to another state (Spokane, WA) to find a good one. There aren't any in my town, and the next town only has a few.
I will keep you posted.


Thank you Kim for your timely response. If I don't get the answers after my MRI, then I will definitely insist on seeing a Neurologist - but may have to travel to another state (Spokane, WA) to find a good one. There aren't any in my town, and the next town only has a few.
I will keep you posted.

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I’ve been dealing with same since my Moderna vaccine, going on 14 months now. Not really pain, but same numbness and tingling/burning in feet and hands. Also radiates up my shins. Neurologist refuses to link to vaccine. I’ve also had autoimmune problems since. All of this is new onset, I have always been healthy. I’ve done my own research. Google “post Covid vaccine syndrome “. A new study and protocol for helping our symptoms has been prepared by doctors who are not in denial. They also state that all of the expensive tests, blood work and MRIs usually show nothing and are not necessary, and mine have all been normal. I’ve been following their protocol and seem to find relief, but have flairs. Good luck, be prepared to have the medical community treat you like you are crazy. Do your own research and take care of yourself.


I’ve been dealing with same since my Moderna vaccine, going on 14 months now. Not really pain, but same numbness and tingling/burning in feet and hands. Also radiates up my shins. Neurologist refuses to link to vaccine. I’ve also had autoimmune problems since. All of this is new onset, I have always been healthy. I’ve done my own research. Google “post Covid vaccine syndrome “. A new study and protocol for helping our symptoms has been prepared by doctors who are not in denial. They also state that all of the expensive tests, blood work and MRIs usually show nothing and are not necessary, and mine have all been normal. I’ve been following their protocol and seem to find relief, but have flairs. Good luck, be prepared to have the medical community treat you like you are crazy. Do your own research and take care of yourself.

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Thank you Amy, for your reply. It's certainly comforting to know that I'm not alone out there with my thoughts about it. I've always felt confident that my symptoms are from the vaccine, because, like you, I've been very healthy prior to vaccine. I have agreed to go along with my Nurse Prac. to have an MRI, because she wants to make sure I don't have a pinched nerve in my lower back - but she also told me to NOT get the booster vaccine, which I totally agree with her on that. Maybe I'll be fortunate enough to find a Neurologist that I can work with.
Thank you for the suggestion - I will certainly check out that website you recommended.
It sounds like you are on a good path, and I hope to be there also.


I’ve been dealing with same since my Moderna vaccine, going on 14 months now. Not really pain, but same numbness and tingling/burning in feet and hands. Also radiates up my shins. Neurologist refuses to link to vaccine. I’ve also had autoimmune problems since. All of this is new onset, I have always been healthy. I’ve done my own research. Google “post Covid vaccine syndrome “. A new study and protocol for helping our symptoms has been prepared by doctors who are not in denial. They also state that all of the expensive tests, blood work and MRIs usually show nothing and are not necessary, and mine have all been normal. I’ve been following their protocol and seem to find relief, but have flairs. Good luck, be prepared to have the medical community treat you like you are crazy. Do your own research and take care of yourself.

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Hi again!
I have been searching google for the article you recommended to me, but could not find it, and the photo you enclosed doesn't show up well. Would you be willing to send that article, and/or let me know what the "protocol" is that you are following that has given you relief? I would greatly appreciate it Thank you so much! Tina


I’ve been dealing with same since my Moderna vaccine, going on 14 months now. Not really pain, but same numbness and tingling/burning in feet and hands. Also radiates up my shins. Neurologist refuses to link to vaccine. I’ve also had autoimmune problems since. All of this is new onset, I have always been healthy. I’ve done my own research. Google “post Covid vaccine syndrome “. A new study and protocol for helping our symptoms has been prepared by doctors who are not in denial. They also state that all of the expensive tests, blood work and MRIs usually show nothing and are not necessary, and mine have all been normal. I’ve been following their protocol and seem to find relief, but have flairs. Good luck, be prepared to have the medical community treat you like you are crazy. Do your own research and take care of yourself.

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I just found the article! Thank you!


Hi again!
I have been searching google for the article you recommended to me, but could not find it, and the photo you enclosed doesn't show up well. Would you be willing to send that article, and/or let me know what the "protocol" is that you are following that has given you relief? I would greatly appreciate it Thank you so much! Tina

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I just found the article! Thank you!

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Could you tell me how you found it? I’m looking as well. Thank you!


I started having Neuropathy after my 1st Moderna vaccine - started with a burning sensation, and now the nerves in my feet tingle, but this sensation has moved up my body into my hands, and even my heart. Has anyone tried using CBD gummies to alleviate these symptoms? These symptoms aren't painful, but very annoying.


I started having Neuropathy after my 1st Moderna vaccine - started with a burning sensation, and now the nerves in my feet tingle, but this sensation has moved up my body into my hands, and even my heart. Has anyone tried using CBD gummies to alleviate these symptoms? These symptoms aren't painful, but very annoying.

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I use CBD gummies, 10mg and it does help. I take one at night with melatonin and helps relieve my symptoms enough to fall asleep. I also have the CBD sports balm that has menthol and peppermint in it, helps cool my feet when the burning starts.


I use CBD gummies, 10mg and it does help. I take one at night with melatonin and helps relieve my symptoms enough to fall asleep. I also have the CBD sports balm that has menthol and peppermint in it, helps cool my feet when the burning starts.

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Thank you for sharing this Amy! I was tempted to buy the CBD, but wanted to know if it does support release of our similar symptoms.

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