COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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I had the Moderna vaccine as well and developed similar symptoms. It took almost one year and several visits to multiple physicians and I finally have a diagnosis of CIDP
possibly from the vaccine. I am a health care provider myself and I had to be very vigilant in my own care until a diagnosis was made. What finally caught my providers attention was the results of my EMG. I am currently receiving IgG infusions and immunotherapy. I don’t think I will ever be cured but with medical therapy I can function without constant pain or muscle weakness.
My advise to you is be strong and if you are not satisfied with your diagnosis and treatment find another provider. Many times neurologist that specializes in neuromuscular disorders are familiar with complications post COVID vaccine. Be strong and stay in touch with this group.

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Thank you so much for sharing your story. It gives me more information and possible routes to take in detecting what is truly causing these symptoms.
My nurse pract. suggested getting an MRI to see if my back may be causing these symptoms (pinched nerve), but I will talk to her about getting an EMG because I am thinking that test could also detect a pinched nerve but may see other possibilities as well, like your diagnosis of CIDP.
Thank you for your support, and I will for sure stay in touch with this group. I am wishing for you the very best journey towards a comfortable & healthy life.


3 days after receiving my first Moderna vaccine, I developed nerve problems in my calfs & feet, which I believe to be a form of Neuropathy. It started out with a burning sensation in my calf and then started tingling continuously. After a week or so, it started to go away, but has returned several times since over the past year and now has gotten worse. It feels likes it is travelling throughout my body at times, where all my nerves are tingling, which is very uncomfortable. What can I do for it? I have talked with 4 other people who have had similar reactions to the Moderna vaccine, and I'm wondering who else has had this problem & what are they doing about it? Thank you

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It is very important that you see your physician and describe your symptoms and how they have progressed and become worse. Be strong and if you don’t receive treatment that helps then it is time to find an expert in neuromuscular diseases. It is difficult to live life with neuropathy that continues progress. Keep in touch.


Yes especially after the booster That’s when. The tingling and electricity started. Before I had stiffness in my feet and calves hurt. Still dont know if from vaccine or statins. But tingling definitely after vaccine. Having Emg at Mayo in 2 weeks to see if it has progressed Was diagnosed in Sept but definitely worse after booster shoot All started 2 years ago.


Unfortunately I never had any neuropathy symptoms until right after my booster shot November 1, 2021. I could not walk the next day my ankles were so weak and I had a superficial blood clot in my left leg. The clot did subside with meds but I still experience numbness in my ankles and now the numbness has radiated to my hands and wrists. I never had these issues before and feel as if my health has rapidly declined .
I am 65 and eat very healthy with an occasional glass of red wine. I used to walk several miles with no problem but now suffer. I will not take anymore vaccine shots since I am very skeptical of the reaction it has had to my body.


I never had neuropathy before, but 3 days after my first Moderna Vaccine, I did start getting it, and now, 14 months later, it is getting worse.

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Me too. I am soon being seen at Mayo for this.


Unfortunately I never had any neuropathy symptoms until right after my booster shot November 1, 2021. I could not walk the next day my ankles were so weak and I had a superficial blood clot in my left leg. The clot did subside with meds but I still experience numbness in my ankles and now the numbness has radiated to my hands and wrists. I never had these issues before and feel as if my health has rapidly declined .
I am 65 and eat very healthy with an occasional glass of red wine. I used to walk several miles with no problem but now suffer. I will not take anymore vaccine shots since I am very skeptical of the reaction it has had to my body.

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Are you being seen for this? It sounds like Guillan Barre.


I have SFN and had been getting along just fine for the most part with daily Alpha Lipoic Acid and a small dose of Gabapentin; however after my Covid vaccine shots and the booster shot of the Moderna vaccine, there was a definite flare up of neuropathy symptoms. I am finally beginning to notice that things have begun to quiet down now 6 months after the booster shot.


“As to attributing symptoms to a single incident, that can be shaky as well.”

All I know is this: Before April 24th, 2021 (the day of my second Moderna shot) I had no symptoms of anything health-related, Covid, prediabetes or otherwise.

Two days later I had burning sensations in my lower left leg. By the first week of May my left foot went numb and I lost hair on my legs. By mid-May I had carpal tunnel and pulsing sensations up my forearms. By end May, orthostatic hypotension and constipation. By June, cubital tunnel. By August my right foot went numb. By my 42nd birthday in October, tinnitus and visual acuity decline. By December, eye cotton wool spot. By January, erectile dysfunction. By February Raynauds/cyanosis. My Apple Watch has been notifying me of atrial fibrillation for the last month…

I have had Covid PCR tests weekly since before this started. Negative each time. Strict diet. No alcohol. Daily exercise.

There is no way on Earth that this was in any other possible regard NOT all attributed to a single event.

I’m very sorry, but I don’t care about your uncited numbers of the presumably unscathed vaccinated US population. I know what happened to me, when it all started and what started it.

There have been people (like myself) seriously and directly injured by these mRNA vaccines, and for anyone to even imply otherwise is honestly rather insulting.

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Thank you for your post. I completely agree with you. I believe you & support you. You expressed frustrations I have had and worded it very well.


3 days after receiving my first Moderna vaccine, I developed nerve problems in my calfs & feet, which I believe to be a form of Neuropathy. It started out with a burning sensation in my calf and then started tingling continuously. After a week or so, it started to go away, but has returned several times since over the past year and now has gotten worse. It feels likes it is travelling throughout my body at times, where all my nerves are tingling, which is very uncomfortable. What can I do for it? I have talked with 4 other people who have had similar reactions to the Moderna vaccine, and I'm wondering who else has had this problem & what are they doing about it? Thank you

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Same here after Maderna! Also rapid heartbeat and depression! Seen all doctors and had test for everything! They told me anxiety!


“As to attributing symptoms to a single incident, that can be shaky as well.”

All I know is this: Before April 24th, 2021 (the day of my second Moderna shot) I had no symptoms of anything health-related, Covid, prediabetes or otherwise.

Two days later I had burning sensations in my lower left leg. By the first week of May my left foot went numb and I lost hair on my legs. By mid-May I had carpal tunnel and pulsing sensations up my forearms. By end May, orthostatic hypotension and constipation. By June, cubital tunnel. By August my right foot went numb. By my 42nd birthday in October, tinnitus and visual acuity decline. By December, eye cotton wool spot. By January, erectile dysfunction. By February Raynauds/cyanosis. My Apple Watch has been notifying me of atrial fibrillation for the last month…

I have had Covid PCR tests weekly since before this started. Negative each time. Strict diet. No alcohol. Daily exercise.

There is no way on Earth that this was in any other possible regard NOT all attributed to a single event.

I’m very sorry, but I don’t care about your uncited numbers of the presumably unscathed vaccinated US population. I know what happened to me, when it all started and what started it.

There have been people (like myself) seriously and directly injured by these mRNA vaccines, and for anyone to even imply otherwise is honestly rather insulting.

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Read somewhere they are going to start researching vaccine side effects. 1 . Not using anyone who already has problems. 2 only using people who haven't had vaccine and are in prime health ( like they didn't force vaccine on people who already had issues) 3. Testing 100 people? Really?... Sorry. Have searched a lot, but not sure where I read this. But believe Fauci s name was connected.
I started pain from base of skull to bottom of left foot. With crushing rib cage pain. All increased 10 x after Moderna booster in Nov. Burning pain since booster is better. But all still there. Waited 2 1/2 mo to get into neurologist. She did not do 1 test. But referred me to their excellent pain clinic. Not noticing I had already been there twice, and they had recommended i see her, at their excellent Neuro clinic.
Sorry.... I rant every couple months.
Totally understand all your pain. If it all started COINCIDENTALLY after 1 vaccine. It should all be taken away at once too. They act like age suddenly hit my body all at once. I can't even find a doctor to do a test besides routine. Normal MRIs and CTs and routine blood test. My blood pressure seems to randomly go crazy lately. Always good at doc office.......'d think Mayo docs would be reading these. But the did fire 700 people for non vacs. And they may have investments in drug companies. Gabapentin seems to be the answer to all vaccine pains I've found.
Thanks for listening. I'll let everyone know if I find anyone who takes this seriously...

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