Covid and AFib Connection?

Posted by cece55 @cece55, Oct 8, 2021

Hello Everyone,

I am curious and would like to ask this group a question. I have AFib but had not had an event for over a year except for last November. In early February of this year I took the Phizer Vaccine for Covid and had several Afib events with one lasting over a month even with cardioversion. I ended up having an ablation in May and the electrophysiologist found an enlarged and scarred atrium.

I have been doing well and am still on Flecainade, Metoporal and Eliquis. He is about to take the Flecainade away. It is time for my booster shot and I am scared that it will put me into Afib again. My Electrophysiologist and Cardiologist at Mayo said they don't feel that the vaccine had anything to do with my Afib events starting up again.

Has anyone here experienced this? I am debating whether or not to cancel my appointment next week or just take the shot. My doctors said it is better to take the booster than to get Covid.


Thank You...Blessings to all of you during this trying time. CeCe55

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Thank you all for your response. Did you get Afib after only one vax? I think I did. 4 weeks after my one and only vax in Feb 2022

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I think I might have had only a small reaction to first jab. Then second one caused severe instability then a heart attack. After the heart attack I was on various meds including anti coagulation, got third jab , heart went nuts for two days. I though my I was going to die but I just kind of gave into it for some silly reason and didn’t go to hospital. It all cleared up then say 5 weeks later aFib started. It is intermittent. Halter recording next week then after MRI. All this to say I think my reaction to the vaxx increased greatly with each one.


There are references here to studies which show steady increases in resting heart rate after ablation, my heart rate now increases getting up to walk then tapers. For a decade I have biked moderately daily, there was no reason for my Afib/flutter other than the vax. I had PVC's for months after (premature ventricular contractions) which are annoying. The two times I went thru the ER I went back into rhythm without treatment. I wish I had taken a wait and see before it.


I am in the same boat as most of you: healthy as a horse until two doses of Moderna, then slow decline in exercise tolerance, then Afib. Not fun. Kind of ruined my life. Hope for the best.


I had my two Pfizer vax Feb and March 2021 and the Maderna booster Nov 2021. I went into AFib the first week of Jan 2022. Does anyone know if there is any research yet to back up this connection between COVID shots and AFib? Is there any possible recourse we may have?

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Supposedly, they were waiting for more details regarding heart surgeon/nutritionist, Dr. Steven Gundry's preliminary reporting about inflammatory markers, post shots, that appeared to significantly increase. If correct, we also already know that heart /vascular issues can be related to inflammation, so see if you can locate online his info. It was briefly reviewed by an England PhD, but then more details were needed to delve into this further..and crickets. Anyone find any additional effort on Gundry's paper, or has this gone into a black hole?


I had my two Pfizer vax Feb and March 2021 and the Maderna booster Nov 2021. I went into AFib the first week of Jan 2022. Does anyone know if there is any research yet to back up this connection between COVID shots and AFib? Is there any possible recourse we may have?

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I had Afib under control for two years with Tikosyn ( dofetilide ). Then I had my first dose in Feb 2021 second on March 3 rd. On 21 st March I was again in Afib. I informed my cardiologist. He said it can be a coincidence but I was sure it had something to do with Pfizer vaccine. Intent trough two cardioversions but they did not help. Then he suggested we will have ablation. So after a number of tests and MRI I was ready fir ablation. I was very scared.
Got it and was out if Afib but two days later had loose motions and then chronic constipation. It triggered Afib. Then went to ICU got glucose and after few hours was comfortable. Still in Afib. Doctor said he will do one more cardioversions. Fixed the date but before this I was in normal sinus rhythm so cancelled cardioversions. Since September 2021 I am in normal sinus rhythm. Did not take booster. But last meeting with cardiologist he said I should take. If I am back in Afib he will treat me. Afib is less dangerous than COVID. So on 22 April I took my first booster. I am 76 years old. Let me see if Afib does not come back. But I am continuing with Tikosyn and Eliquis ( almost three years now fir Tikosyn and more than four years with Eliquis. If I continue out of Afib he may take away Tikosyn.
Hope my experience helps you to decide. Good luck.


The basic connection between COVID and heart is well understood I think. Aa I understand it one effect is the spikes plug into ACE receptors which cause construction of capillaries to the point flow stops and the single file of blood in there coagulates. The famous black “COVID toes” is a visible manifestation. The Moderna “Spikevax” programs your tissue to manufacture the spikes only. The quantity varies by person. These spikes act the same and cause vasoconstriction which also varies by personal sensitivity. Anti coagulation drugs I think are very important with aFib. I was on them when I stupidly took the booster and heart went crazy anyway. I asked a doctor why she didn’t prescribe at least an aspirin to folks getting vaccinated and she said anything that might be construed as causing vaccine hesitancy was severely discouraged.
Off label prescription of angiotensin II blocker meds like Micardis is happening, but I wonder if this is the actual mechanism of heart damage. I still am trying to learn whether damaged heart nerves will regenerate or not. Of course I don’t really know if that’s what I have.

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How did you come by all this knowledge? I have primarily learned about my condition via Dr. Google.


I poke around medical websites such as Mayo Clinic.
The things I wrote about seem to have broad consensus.


Today at the hospital getting a halter installed I asked the Technologist doing the set up if she has seen more aFib / related as associated with COVID or vaxx. To my surprise she came out and said aFib was acknowledged as a reaction to the vaccination by the team at the hospital, but with no explanations available yet.


Today at the hospital getting a halter installed I asked the Technologist doing the set up if she has seen more aFib / related as associated with COVID or vaxx. To my surprise she came out and said aFib was acknowledged as a reaction to the vaccination by the team at the hospital, but with no explanations available yet.

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Thank you for this information. Would you be willing to share the hospital or city where you heard this? I've felt that the vaccine could have been a factor in the onset of my atrial flutter last year. I also had a 4-day bout of tachycardia that started 6 hours after having received the booster. I'm in no way against taking the vaccine (or vaccines in general) from an ideological perspective and I want the protection it gives against covid. But I am afraid to get a fourth shot at this point since I'm not sure it won't create more heart problems.


Thank you for this information. Would you be willing to share the hospital or city where you heard this? I've felt that the vaccine could have been a factor in the onset of my atrial flutter last year. I also had a 4-day bout of tachycardia that started 6 hours after having received the booster. I'm in no way against taking the vaccine (or vaccines in general) from an ideological perspective and I want the protection it gives against covid. But I am afraid to get a fourth shot at this point since I'm not sure it won't create more heart problems.

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Same here! I started having both tachycardia and afib 1month after I got the 3rd Moderna shot. On daily meds now and hating it. Reluctant to get the 4th shot. 😩

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