Covid and AFib Connection?

Posted by cece55 @cece55, Oct 8, 2021

Hello Everyone,

I am curious and would like to ask this group a question. I have AFib but had not had an event for over a year except for last November. In early February of this year I took the Phizer Vaccine for Covid and had several Afib events with one lasting over a month even with cardioversion. I ended up having an ablation in May and the electrophysiologist found an enlarged and scarred atrium.

I have been doing well and am still on Flecainade, Metoporal and Eliquis. He is about to take the Flecainade away. It is time for my booster shot and I am scared that it will put me into Afib again. My Electrophysiologist and Cardiologist at Mayo said they don't feel that the vaccine had anything to do with my Afib events starting up again.

Has anyone here experienced this? I am debating whether or not to cancel my appointment next week or just take the shot. My doctors said it is better to take the booster than to get Covid.


Thank You...Blessings to all of you during this trying time. CeCe55

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Thank you for this information. Would you be willing to share the hospital or city where you heard this? I've felt that the vaccine could have been a factor in the onset of my atrial flutter last year. I also had a 4-day bout of tachycardia that started 6 hours after having received the booster. I'm in no way against taking the vaccine (or vaccines in general) from an ideological perspective and I want the protection it gives against covid. But I am afraid to get a fourth shot at this point since I'm not sure it won't create more heart problems.

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Unfortunately vaccination has become political. Despite my heart attack, aFib, testicular cysts, I would still have taken the first Moderna as I feel the risk benefit was favorable then. I’m worried if I identify the hospital the wrath of the pharma people pushing vaxx and asking for 75 year seal on trials results will come down on them. BTW the link to testicular cysts is limited to autopsy findings COVID in patients as well as known ACE reception in that tissue. So suddenly I have cysts there. Might be coincidence, but I suspect the vaxx. What use is any of this? I suggest asking your doctor whether he recommends boosters for you considering the available awareness of the angiotensin II & coagulation link. What is the risk vs benefit? I believe I would not survive another booster. Since Omicron variants are ~95% dominant and is much less aggressive and I am triple vaccinated, and I am taking anti coagulation meds plus an ACE drug, the case is about 1000 to 1 against another booster.
It would be amusing to ask your doctor to write down a note that he is aware of your two reaction events yet still recommends a booster. If you insist on being boosted I do suggest asking for a drug like Telmisartan/ Micardis. I am told that you may get such cooperation from many doctors but they will not mention COVID as this is presently “off label”. No matter what, I wish you health.


I see your posting was Oct 2021. By coincidence I had my heart attack same month (I attribute my heart attack to Moderna).
Would you share with us whether you decided to take another booster shot of mRNA or did not? How are you in either case?


I'm giving it up to medical science this afternoon. Going in for my booster. Last booster my 2 month journey into a-fib landed me in the ER finally. I don't think it was a coincidence but I obviously can't say for sure. I've got to travel and with the current surge, and upon the advice of my cardiologist I'm doing the booster. On my own volition though I have decided to do the Pfizer rather than Moderna this time. Doc said to be sure and stay on full dose of Metoprolol (I had cut it down to nothing and had been doing (mostly) fine lately, and to have an extra dose at the ready in case the a-fib reared its ugly head again. I'll let you know how it goes.



There were many discussions on the topic of the Covid Vaccine and AFIB, but now don't see it listed.
I hope it was not taken down. Please put back on list if it was, so folks can continue to report their concerns on going. Thanks!



There were many discussions on the topic of the Covid Vaccine and AFIB, but now don't see it listed.
I hope it was not taken down. Please put back on list if it was, so folks can continue to report their concerns on going. Thanks!

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@ccb, here is the discussion you are looking for.


@ccb, here is the discussion you are looking for.

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Thanks, but will you list it for all to see these discussions once again, as was routinely done until lately? I saw various other issues, under heart related, but not the vac. Just saying, would be good to keep the dialogue on this...


Thanks, but will you list it for all to see these discussions once again, as was routinely done until lately? I saw various other issues, under heart related, but not the vac. Just saying, would be good to keep the dialogue on this...

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It is listed for all to see.


I must say that there is too much unknown of long-term effects of these vaccines. I do want to say that the makers of vaccines asked Congress for a 75-year immunity and protection against prosecution in both civil and criminal cases should they arise from persons taking their products. I already am seeing the results in heart problems for teen males, and personally I think that vaccines like these that are mRNA are overcharging one's immune system and throwing it out of whack.


I'm giving it up to medical science this afternoon. Going in for my booster. Last booster my 2 month journey into a-fib landed me in the ER finally. I don't think it was a coincidence but I obviously can't say for sure. I've got to travel and with the current surge, and upon the advice of my cardiologist I'm doing the booster. On my own volition though I have decided to do the Pfizer rather than Moderna this time. Doc said to be sure and stay on full dose of Metoprolol (I had cut it down to nothing and had been doing (mostly) fine lately, and to have an extra dose at the ready in case the a-fib reared its ugly head again. I'll let you know how it goes.

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I'm following up with a report after having the 2nd booster (4th vaccine). At my cardiologist's advice (and against my PCPs advice) I went ahead and had the second booster but went with Pfizer instead of Moderna. A couple of months have passed, and I had only one bout of A-Fib and it was brief. So, no problem basically with the booster. It should be noted that I had gone with the double dose of the Moderna (1st) booster and that may have been contributory to the two months of A-Fib that ensued. I was nervous about getting the 2nd booster but it all worked out fine. Go figure! I'm still on Eliquis and keep Metoprolol handy though. I have a strong feeling that the double dose Moderna vaccine did a number on my heart. I just hope it was a transient event with no major long-term impact. In some ways the whole episode was fortunate in that I ended up with a thorough cardiac evaluation where the Coronary Artery CT scan revealed calcification and thus, coronary artery disease. I am now managing that situation with diet and statins and hopefully future problems may be mitigated.


Hello all, I’m wondering how folks like me, that have developed new or worsening a-fib as a result of the COVID-19 vaccines are doing? I am still having random a-fib events. But much more under control with flecainide and metoprolol routine. EP says there definitely seems to be a connection to vaccine for me that may wear off. Anyone with a vaccine connection able to get back to normal and eliminate the a-fib episodes?

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