Covid and AFib Connection?

Posted by cece55 @cece55, Oct 8, 2021

Hello Everyone,

I am curious and would like to ask this group a question. I have AFib but had not had an event for over a year except for last November. In early February of this year I took the Phizer Vaccine for Covid and had several Afib events with one lasting over a month even with cardioversion. I ended up having an ablation in May and the electrophysiologist found an enlarged and scarred atrium.

I have been doing well and am still on Flecainade, Metoporal and Eliquis. He is about to take the Flecainade away. It is time for my booster shot and I am scared that it will put me into Afib again. My Electrophysiologist and Cardiologist at Mayo said they don't feel that the vaccine had anything to do with my Afib events starting up again.

Has anyone here experienced this? I am debating whether or not to cancel my appointment next week or just take the shot. My doctors said it is better to take the booster than to get Covid.


Thank You...Blessings to all of you during this trying time. CeCe55

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Thank you Linda!
Yes, the Apple Watch is great; I am checking throughout the day to see how my heart rate is doing, or to confirm that I'm having an AFIB episode when I feel the palpitations. I too have cut out caffeine and alcohol, and have been exercising regularly for the past 15 years (I'm 71). I also have Rx for Metoprolol, but have not started taking it b/c I wanted to see what side effects I might have from the Eliquis before adding a second new medication. I did not know you could take Metoprolol "as needed'. I'll ask my Dr about that.

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I am interested in which Apple Watch you recommend. I also have AFib and SVT which this sounds like it would be perfect. My friend also recommended Kardia but that’s not something I can wear all the time. My heart rate goes high whenever I become active and then my oxygen level drops. I am on Metoprolol but started suffering from pedal edema which could be a side effect. Any guidance greatly appreciated.


I am interested in which Apple Watch you recommend. I also have AFib and SVT which this sounds like it would be perfect. My friend also recommended Kardia but that’s not something I can wear all the time. My heart rate goes high whenever I become active and then my oxygen level drops. I am on Metoprolol but started suffering from pedal edema which could be a side effect. Any guidance greatly appreciated.

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I had a Series 3 Apple Watch when I was first notified of an AFIB condition. After 3 notification, 3 nights in a row, I went to the ER to be checked out. Nothing to see there. After several more warnings, I upgraded my Apple Watch to the current Series 7. This latest version has Oxygen level and respiratory rate sensors in addition to heart rate.


I had a Series 3 Apple Watch when I was first notified of an AFIB condition. After 3 notification, 3 nights in a row, I went to the ER to be checked out. Nothing to see there. After several more warnings, I upgraded my Apple Watch to the current Series 7. This latest version has Oxygen level and respiratory rate sensors in addition to heart rate.

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Thank you so much.


Thanks for all the comments. I had taken both doses of the Pfizer vaccine and all of a sudden I started getting Paroxysmal Afib when I have never experienced before. My doctor started me on Metoporal and Eliquis and since I started that, I hadn't had any issues for a month, until today, where the "attack" lasted for a couple of hours. I know there is no way of knowing if there is a connection right now but I was wondering if there might be a study near me that I can get on.


I had near faint from booster so Leary of fourth .


Six hours following my Moderna booster I had tachycardia and arrhythmia for four days so I also am worried about a fourth shot.


Six hours following my Moderna booster I had tachycardia and arrhythmia for four days so I also am worried about a fourth shot.

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Say it's not to do with vaccine but I think an effect


Say it's not to do with vaccine but I think an effect

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Irritation of blood vessel lining and micro coagulation is established with mRNA so reasonably any cardiac patient given these should be on thinners and ACE drug. Any Cardiologist willing to express an opinion on this?


I went for 9 years without an afib event but 3 weeks after my first Modena shot I went into afib. Did the cardiovert and went 11 months after the second shot until another afib event. A cardiovert put me back in sync but I WILL NOT be getting any booster shots. I'm hoping the effect of the shots will wear off after about 15 months. At this point, I would accept another afib event rather than get the booster. I feel in a year or more, they are going to realize that the "vaccines" (which is really gene therapy) was a big mistake.


I regret getting the Covid vaccine. A lifetime of healthy living down the drain because of Afib after the Covid vaccine.

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