Does anybody have experience with SANEXAS for neuropathy?

Posted by knucklehead4352 @knucklehead4352, Jan 6, 2021

Does anybody have experience with SANEXAS. It is touted as Electric Cell Signaling Treatment especially for peripheral neuropathy.

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Yes, I have had 48 treatments with a 90% success rate. I have my left hand with neuropathy from a stroke (no pain but no feeling and lots of tingling. I found a professional in a neighboring town that did SANEXAS PROTOCOL. They tested me and medicare payed for it. They inject a vitamin solution under the skin and connect the machine to the pads. After 24 sessions I got back about 50 % of the feeling. Then I signed up for a second 24 sessions and now I have 90% of my feeling back. If I didn't have to move out of state I would of continued.


You do not need HIPPA clearance for this to happen. This is a common excuse for being lazy or not actually knowing what HIPPA is actually about

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Maybe the company wanted access to medical records, from the practitioner, to verify accuracy before legal counsel allows a testimonial? In which case, wouldn't HIPPA compliance regs require the appropriate legal document from the patient? Maybe that's what the company rep is referring to.


Yes, I have had 48 treatments with a 90% success rate. I have my left hand with neuropathy from a stroke (no pain but no feeling and lots of tingling. I found a professional in a neighboring town that did SANEXAS PROTOCOL. They tested me and medicare payed for it. They inject a vitamin solution under the skin and connect the machine to the pads. After 24 sessions I got back about 50 % of the feeling. Then I signed up for a second 24 sessions and now I have 90% of my feeling back. If I didn't have to move out of state I would of continued.

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That sounds like a great result that gives others hope as well. Kudos!


Hello, I do believe that Sanexas can help some people. I tried it. I was supposed to have 24 treatments (12 weeks twice a week). The neuropathy in my feet isn't terrible, mainly in my toes and the ball of my feet. I was told that I had to have the five injections in each of my feet for the treatments to work. Up to the 14th treatment, I did notice a slight change with my toes. After the 14th treatment, I had a bad reaction to the injections. The top of my feet became swollen and painful. I talked with the Nurse Practioner regarding the reaction. I asked if I could continue without the injections. He didn't say much and said he'd talk with the doctor. The doctor is a chiropractor. I received a message saying I had to have the injections.
I'm a retired RN. I started getting a strange feeling about this office. I asked for a copy of my medical records. All they sent me were pages of the settings they used for the treatments. They were no notation of my bad reaction to the injections or any other notes when I did have some sensitivity issues to the injections. Again I asked for my complete records. Instead, I received a call from the doctor. He downplayed the reaction and was very defensive. I asked him why wouldn't the NP note my bad reaction. How does he know if people have any reactions to the injections if they aren't noted? I got no answer from him.
A friend of mine is a podiatrist. I told her of my experience and with my permission she called the office. She talked with the NP. She said that since I had a reaction she wanted to know what was in the injections. The NP became very defensive and wouldn't answer her questions.
After this experience, I still believe this treatment can help people. But be very careful where you get the treatments.


I just wanted to share with you, that I also have had a lot of symptoms of neuropathy numbness and pain. My diagnosis is severe axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy. It took me six years to find a treatment that actually works! If you would like to know more about the revolutionary Sanexas treatments, without the injections. I would gladly send you my story. Let me know. Wish you all the best!


I just wanted to share with you, that I also have had a lot of symptoms of neuropathy numbness and pain. My diagnosis is severe axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy. It took me six years to find a treatment that actually works! If you would like to know more about the revolutionary Sanexas treatments, without the injections. I would gladly send you my story. Let me know. Wish you all the best!

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Yes please tell your sanexas story


Yes please tell your sanexas story

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Thank you for asking

Every year since I was born, my birthday was a special day for me. As a child, and as I grew to be 60 years old, it was always my special day off!  
However, on my 61st birthday, what started out as my special day, turned into the realization that my 41 year career as a professional health care administrator was over and my next career would be as a “professional patient.”  

I was diagnosed by my oncologist on my birthday, with severe AML leukemia and that “there was a bed waiting for me 90 miles away in Boston, Massachusetts.” I was heading toward the most challenging journey of my life. Within a month later, following the first round of chemotherapy, I was found unconscious, coded, suffering severe neurological defects, a permanently detached left eye retina, and was placed on a ventilator for three days. It would take another two months in a Rehabilitation Center for me to get home with an expiration date of less than six months, which by the way was extended twice!

I finally arrived home, 3 months later in an ambulance and dumped in my bed.  I found myself wearing diapers, a feeding tube inserted in my stomach, taking 16 different medications, and needing 24/7 care.  My arms and legs were totally useless.  To be honest, I knew that I was heading towards the end of the line and I couldn’t wait to get there.  I had visiting nurses, home health aides, therapists, clinicians, social workers checking up on me daily, and the list went on and on. During the year 2013, I was rushed to the hospital eight times. I was encouraged to go to hospice several times, however, I figured if I was going to check out, I was going to check out in my home!

Fast forward 2 1/2 years later of being bedridden and the doctors, who were sure the leukemia would come back, were all wondering why it didn’t!  

Please see the video.

So now it’s ten months since my daughter's wedding video went viral. During that time I continued to be in and out of hospitals and rehab facilities and tried all kinds of different medications with their usual side effects.  I finally got to see the top neurologist in my area in July 2016, and after having all kinds of lab tests, x-rays, and an EMG, I finally got a formal diagnosis called “severe axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy.”  If you ever have had  Novocaine for dental work, imagine your whole body feeling that way permanently!  She also informed me that “there was no cure, just medication for the numerous symptoms, but I would have to live the rest of my life with it.”  The neuropathy affected my balance, my ability to feel anything, and the whole experience left me with off and on tremors. I was falling at least twice a month.  I needed help entering and leaving a car.  My family purchased a wheelchair adaptable van that could carry my battery powered wheelchair because of the need to use a wheelchair in open spaces.

From that point forward, it was just me and my iPad. Every day while lying in my bed I would search the Internet for all of the information about my neuropathy. I found several clinics throughout the United States that offered life changing stem cell therapy or medications for my condition. I would spend hours each day talking on the phone to different clinics, hospitals, doctors offices throughout the country.  I sent countless copies of my medical records out to these places in hopes that someone could help me. I even went to see a doctor whose practice was in a dark windowless basement of a commercial building in New Hampshire, but he only takes cash!  Now that’s not fishy at all!  I tried different drugs, gabapentin, B12, celexa, Nortriptyline, Lyrica and also several over-the-counter neuropathy drugs.  Nothing worked, and the side effects were unbearable. I even tried acupuncture during the summer, the side effect?, I slept through them!

Since I am not able to hold a newspaper, I read the local paper on my iPad, and one day in January, 2021, I spotted a small ad from a brand new business in WIndham, Maine called Nulife Wellness, that appeared to be a letter written just for me and my condition. I hurriedly called the phone number and made an appointment with Sara Doyon, a family nurse practitioner, to schedule a half hour treatment from a machine that looked like a big TENS unit, but it was much more than that! A TENS machine is like a X-ray and RST SANEXAS neoGEN device is like getting a MRI. More powerful frequencies and over 20 different treatment programs designed for acute and chronic painful conditions.

It had lots of electrodes that sent electrical impulses through the skin with the goal of regrowing nerves.  It was not at all painful, just a soothing electrical massage to my legs, however the cold and snow of winter delayed my continuation of treatments.

I restarted treatments by going twice a week through March and April.  During that time I experienced no results.  I was desperate and began to think that nothing could help me, and that it was time to permanently discontinue them. On the last Thursday of April, I went home thinking that this would be my last treatment.

I had made my decision that night when I awoke the following morning I would call and cancel further treatments.  That night while asleep following a day treatment I was awakened by the extreme discomfort and heaviness of both my legs. My legs felt like I had run a 26 mile marathon. It was then that I realized why they felt that way.  I was experiencing nerve regrowth!  The treatment finally woke up my legs!  I was actually feeling pain for the first time in 8 years!  As much as they hurt real bad, I knew why! It was at that point that I realized I was on to something. In the morning I called Sara and told her the good news, and I continued my treatments with her right through the month of June.  

Due to the fact that I was showing signs of significant improvement, Sara called the company that manufactures the machine to let them know how well I was progressing.  The name of the company is RST-SENAXAS which is located in Las Vegas. In July, I decided to make a few appointments for further treatments with them during the middle of August. Since then, there have been several more improvements in my regaining mobility.  

As I write this, it’s been SIX months since my last fall!

I have suffered with polyneuropathy for 9 years and (I've been) trying to be more independent.  I want to make it real clear that this machine is by far the best treatment I have undertaken that reduces the symptoms of absolute stiffness and increases sensations in my limbs.  It is not yet a cure, but a real treatment!  We have to keep in mind though, nerve regrowth is a process that does not occur overnight, it takes time! With me it took over 15 treatments over a 4 month period before experiencing the positive result.

The second video was after Sanexas taken this summer of me trying to run.


Thank you for asking

Every year since I was born, my birthday was a special day for me. As a child, and as I grew to be 60 years old, it was always my special day off!  
However, on my 61st birthday, what started out as my special day, turned into the realization that my 41 year career as a professional health care administrator was over and my next career would be as a “professional patient.”  

I was diagnosed by my oncologist on my birthday, with severe AML leukemia and that “there was a bed waiting for me 90 miles away in Boston, Massachusetts.” I was heading toward the most challenging journey of my life. Within a month later, following the first round of chemotherapy, I was found unconscious, coded, suffering severe neurological defects, a permanently detached left eye retina, and was placed on a ventilator for three days. It would take another two months in a Rehabilitation Center for me to get home with an expiration date of less than six months, which by the way was extended twice!

I finally arrived home, 3 months later in an ambulance and dumped in my bed.  I found myself wearing diapers, a feeding tube inserted in my stomach, taking 16 different medications, and needing 24/7 care.  My arms and legs were totally useless.  To be honest, I knew that I was heading towards the end of the line and I couldn’t wait to get there.  I had visiting nurses, home health aides, therapists, clinicians, social workers checking up on me daily, and the list went on and on. During the year 2013, I was rushed to the hospital eight times. I was encouraged to go to hospice several times, however, I figured if I was going to check out, I was going to check out in my home!

Fast forward 2 1/2 years later of being bedridden and the doctors, who were sure the leukemia would come back, were all wondering why it didn’t!  

Please see the video.

So now it’s ten months since my daughter's wedding video went viral. During that time I continued to be in and out of hospitals and rehab facilities and tried all kinds of different medications with their usual side effects.  I finally got to see the top neurologist in my area in July 2016, and after having all kinds of lab tests, x-rays, and an EMG, I finally got a formal diagnosis called “severe axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy.”  If you ever have had  Novocaine for dental work, imagine your whole body feeling that way permanently!  She also informed me that “there was no cure, just medication for the numerous symptoms, but I would have to live the rest of my life with it.”  The neuropathy affected my balance, my ability to feel anything, and the whole experience left me with off and on tremors. I was falling at least twice a month.  I needed help entering and leaving a car.  My family purchased a wheelchair adaptable van that could carry my battery powered wheelchair because of the need to use a wheelchair in open spaces.

From that point forward, it was just me and my iPad. Every day while lying in my bed I would search the Internet for all of the information about my neuropathy. I found several clinics throughout the United States that offered life changing stem cell therapy or medications for my condition. I would spend hours each day talking on the phone to different clinics, hospitals, doctors offices throughout the country.  I sent countless copies of my medical records out to these places in hopes that someone could help me. I even went to see a doctor whose practice was in a dark windowless basement of a commercial building in New Hampshire, but he only takes cash!  Now that’s not fishy at all!  I tried different drugs, gabapentin, B12, celexa, Nortriptyline, Lyrica and also several over-the-counter neuropathy drugs.  Nothing worked, and the side effects were unbearable. I even tried acupuncture during the summer, the side effect?, I slept through them!

Since I am not able to hold a newspaper, I read the local paper on my iPad, and one day in January, 2021, I spotted a small ad from a brand new business in WIndham, Maine called Nulife Wellness, that appeared to be a letter written just for me and my condition. I hurriedly called the phone number and made an appointment with Sara Doyon, a family nurse practitioner, to schedule a half hour treatment from a machine that looked like a big TENS unit, but it was much more than that! A TENS machine is like a X-ray and RST SANEXAS neoGEN device is like getting a MRI. More powerful frequencies and over 20 different treatment programs designed for acute and chronic painful conditions.

It had lots of electrodes that sent electrical impulses through the skin with the goal of regrowing nerves.  It was not at all painful, just a soothing electrical massage to my legs, however the cold and snow of winter delayed my continuation of treatments.

I restarted treatments by going twice a week through March and April.  During that time I experienced no results.  I was desperate and began to think that nothing could help me, and that it was time to permanently discontinue them. On the last Thursday of April, I went home thinking that this would be my last treatment.

I had made my decision that night when I awoke the following morning I would call and cancel further treatments.  That night while asleep following a day treatment I was awakened by the extreme discomfort and heaviness of both my legs. My legs felt like I had run a 26 mile marathon. It was then that I realized why they felt that way.  I was experiencing nerve regrowth!  The treatment finally woke up my legs!  I was actually feeling pain for the first time in 8 years!  As much as they hurt real bad, I knew why! It was at that point that I realized I was on to something. In the morning I called Sara and told her the good news, and I continued my treatments with her right through the month of June.  

Due to the fact that I was showing signs of significant improvement, Sara called the company that manufactures the machine to let them know how well I was progressing.  The name of the company is RST-SENAXAS which is located in Las Vegas. In July, I decided to make a few appointments for further treatments with them during the middle of August. Since then, there have been several more improvements in my regaining mobility.  

As I write this, it’s been SIX months since my last fall!

I have suffered with polyneuropathy for 9 years and (I've been) trying to be more independent.  I want to make it real clear that this machine is by far the best treatment I have undertaken that reduces the symptoms of absolute stiffness and increases sensations in my limbs.  It is not yet a cure, but a real treatment!  We have to keep in mind though, nerve regrowth is a process that does not occur overnight, it takes time! With me it took over 15 treatments over a 4 month period before experiencing the positive result.

The second video was after Sanexas taken this summer of me trying to run.

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God Bless you. I wish you continued relief from pain and the joy of walking and running again. I am in a crag mire of pain after 3 femur breaks, 2 shoulder bones, both ankles and a shattered wrist, I am told my bones look like Swiss cheese. YOU are a true inspiration.


I just wanted to share with you, that I also have had a lot of symptoms of neuropathy numbness and pain. My diagnosis is severe axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy. It took me six years to find a treatment that actually works! If you would like to know more about the revolutionary Sanexas treatments, without the injections. I would gladly send you my story. Let me know. Wish you all the best!

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SANEXOS did not help me at all. 22treatments later and nothing. I have idiopathic neuropathy. Could be caused by tarsal tunnel syndrome brought on by knee replacements. Had 3 decompression surgeries that did absolutely nothing. It is unbearable at times. Very dibillating but at the very least I can walk. The burning, numbness, and stiffness are so bad. Both feet. One foot worse than other as that foot is flatter one of the two. Still looking for some help with this. No one has any answers.


I have had two treatments with sanexas machine, and am going tomorrow for a third. So far, I believe it is helping me, and I trust my neurologist. I will keep everyone posted.

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Is your neurologist the one giving you sanexas treatments?

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