Coming April 13th: New Onsite Notifications

Apr 11, 2022 | Colleen Young, Connect Director | @colleenyoung | Comments (22)


Onsite notifications alert you when new activity happens in the Groups and Blogs & Podcasts that you follow. See your notifications in the upper right corner. 

Improvements to your onsite notifications are coming on Wednesday, April 13. Here are a few of the new things you’ll notice.

  • The number of notifications are displayed in the upper right corner on any device.
  • Notifications are organized by discussion and group, so you can easily see the topic and group in which the comment was made.
  • Comments to the same discussion accumulate in one notification from the last time you checked your notifications. This will reduce the number of notifications.

New Reactions

Reactions are an extension of the Like button. Now you can quickly and easily show people that you like their post, find it helpful, or send a hug. 


You will see the new notifications and reactions starting Wednesday, April 13, 2022. Note that any unanswered notifications up to April 13 will be removed. To catch up on activity from April 10 and earlier, please refer to your email Digest.

Related posts:

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Will I still get the Daily Digest emails ? Or does this replace the emails.



Will I still get the Daily Digest emails ? Or does this replace the emails.


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I'm pretty sure we still get email notifications and the Daily Digest. The new changes should make online notifications a little easier to manage and a little more friendly from my perspective.


Will I still get the Daily Digest emails ? Or does this replace the emails.


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I had the same concern, Lori. I depend on my Daily Digest (DD). I'm glad to read John's post that the DD should not change.


Good question @roch and @hopeful33250. The upcoming changes affect ONLY the notifications on the website itself (the bell icon in the upper right corner). The onsite notification is a list of activity related to the groups and blogs you follow. See all your onsite notifications here:

Your email settings remain unchanged. Your Digest summary will continue to be delivered daily or weekly according to how you have set your preferences.

People can learn more about setting email preferences in this article:
- How to customize your notifications and settings


The new notifications and reactions are now live.


Will I still get the Daily Digest emails ? Or does this replace the emails.


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I need help coping with small fiber neurothapy any medicines or treatments to help would be so helpful thanks


I need help coping with small fiber neurothapy any medicines or treatments to help would be so helpful thanks

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Welcome @loujentez3, Connect is a great place to meet others with similar conditions and learn what they have shared that has helped with their symptoms and conditions. You may want to join in the following discussions and read what others have shared and post any questions you might have.

-- Small Fiber Neuropathy: What helps?:
-- Member Neuropathy Journey Stories: What's Yours?:


Welcome @loujentez3, Connect is a great place to meet others with similar conditions and learn what they have shared that has helped with their symptoms and conditions. You may want to join in the following discussions and read what others have shared and post any questions you might have.

-- Small Fiber Neuropathy: What helps?:
-- Member Neuropathy Journey Stories: What's Yours?:

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When I was diagnosed Dr said nothing you can do I'm hoping there is


I want to know if any meds will help I'm on morphine daily and it seemed to be helping the burning but my legs are so weak

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