Just diagnosed with Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma: What to expect?

Posted by rose53 @rose53, Oct 21, 2021

I was just diagnosed with this uterine cancer. I am 68 and I'm so freightened. Waiting to see doctor for hysteroctomy. This is all I know. I had a biopsy done and this is the result. Anyone please let me know what ro expect and do before hand and any suggestions are embraced. ❤

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@cmb2022 Tomorrow will be another day. I know what you mean about some days feeling that cancer is a death sentence. I have moments and days like that especially during the past few months. Can you treat yourself with the kindness like you'd offer your best friend? It's been very tough these past weeks and on top of all of that you are having menopausal symptoms. What can you do for yourself this evening that will be soothing. Just for you? Watch a feel good movie or show on a streaming channel? Or maybe you just need quiet time as it might be hectic at work? I try to accept my feelings for what they are. The response to a very upsetting and difficult situation I am trying to negotiate.

I'm sending you peaceful vibes to help you to sleep tonight.

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Cancer maay not be a dedth sentence, but it is a life sentence.
Everything is different AD (after diagnosis) than it was BC (before cancer). I was diagnosed with EC a year ago, and the anxiety is relentless.


Cancer maay not be a dedth sentence, but it is a life sentence.
Everything is different AD (after diagnosis) than it was BC (before cancer). I was diagnosed with EC a year ago, and the anxiety is relentless.

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Forgive my typos... I'll put my glasses on next time!



Thank you so much for the support. This has been a tough journey for me as I am certain most people would say the same. In my heart I know my early diagnosis and surgery are a good thing, but somedays feel like it is a death sentence. I have had wonderful support. I just feel this is something that unless you've experienced you can't relate and that is why I like having the support and life line if you will in this group.
Today was day 2 back at work and much harder as my emotions were all over the place. I spent a great deal of the day in tears and was frustrated with my self. I am exhausted and still not sleeping well. I am hoping and praying that tomorrow is a better day!

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I really feel for you, and I feel this comment. I'm so sorry you're back at work; that's a hard place to allow yourself to feel what you have to feel. With my diagnosis, I felt very much as you do: glad that surgery and chemo were available to me, but also: DAMN! I'm afraid that this is it! How can it be when I'm only 58 years old? (The older we get, the younger we think every age is, right?) I hate cliches, but it is true, my friend: tomorrow is another day. I tried to remember that when I was feeling so miserable. I wish you the best: hang in there, and know that there's a whole bunch of us rooting for you!


I somehow missed this message earlier. Yes, I've been home for about a month. I just wish that this was over. I feel so selfish because so many have been handed a far worse diagnosis. I just feel like my life has crumbled and I am buried in the rubble. I want to feel grateful and blessed, but I also feel cheated and punished. A friend of mine told me I was blessed with this. I am sorry I don't see how I was blessed to go through this.

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I am so sorry that a 'friend' told you that you were 'blessed' with cancer. We all have to make decisions about who we share our diagnosis with, and I want to encourage you that the choice is completely yours. Do not feel obligated to share it with anyone you have a hesitation about: better to have fewer, but more salient, supports than folks saying things that are not helpful due to their own discomfort. All those feelings (grateful, cheated, punished) are par for the course: allow yourself to have them, and find one person to share them with. Or, just share them with us! We know! 🙂 Wishing you comfort during this extremely trying time.


I am so sorry that a 'friend' told you that you were 'blessed' with cancer. We all have to make decisions about who we share our diagnosis with, and I want to encourage you that the choice is completely yours. Do not feel obligated to share it with anyone you have a hesitation about: better to have fewer, but more salient, supports than folks saying things that are not helpful due to their own discomfort. All those feelings (grateful, cheated, punished) are par for the course: allow yourself to have them, and find one person to share them with. Or, just share them with us! We know! 🙂 Wishing you comfort during this extremely trying time.

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Good admonition.❤


I am so sorry that a 'friend' told you that you were 'blessed' with cancer. We all have to make decisions about who we share our diagnosis with, and I want to encourage you that the choice is completely yours. Do not feel obligated to share it with anyone you have a hesitation about: better to have fewer, but more salient, supports than folks saying things that are not helpful due to their own discomfort. All those feelings (grateful, cheated, punished) are par for the course: allow yourself to have them, and find one person to share them with. Or, just share them with us! We know! 🙂 Wishing you comfort during this extremely trying time.

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Thank you so much for your kind words. Thank you for telling me that we all have bad days or are upset about our diagnosis. I felt like I was wrong for feeling like I do. I have a close friend that is great to talk to, but feel comfortable sharing here with everyone too. Thank you for the comfort wishes too! They mean so much at a time that I am extremely unsure of so many things. ❤


Cancer maay not be a dedth sentence, but it is a life sentence.
Everything is different AD (after diagnosis) than it was BC (before cancer). I was diagnosed with EC a year ago, and the anxiety is relentless.

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You are so right it is a life sentence and life will never be the same after the diagnosis. I am sorry for your diagnosis and anxiety. I think they definitely go hand in hand. Sending love and good wishes to you as we learn to cope. ❤


Yes mam nature girl. I have been busy lately catching up but have been reading post . I am more empathetic now when I read the post because I have been there. I want to return what I received.. thanks again🥰

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This is wonderful, @rose53. I feel the same as you. It takes some time to let yourself go through all the difficult emotions but we know when we're ready to give back. Welcome back here. How have you been feeling?


I somehow missed this message earlier. Yes, I've been home for about a month. I just wish that this was over. I feel so selfish because so many have been handed a far worse diagnosis. I just feel like my life has crumbled and I am buried in the rubble. I want to feel grateful and blessed, but I also feel cheated and punished. A friend of mine told me I was blessed with this. I am sorry I don't see how I was blessed to go through this.

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@cmb2022 While your friend was likely trying to be helpful I can see how you don't feel blessed when you look at your life right now. If one more person told me "I'm sorry" I thought I was going to scream. It's only been a month and you are adjusting to such big changes in your life.

I know what you mean about feeling others have it much worse. When I read on Connect what others have been through or are going through I often feel guilty. What do I have to complain about? But it's not a contest of who has the worst diagnosis or treatment regimen. You have yours and I have mine. We just have to do what we do. So do they.

Did you make appointment yet for that massage?

In reply to @rose53 "My photo." + (show)

@rose53. I love this photo of you. That determined look on your face says it all about you.

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